FWH app as Service

Re: FWH app as Service

Postby TimStone » Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:41 pm

I'm still seeking a .mak file for a service using FWH, Harbour, MSVC++

I'm thinking some .lib files can be excluded from the ones we normally use ( especially GUI libs )

Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
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Re: FWH app as Service

Postby rhlawek » Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:24 pm

Tim, I use hbmk2 for all my builds, not .mak and batch files. But you can see what I use in them.

This is the core of what I use. This file, named hbmk.hbc, gets placed in the harbour\bin folder and gets automatically used for everything I build.

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# hbmk.hbc

# Log build environment details
echo=ThisFile...........: ${hb_self}
echo=Platform...........: ${hb_plat}
echo=Compiler...........: ${hb_comp}
echo=HbBin..............: ${hb_bin}
echo=HbLib..............: ${hb_lib}
echo=HbLib3rd...........: ${hb_lib3rd}
echo=HbInc..............: ${hb_inc}
echo=Addons.............: ${hb_addons}
echo=HBMK2Location......: ${hb_root}
echo=CurrentDirectory...: ${hb_curdir}
echo=WorkingDirectory...: ${hb_work}
echo=EntryFunction......: ${hb_first}

# Harbour compiler warnings.
prgflags=-w1 -es2

# This is needed due to a conflict of "ALERT" in fiveh.lib with what is in the harbour rtl.
# I have temporarily worked around this by making a custom harbour build where all calls
# to Alert() in the rtl are pointed to local static functions I added to the 3 modules that
# use the function. (otherwise this would not be commented out.)
# ldflags=/FORCE:MULTIPLE{msvc|msvc64}
# ldflags=/ignore:lnk4006

# Standard harbour libs
hbcs=hbmzip hbziparc
hbcs=hbnetio hbmemio hbpipeio hbtcpio

# Windows libraries
libs=kernel32 user32 gdi32 winspool comctl32 comdlg32 advapi32 shell32 ole32 oleaut32{allwin}
libs=uuid odbc32 iphlpapi mpr version wsock32 msimg32 oledlg psapi winmm{allwin}
libs=rasapi32 vfw32 WS2_32 crypt32{allwin}
libs=strmiids odbccp32 gdiplus{msvc|msvc64}

# Fixes legacy issues introduced with VS 2015/2017 (XP only)

# Needed to be able to run on 2000 (5.0) and XP (5.01)
# All 32 bit apps will be built this way for backwards compatability
# with XP when built with VS2015/2017 until such time as I no
# longer need to support XP.


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Re: FWH app as Service

Postby TimStone » Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:04 pm

Thanks Robb ...
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
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