by TimStone » Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:04 pm
I have two Harbour builds that you provide and they should be fine for awhile. You created the one Harbour that works fine with VS 2013, and that is what most people have for productivity work. That is what you are including in the FWH distribution now, and I believe that is how it should be.
We also are looking at the future, and VS 2015 Community will likely be chosen by many. Eventually, that is what everyone may use, but it is still early. It is not even in final release yet, just a Release Candidate version. You have provided us FWH libraries for it under the same name as the VS 2013, but we know they are not compatible. Adding x to the .lib file names ( two files ) is a way to make it easier for you since you are creating the builds anyway. Then everyone can have a copy and you don't have to email them.
Sorry, but 2010 is "old". Anyone using it can upgrade to the released version of Visual Studio 2013 Community for free without changing their code. Then we are back to two versions: 2013 for ongoing production work, and 2015 to bridge into the future.