ADO Filtering - Mr. Nages and others

ADO Filtering - Mr. Nages and others

Postby lucasdebeltran » Sat May 23, 2015 11:00 am


We are almost finishing ADORDD, but there is a problem converting some filters from Clipper sinatx to ADO Filter command:

The problem is with the vars (oData:Codigo, cName)...:

Code: Select all  Expand view

  SET FILTER TO AUXILIAR->RELACION  == alltrim(  STR( oData:Codigo ))
  cCondicion := "CONTA->CUENTA = " + chr( 34 ) + alltrim( cValToChar( cCuentaoConcepto ) ) + chr( 34 )

  cCondicion := "CONTA->CONCEPTO = " + chr( 34 ) + alltrim( cValToChar( cCuentaoConcepto ) ) + chr( 34 )


This is the parser to ADO:

Code: Select all  Expand view

       oRecordSet:Filter := SqlTranslate(aFilterInfo[ UR_FRI_CEXPR ])

STATIC FUNCTION SQLTranslate( cFilter )
  local cWhere
  local nAt, nLen, cToken, cDate, n
  local afunctions := {"STR(","VAL(","CVALTOCHAR(",;
                       'SOUNDEX(', "ABS(","ROUND(","LEN(","ALLTRIM(","LTRIM(","RTRIM(",;
  local areplaces := { "","",""," LIKE ","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""}

   cWhere      := Upper( cFilter )
   cWhere      := StrTran( StrTran( cWhere, "'", "''" ), '"', "'" )
   cWhere      := StrTran( StrTran( cWhere, ".AND.", "AND" ), ".OR.", "OR" )
   cWhere      := StrTran( StrTran( cWhere, ".T.", "1" ), ".F.", "0" )
   cWhere      := StrTran( cWhere, "==", "=" )
   cWhere      := StrTran( cWhere, "!=", "<>" )
   cWhere      := StrTran( cWhere, "!", " NOT " )
   cWhere      := StrTran( cWhere, Alias()+"->", "" )
   if At( "!DELETED()", cWhere ) == 1; cWhere   := LTrim( SubStr( cWhere, 11 ) ); endif
   if At( "AND", cWhere ) == 1; cWhere := LTrim( SubStr( cWhere, 4 ) ); endif
   if At( "OR", cWhere ) == 1; cWhere := LTrim( SubStr( cWhere, 3 ) ); endif

   if  At("$",cWhere) > 0
      cWhere := InvertArgs(cWhere,"$")

   // Now handle dates its adpated from adofuncs because it was only considering one occurrence
   do while .t.

      for each cToken in { "STOD(", "CTOD(", "HB_STOT(", "HB_CTOT(", "STOT(", "CTOT(", "{^" }
          nAt    := At( cToken, cWhere )
          if nat > 0

       if nAt = 0

       for each cToken in { "STOD(", "CTOD(", "HB_STOT(", "HB_CTOT(", "STOT(", "CTOT(", "{^" }
           nAt    := At( cToken, cWhere )
           if nAt > 0
              if Left( cToken, 1 ) == "{"
                 nLen  := At( "}", SubStr( cWhere, nAt ) )
                 nLen  := At( ")", SubStr( cWhere, nAt ) )
              cDate := SubStr( cWhere, nAt, nLen )
#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
              if Left( cDate, 3 ) == "HB_"; cDate := SubStr( cDate, 4 ); endif
              if Left( cDate, 5 ) $ "STOT(,CTOT("
                 cDate    := "HB_" + cDate
              if Left( cDate, 2 ) = "{^"
                 cDate    := LTrim( SubStr( cDate, 3 ) )
                 cDate    := If( ':' $ cDate, "HB_STOT('", "HB_STOD('" ) + cDate + "')"
                 cDate    := CharRem( "/-:} ", cDate )

              cDate  := &cDate
              cWhere := Stuff( cWhere, nAt, nLen,  DateToADO( cDate ) )

   for n:= 1 to len(afunctions)
       cWhere := StrTran( cWhere, afunctions[n], areplaces[n] )


   cWhere      := StrTran( cWhere, ")", "" )

return cWhere


Any clue please?.

Thank you.
Muchas gracias. Many thanks.

Un saludo, Best regards,

Harbour 3.2.0dev, Borland C++ 5.82 y FWH 13.06 [producción]

Implementando MSVC 2010, FWH64 y ADO.

Abandonando uso xHarbour y SQLRDD.
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Re: ADO Filtering - Mr. Nages and others

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat May 23, 2015 11:51 am

Translating a filter condition when the condition contains harbour variables seems to be difficult. I could not find a way. So the present FW_Filter2Where() function returns valid condition only if the filter condition contains constants only and not variables.

The author of SQLRDD did an extremely wonderful job. It may be worth seeing how did he handle this.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: ADO Filtering - Mr. Nages and others

Postby lucasdebeltran » Sat May 23, 2015 11:54 am

Mr. Nages,

Thank you.

Are you refering to SQLRDD from I am afraid the source code is not available.

SO far, the only way would be to rewrite all filters to this:

Code: Select all  Expand view

cFiltro := "NIF = '" + ALLTRIM( cNif) + "'"
bFiltro := "{|| " + cFiltro +"}"

DBSETFILTER( &bFiltro, cFiltro )


Any other approach?.

Thank you.
Muchas gracias. Many thanks.

Un saludo, Best regards,

Harbour 3.2.0dev, Borland C++ 5.82 y FWH 13.06 [producción]

Implementando MSVC 2010, FWH64 y ADO.

Abandonando uso xHarbour y SQLRDD.
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Re: ADO Filtering - Mr. Nages and others

Postby lucasdebeltran » Sat May 23, 2015 1:36 pm


I also posted on the Harbour and xHarbour developers group to get their kind help:!topic ... bfq-Zydz0I!topic ... sz0_vb8hh8
Muchas gracias. Many thanks.

Un saludo, Best regards,

Harbour 3.2.0dev, Borland C++ 5.82 y FWH 13.06 [producción]

Implementando MSVC 2010, FWH64 y ADO.

Abandonando uso xHarbour y SQLRDD.
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