I want to define GROUP-colors on the first xBrowse-cell field ("STEUER")->PAT_NUMMER
to sliver the bills of a customer.
sample :
3 bills on customer 1
// color-change
4 bills on customer 2
// color change
1 bill on customer 3
There is still something wrong with the color-change-logic.
- Code: Select all Expand view
:aCols[ 1 ]:bClrStd := { || If( nPNr <> ("STEUER")->PAT_NUMMER, ;
{ If( ( oBrw1:cAlias )->( Deleted() ), 255, aVal[103] ), aVal[102] }, ;
{ If( ( oBrw1:cAlias )->( Deleted() ), 255, aVal[101] ), aVal[100] } ) }
:aCols[ 1 ]:bClrSel := ;
:aCols[ 1 ]:bClrSelFocus := { || { If( ( oBrw1:cAlias )->( Deleted() ), 255, aVal[105] ), aVal[104] } }
:bRecSelData := { |brw| brw:KeyNo }
:bRecSelHeader := { |brw| "Nr." } // or simply "SlNo"
:bRecSelFooter := { |brw| brw:nLen } // or Simpy any value
:nRecSelWidth := 50
:aCols[ 6 ]:bFooter := { || oBrw1:aCols[ 6 ]:nTotal }
If( nPNr = ("STEUER")->PAT_NUMMER, "", nPNr := ("STEUER")->PAT_NUMMER ) // pat_nummer changed