Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby armando.lagunas » Sat May 14, 2016 3:49 pm

Amigos del foro:

un pequeño aporte para las personas que utilizan la clase TdboDBCDirect

por una necesidad puntual, he incorporado un nuevo metodo a esta clase, lo cual me permite llevar una consulta SQL en forma directa a excel, sin pasar por una tabla DBF temporal, un xBrowse y un oBrw:toExcel() , aumentando la velocidad en un 300% y lograr que cualquier consulta, vista o procedimiento almacenado, se vacíe en una hoja de excel.

un ejemplo de utilización

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   oSql := Todbc():New("Nombre ODBC","Usuario","Password")
          REDEFINE  SBUTTON  ID 42  ACTION Exportar_Sql_Excel("Stock Fruta a Proceso")  OF xDlg


STATIC FUNCTION Exportar_Sql_Excel( cTitulo )

   oDbf:= oSql:Query("SELECT * FROM RECEPCIONES")
   oDbf:SQLtoExcel( cTitulo )



con esto sale esto:


en la clase hay que hacer lo siguiente :

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CLASS TDbOdbcDirect
METHOD  SQLtoExcel()

METHOD SQLtoExcel( cTitle, nRecs ) CLASS TDbOdbcDirect
LOCAL aBuffer, n, nLen, lAll
LOCAL oExcel, oBook, oSheet, uData, oRange, cRange, cCell, cLet, nColHead, bError, cText, oClip, nStart, aRepl
LOCAL nLine  := 1  , nCount := 0 , aCol := { 26, 52, 78, 104, 130, 156 } , aLet := { "", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" }     , xWin

DEFAULT cTitle := "Datos de la consulta realizada", nRecs := 1

   IF ::hStmt == 0
      RETURN .f.

   ::aFields  := ::CursorFields( ::hStmt )
   lAll       := .T. // (nRecs == 0)
   nLen       := LEN( ::aFields )
   ::aBuffer  := Array(nLen)
   ::aIsNull  := Array(nLen)
   aBuffer    := ::aBuffer
   aRepl      := {}
   cLet       := aLet[ ASCAN( aCol, {|e| nLen  <= e } ) ]
   IF !EMPTY( cLet )              ;   n        := ASCAN( aLet, cLet ) - 1  ;    cLet += CHR( 64 + nLen - aCol[ MAX( 1, n ) ] )
   ELSE                           ;   cLet     := CHR( 64 + nLen )
   ENDIF                          ;   bError   := ErrorBlock( { | x | Break( x ) } )

                                           oExcel := TOleAuto():New("Excel.Application")
                                           ErrorBlock( bError )
                                           RETURN Nil
   ErrorBlock( bError )

   nCount    -= 15
   oExcel:ScreenUpdating := .F.
   oBook     := oExcel:Get( "ActiveWorkBook")
   oSheet    := oExcel:Get( "ActiveSheet" )
   nCount    -= 15
   cText     := ""
   oSheet:Cells( nLine++, 1 ):Value := cTitle
   oSheet:Range( "A1:" + cLet + "1" ):Set( "HorizontalAlignment", 7 )
   nStart    := nLine
   nColHead  := 0

   FOR n     := 1 TO nLen
       uData := ChkSp( ::aFields[ n ][ SQLNAME ])
       uData := STRTRAN( uData, CRLF, Chr( 10 ) )
       nColHead ++
       oSheet:Cells( nLine, nColHead ):Value := uData
       nCount ++
   nStart     := ++nLine

   DO WHILE (lAll .or. nRecs > 0)  .AND. ::hStmt != 0
      IF ::Fetch()
         For n := 1 To nLen
             uData  := aBuffer[n]
              IF VALTYPE( uData ) == "C" .AND. AT( CRLF, uData ) > 0
                 uData  := STRTRAN( uData, CRLF, "&&" )
                 IF ASCAN( aRepl, n ) == 0
                     AADD( aRepl, n )
              uData  :=  IIF( VALTYPE( uData )=="D", DTOC( uData ), ;
                         IIF( VALTYPE( uData )=="N", TRANSFORM( uData, "@E 99,999,999,999.99" ) , ;
                         IIF( VALTYPE( uData )=="L", IIF( uData ,".T." ,".F." ), cValToChar( uData ) ) ) )
              cText  += TRIM( uData ) + Chr( 9 )
              nCount ++
          cText += CHR( 13 )
      nRecs --

   oSheet:Rows( 1 ):Font:Bold   := .T.
   IF LEN( cText ) > 0      ;           oClip := TClipBoard():New()                      ;    oClip:Clear()
      oClip:SetText(cText)  ;           cCell := "A" + Alltrim( Str( nStart ) )          ;    oRange := oSheet:Range( cCell )
      oRange:Select()       ;           oSheet:Paste()                                   ;    oClip:End()
      cText := ""
   ENDIF                    ;           nLine := If( ! Empty( cTitle ), 3, 1 )           ;    cRange := "A" + LTrim( Str( nLine ) ) + ":" + cLet + Alltrim( Str( oSheet:UsedRange:Rows:Count() ) )
                                        oRange := oSheet:Range( cRange )                 ;    oRange:Font:Name := "Consolas"
   oRange:Font:Size := 11   ;           oRange:Font:Bold := .F.
   IF ! EMPTY( aRepl )
        FOR n := 1 TO LEN( aRepl )
            oSheet:Columns( CHR( 64 + aRepl[ n ] ) ):REPLACE( "&&", CHR( 10 ) )
   oSheet:Rows( 1 ):Font:Size       := 14
   oSheet:Rows( 1 ):Font:Bold       := .T.
   oSheet:Rows( 1 ):RowHeight       := 30
   oSheet:Rows( 1 ):Font:ColorIndex := 25

   oSheet:Rows( 3 ):Font:Bold       := .T.
   oSheet:Rows( 3 ):Font:ColorIndex := 20
   oSheet:Rows( 3 ):RowHeight       := 25
   oRange:Borders():LineStyle       := 1
   IF ! Empty( aRepl )
         FOR n := 1 TO LEN( aRepl )
            oSheet:Columns( CHR( 64 + aRepl[ n ] ) ):WrapText := .T.
   oSheet:Range( "A3:"+cLet+"3" ):Interior:ColorIndex := 49
   oSheet:Range( "A3:"+cLet+"3" ):Borders:ColorIndex  :=  2
   oSheet:Range( "A4" ):Select()
   xWin                    := oExcel:ActiveWindow
   xWin:SplitRow           := 3
   xWin:FreezePanes        := .t.
   oExcel:ScreenUpdating   := .t.
   oExcel:Visible          := .T.
   ShowWindow( oExcel:hWnd, 3 )
   BringWindowToTop( oExcel:hWnd )




con eso me funciona muy bien.

espero que a alguien le ayude tanto como ami.

SkyPe: armando.lagunas@hotmail.com
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Re: Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby cnavarro » Sat May 14, 2016 6:07 pm

Armando, gracias
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
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Re: Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue May 17, 2016 9:23 am

Fasted way to export to excel
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#include "fivewin.ch"

function Main()

   local oCn, oRs

   oCn   := FW_OpenAdoConnection( "c:\fwh\samples\xbrtest.mdb" ) // MS Access
// oCn   := FW_OpenAdoConnection( "c:\fwh\samples\" ) // DBase III
// oCn   := FW_OpenAdoConnection( "MYSQL,localhost,FWH,root,password" ) // MySql DataBase FWH: Replace your details

   oRs   := FW_OpenRecordSet( oCn, "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER" ) // Use your sql statement

   AdoToExcel( ors )


return nil

function AdoToExcel( oRs )

   local oExcel, oBook, oSheet
   local aHead, oHead, nFlds, nRow
   local nSecs

   if ( oExcel := ExcelObj() ) == nil
      MsgAlert( "Excel Not Installed" )
      return nil
   oBook    := oExcel:WorkBooks:Add()
   oSheet   := oBook:ActiveSheet()
   oExcel:ScreenUpdating := .f.

   nSecs    := Seconds()

   // Export Header
   nFlds    := oRs:Fields:Count
   aHead    := Array( nFlds )
   AEval( aHead, { |u,i| aHead[ i ] := oRs:Fields( i - 1 ):Name } )
   oHead    := oSheet:Range( oSheet:Cells( 1, 1 ), oSheet:Cells( 1, nFlds ) )
   oHead:Value       := aHead
   oHead:Font:Bold   := .t.

   // Export All Cell Values
   nRow   := oSheet:Cells( 2, 1 ):CopyFromRecordSet( oRs )
   oSheet:Range( oSheet:Columns( 1 ), oSheet:Columns( nFlds ) ):AutoFit()

   // Display Excel
   oExcel:ScreenUpdating := .t.
   oExcel:visible := .t.

   nSecs    := Seconds() - nSecs
   MsgInfo( "Time taken " + cValToChar( nSecs ) + " seconds" )

return nil

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue May 17, 2016 12:35 pm

If we want to export from TDbOdbcDirect, this loop can be tried
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  if ( oExcel := ExcelObj() ) == nil
      MsgAlert( "Excel Not Installed" )
      return nil
   oBook    := oExcel:WorkBooks:Add()
   oSheet   := oBook:ActiveSheet()
   oExcel:ScreenUpdating := .f.

   nLen     := Len( ::aFields )
   AEval( ::aFields, { |a,i| oSheet:Cells( 1, 1 ):Value := a[ SQLNAME ] } )

   oRange   := oSheet:Range( oSheet:Columns( 1 ), oSheet:Columns( nLen ) )
   nRow     := 2  // after header

   do while ::Fetch()  // add other conditions
      oRange:Rows( nRow ):Value := ::aBuffer
   oRange:VerticalAlignment := -4160

   // Display Excel
   oExcel:ScreenUpdating := .t.
   oExcel:visible := .t.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby jose_murugosa » Tue May 17, 2016 4:52 pm

Mr. Rao,

It is interesting the study of FWH ADO functions, I start to study them because of this post, and I'd like to make you some questions.

1)Is there a limit of rows for a recordset using this functions or a limit to export to dbf files, because I tried to export 700.000 records from a mysql table to a dbf file .and. it returns this error

Called from: => TOLEAUTO:GETROWS( 0 )
Called from: .\source\function\ADOFUNCS.PRG => FW_ADOEXPORTTODBF( 1219 )
Called from: exportadbf.prg => ADOTODBF( 28 )
Called from: exportadbf.prg => MAIN( 17 )

This is the code, you will see that it is based on yours in this post.

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#include "fivewin.ch"

function Main()

    local oCn, oRs
    RddSetDefault( "DBFCDX")

    //oCn   := FW_OpenAdoConnection( "c:\fwh\samples\xbrtest.mdb" ) // MS Access
    //oCn   := FW_OpenAdoConnection( "c:\fwh\samples\" ) // DBase III El directorio es la base de datos
    //oCn   := FW_OpenAdoConnection( "MYSQL,localhost,FWH,root,password" ) // MySql DataBase FWH: Replace your details
    oCn   := FW_OpenAdoConnection( "MYSQL,,stock2,root,1234" ) // MySql DataBase FWH: Replace your details

    oRs   := FW_OpenRecordSet( oCn, "SELECT * FROM cajas_dbf" )
    //oRs   := FW_OpenRecordSet( oCn, "SELECT * FROM producto_dbf" ) // Use your sql statement  (aca se selecciona la tabla)



return nil

function AdoToDbf( oRs )

    local nSecs
    FW_AdoExportToDBF( oRs, "cajas.dbf", .t. )
    nSecs    := Seconds()

    nSecs    := Seconds() - nSecs
    //MsgInfo( "Time taken " + cValToChar( nSecs ) + " seconds" )

return nil


2) In recordsets the first column is column 0 (zero)?

3) Is there a way to obtain better information of this functions that the information we find in wiki of fivetech? because this functions are not in hlp files of FWH

Thanks in advance for your help, and for your contributions in this forum.
José Murugosa
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Re: Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue May 17, 2016 11:57 pm

1)Is there a limit of rows for a recordset using this functions or a limit to export to dbf files, because I tried to export 700.000 records from a mysql table to a dbf file .and. it returns this error

There is no such limit in the documentation. I can not answer unless I test myself. I'll test this some time later and come back to you.

Are you able to successfully export smaller tables using this function?

2) In recordsets the first column is column 0 (zero)?

3) Is there a way to obtain better information of this functions that the information we find in wiki of fivetech? because this functions are not in hlp files of FWH

For now, the best way is to study the source code in the adofuncs.prg.
I'll soon try to update the Wiki. Spending more time on development, not finding enough time for the documentation.

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Re: Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby jose_murugosa » Wed May 18, 2016 9:41 am

Yes I did'nt have problems with smaller tables, I will study adofuncs.prg and make other tests

Thanks a lot for your answer Mr. Rao.
Last edited by jose_murugosa on Wed May 18, 2016 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed May 18, 2016 9:51 am

Yes I had success with smaller tables, I will be making some tests too and share results.

It is okay if you are testing the functions for academic interest.

But if you have an immediate professional need to import large tables from MySql to DBF or other formats, ADO may not be the way. Mostly these are one-time jobs for us. Please examine options like mysqldump or mysqldbexport.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby jose_murugosa » Wed May 18, 2016 10:04 am

nageswaragunupudi wrote:
Yes I had success with smaller tables, I will be making some tests too and share results.

It is okay if you are testing the functions for academic interest.
But if you have an immediate professional need to import large tables from MySql to DBF or other formats, ADO may not be the way. Mostly these are one-time jobs for us.
Please examine options like mysqldump or mysqldbexport.

My systems are developed using sqlrdd of xharbour, and works with mysql, mariadb and sqlserver but backups tables to dbf files zipped so If server crash it is posible to work with dbf tables in other PC while repairing it and then charge the updated data to mysql or other databases again.

In order to change to harbour, I have to live sqlrdd and use adordd and make this backups with ado functions, I will see your sugestion and the way I can use it for my purposes, it is not urgent, but is my goal to change to harbour this year and convert my programs to it.

I will study this options you mention, thanks again for your help.
José Murugosa
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Re: Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed May 18, 2016 10:23 am

My personal advice is to use ADO straight away to make the applications robust, fast and to take advantage of all features of ADO directly. Using RDD may seem to be easier way of migration, but better invest time on using ADO classes directly. It is worth the effort. This is only my personal opinion.

I can anticipate your next question. How can you make your applications work with both DBF and also ADO simultaneously. Right?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Aporte: Sentencia SQL directa a Excel class tDboDBCDirect

Postby jose_murugosa » Thu May 19, 2016 10:14 am

Thanks for your suggestion and interest, I'm thinking on it...


You anticipate correctly my next question :), I heard that ado with dbfs doesn´t work very well, I don´t know if that is correct.
José Murugosa
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