harbour vs xHarbour Directory() in Korea

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harbour vs xHarbour Directory() in Korea

Post by dbmanfwh »


Appear differently in harbour and xHarbour in Korea.
xHarbour appears rightly.
Is there solution?

Code: Select all | Expand

#include "fivewin.ch"#include "Directry.ch"* KOREAN LANGUAGE directory test* harbour VS xHarbour* --------------------------------------FUNCTION main()* --------------------------------------   LOCAL nI   := 0   LOCAL aDir := Directory("*.", "DR" )   For nI := 1 to LEN( aDir )      ? nI, aDir[nI][F_NAME]      IF nI >= 5         EXIT      ENDIF   NextRETURN NIL 


Trim(" xharbour ", .t.) => "xHrbour" Ok

harbour :
Trim(" xharbour ", .t.) => Error
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Re: harbour vs xHarbour Directory() in Korea

Post by dbmanfwh »

Oriental user,

Is not there problem in Taiwan, China, Japan in harbour?
There was no problem in clipper.
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Re: harbour vs xHarbour Directory() in Korea

Post by richard-service »

dbmanfwh wrote:Oriental user,

Is not there problem in Taiwan, China, Japan in harbour?
There was no problem in clipper.

Hi dbmanfwh,
I know use Harbour need to add these code below:

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//- in TaiwanREQUEST HB_LANG_ZHB5REQUEST HB_CODEPAGE_CP950MEMVAR oApp*--FUNCTION Main()*--   PUBLIC oApp := TAplication():New()   oApp:Activate()RETURN(NIL) 
Best Regards,


Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2402101027) => Borland C++ v7.7 32bit
MySQL v8.0 /ADS v10
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2011030937) => Borland C++ v7.4 64bit
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Re: harbour vs xHarbour Directory() in Korea

Post by dbmanfwh »

Hi Rechard,

Thank you about reply.
If program that you make was compiled perfectly, you are a happy person.

Because I make program like you, I compiled, but error occurs.

Moreover, Harbour was difficult because do not offer hblang.hbx and hbcpage.hbx from very first time.
Put getting upside two files, but end becomes error.

Harbour seems to be more difficult environment tender than xHarbour.

Want to convert from xHarbour to Harbour, but to give up Harbour in Korea may be better.

Basically, know and do according to windows language of the country ...

Code: Select all | Expand

#include "fivewin.ch"#include "Directry.ch"#include "hbextcdp.ch"#include "hbextlng.ch"* KOREAN LANGUAGE directory test* harbour VS xHarbourREQUEST HB_LANG_ZHB5REQUEST HB_CODEPAGE_CP950// REQUEST HB_LANG_EN// REQUEST HB_CODEPAGE_CP949  // KOREAN => Unresolved* --------------------------------------FUNCTION main()* --------------------------------------   LOCAL nI   := 0   LOCAL aDir := Directory("*.", "DR" )   For nI := 1 to LEN( aDir )      ? nI, aDir[nI][F_NAME]      IF nI >= 5         EXIT      ENDIF   NextRETURN NIL 

Code: Select all | Expand

Compiling...Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1501292255)Copyright (c) 1999-2015, http://harbour-project.org/Compiling 'directorytest.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'directorytest.ppo'...Lines 4744, Functions/Procedures 1Generating C source output to 'directorytest.c'... Done.Borland C++ 5.82 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2005 Borlanddirectorytest.c:Turbo Incremental Link 5.69 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 BorlandError: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_CODEPAGE_FR850C' referenced from C:\FIVEWIN\SAMPLES\DIRECTORYTEST.OBJ* Linking errors * 
FWH 16.11 | xHarbour | Harbour | BCC72 | DBF | ADS | MySQL | DrLib
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Re: harbour vs xHarbour Directory() in Korea

Post by richard-service »

dbmanfwh wrote:Hi Rechard,

Thank you about reply.
If program that you make was compiled perfectly, you are a happy person.

Because I make program like you, I compiled, but error occurs.

Moreover, Harbour was difficult because do not offer hblang.hbx and hbcpage.hbx from very first time.
Put getting upside two files, but end becomes error.

Harbour seems to be more difficult environment tender than xHarbour.

Want to convert from xHarbour to Harbour, but to give up Harbour in Korea may be better.

Basically, know and do according to windows language of the country ...

Code: Select all | Expand

#include "fivewin.ch"#include "Directry.ch"#include "hbextcdp.ch"#include "hbextlng.ch"* KOREAN LANGUAGE directory test* harbour VS xHarbourREQUEST HB_LANG_ZHB5REQUEST HB_CODEPAGE_CP950// REQUEST HB_LANG_EN// REQUEST HB_CODEPAGE_CP949  // KOREAN => Unresolved* --------------------------------------FUNCTION main()* --------------------------------------   LOCAL nI   := 0   LOCAL aDir := Directory("*.", "DR" )   For nI := 1 to LEN( aDir )      ? nI, aDir[nI][F_NAME]      IF nI >= 5         EXIT      ENDIF   NextRETURN NIL 

Code: Select all | Expand

Compiling...Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1501292255)Copyright (c) 1999-2015, http://harbour-project.org/Compiling 'directorytest.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'directorytest.ppo'...Lines 4744, Functions/Procedures 1Generating C source output to 'directorytest.c'... Done.Borland C++ 5.82 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2005 Borlanddirectorytest.c:Turbo Incremental Link 5.69 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 BorlandError: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_CODEPAGE_FR850C' referenced from C:\FIVEWIN\SAMPLES\DIRECTORYTEST.OBJ* Linking errors * 

Hi Moon,
I use Harbour for 64bit that working. I use xHarbour for 32bit.
How about use xHarbour? or ask Charles Kwon offer good solution.
Best Regards,


Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2402101027) => Borland C++ v7.7 32bit
MySQL v8.0 /ADS v10
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2011030937) => Borland C++ v7.4 64bit
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