A solution for BTNBMP using animated GIF's

A solution for BTNBMP using animated GIF's

Postby ukoenig » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:25 am


is it possible to display a animated GIF inside BTNBMP ?

I can use a TRANSPARENT button and split the animated GIF to it single images
Next using oBtn:SetFile(Frame&No.gif ) inside a loop on buttonclick
but I need up to 20 single images.
Next to perform the ACTION during the GIF is running.
Maybe possible ?

It would be a nice extension of BTNBMP.
For the moment only the 1. image is displayed.


Uwe :?:
Last edited by ukoenig on Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:56 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: BTNBMP with animated GIF ?

Postby cnavarro » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:04 pm

I do not understand your needs
But this works for me

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#include "FiveWin.ch"
#include "gif.ch"

function Main()

   local oDlg, oBtn

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Attention" SIZE 400, 600

   @ 2, 11 BUTTONBMP oBtn PROMPT "Waiting to use the calculator" SIZE 120, 200 PIXEL ACTION MsgInfo( "Hello" )

      ON INIT PlaceGif( oBtn )

return nil

function PlaceGif( oDlg )

   local oGif

   @ 19, 10 GIF oGif FILENAME "..\gifs\gif05.gif" OF oDlg

return nil

Cristobal Navarro
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Re: BTNBMP with animated GIF ?

Postby ukoenig » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:24 pm


that is NOT the result, I'm looking for
the problem : the animated GIF is NOT shown transparent and the button-action is disabled
as well NO tooltip and NO prompt is visible !!!

You can download my complete sample, to see what I mean :
( as well You can enable Your solution < PLACEGIF > for a test )


the RESULT using function < PLACEGIF >


my solution :
replacing the button-image calling a gif-paint-function

@ 30, 85 BTNBMP oBtn[7] SIZE 90, 90 OF oDlg 2007 ;
FILENAME c_path1 + "Animat_1.gif" ; // the 1. image of a set. Using a animated gif, only the 1. image is visible
PROMPT "&Run .." ;
FONT oTextFont ;
ACTION ( RUN_ACTION(oBtn), lRun := .T., GIF_RUN(oBtn) )
// calling the single images of a defined set. The animated GIF is splitted to the single-images
oBtn[7]:lTransparent := .T.
oBtn[7]:SetColor( 128 )
oBtn[7]:cTooltip := { "RUN" + CRLF + ;
"animated GIF","RUN", 1, CLR_BLACK, 14089979 }

Uwe :roll:
Last edited by ukoenig on Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BTNBMP using animated GIF's ?

Postby cnavarro » Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:57 pm

Uwe, your sample run OK, for me

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Re: BTNBMP using animated GIF's ?

Postby cnavarro » Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:28 pm

Uwe, sorry,
Now I understand your problem
I'll investigate
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: BTNBMP using animated GIF's ?

Postby ukoenig » Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:59 pm


I added another set in blue using bmp-format NO alpha < 1.bmp - 18.bmp >
( works as well and can be created as resource )
added a different start and endimage

The solution could be used like in windows shutdown or start ( with button-style NOBORDER )


Uwe :D
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Re: BTNBMP using animated GIF's ?

Postby mastintin » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:09 pm

Cristobal . Si interesa tengo algo con gdiplus que funciona con un código muy similar pero sin crear los frames externos ...
el código seria similar a esto . ( faltaría liberar hbitmaps )
el exe funcionando https://www.dropbox.com/s/srnfuaa84h9rn ... n.exe?dl=0
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local hbitmap
local hbmpFrame
local hbmp
LOCAL I := 1
local nLen

hbmp:= GDIPLUSIMAGEFFILE( c_path1 + "animat" + ".gif" )
    DO WHILE lRun = .T.
    FOR I := 1 TO nLen
        IF lRun = .F.
               hbmpFrame := GDIPLUSIMGGETFRAME(hbmp, i)
               hBitmap:= GdiPlusCreateHBitmapImage( hbmpFrame )
               oBtn[7]:LoadBitmaps(  bitmap )


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Re: BTNBMP using animated GIF's ?

Postby cnavarro » Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:20 pm

Manuel, si, eso ya lo había visto, muchas gracias
El problema es que cuando se muestra un GIF ( no las imágenes sucesivamente como ahora ), el GIF no se muestra transparente


Manuel, yes, that I had already seen, thank you very much
The problem is that when shown a GIF (not images successively as now), the GIF is not displayed transparent

Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: BTNBMP using animated GIF's ?

Postby mastintin » Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:52 am

cnavarro wrote:Manuel, si, eso ya lo había visto, muchas gracias
El problema es que cuando se muestra un GIF ( no las imágenes sucesivamente como ahora ), el GIF no se muestra transparente


Manuel, yes, that I had already seen, thank you very much
The problem is that when shown a GIF (not images successively as now), the GIF is not displayed transparent


Cristobal en mis pruebas aqui ....

si uso como imagen

@ 30, 85 BTNBMP oBtn[7] SIZE 90, 90 OF oDlg 2007 ;
FILENAME c_path1 + "Animat_1" + ".gif" ;

la imagen me sale con fondo negro

@ 30, 85 BTNBMP oBtn[7] SIZE 90, 90 OF oDlg 2007 ;
FILENAME c_path1 + "Animat" + ".gif" ;

la imagen sale trasparente .

Si miras la diferencia entre ellas es que ésta ultima su tipo es RGB 8 bits mientras la otra es indexado 8 bits.
Parece que gdiplus no detecta correctamente como trasparente las imagenes indexadas .
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Re: BTNBMP using animated GIF's ?

Postby ukoenig » Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:01 am


I added some more tests and all animations are working fine
Some new sets are added and working with resources.



1 small problem with sample 2 :
A button-animation is running as long < lRun = .T. >
Is there a way as soon closing MS-calc.exe, to set < lRun = .F.> to stop the animation ?

I tested inside the loop with
MsgAlert( IsExeRunning( "calc.exe" ) )
1. lRun starts with .F.
2. after open calc.exe lRun shows .T.
3. closing calc.exe < IsExeRunning( "calc.exe" ) > still shows .T.

Code: Select all  Expand view

LOCAL I := 1

DO WHILE lRun = .T.
   MsgAlert( IsExeRunning( "calc.exe" ) )
   IF !IsExeRunning( "calc.exe" ) // .F. for animation break
      lRun := .F.
   FOR I := 1 TO 18
      IF lRun = .F.
      oBtn[8]:SetFile( c_path1 + "A_" + LTRIM(STR(I)) + ".gif" )
oBtn[8]:SetFile( c_path1 + "Calc.bmp" )


Uwe :?:
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Re: BTNBMP using animated GIF's ?

Postby ukoenig » Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:52 pm

I added some more tests
New : sample using a DLL and a sample running a external EXE-file

1. I splitted the anigif to single frames
2. converted the frames to BMP
3. created a DLL
4. added the frames using numeric resource-names
5. calling the resources from inside a FOR / NEXT for the button


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// the DLL includes the frames from < C_1.bmp to C_12.bmp >

LOCAL I := 1

DO WHILE lRun = .T.
    FOR I := 1 TO 12
        IF lRun = .F.
        oABtn[4]:SetFile( cStyle + LTRIM(STR(I)) ) // resource from DLL
oABtn[4]:SetFile( c_path1 + "Dll.bmp" )


Uwe :D
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