Move controls as window size

Re: Move controls as window size

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Fri May 15, 2015 11:43 am

joseluisysturiz wrote:
Daniel Garcia-Gil wrote:
D.Fernandez wrote:Hello, tLayout wotk from resources?

Thank you very much.

Ruben Dario Fernandez

Hello, not work with resources

Saludos, aun la TLayout sigue sin trabajar desde recursos.? gracias, saludos... :shock:

si, y asi seguira, no se puede usar desde recursor
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Re: Move controls as window size

Postby joseluisysturiz » Sat May 16, 2015 11:45 pm

Ok, Daniel, gracias por tu rapida respuesta, lamentablemente tendre que descartar el uso de dicah clase ya que el 100% de mis sistemas estan en recursos y me daria de todo rehacerlos a nivel de pantallas, saludos... :shock:
Dios no está muerto...

Gracias a mi Dios ante todo!
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Re: Move controls as window size

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Sun May 17, 2015 10:55 am

dbmanfwh wrote:Any,

I use resources and I tried. Modal windows that go well.
Please see source under someone and develop.

it run also with no resources ?
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
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Re: Move controls as window size

Postby dbmanfwh » Mon May 18, 2015 11:14 am

Mr. Silvio,
I am sorry.
This source made Chalis Kwon.
Work circumscriptively in Modal and Resources.
Hope that someone makes working in MDI.
I hope that Antonio uses recommending layouts if want to use in No resources.
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Re: Move controls as window size

Postby Rick Lipkin » Mon May 18, 2015 1:20 pm

To All

I know there must be a simpler wasy to resize controls .. however, I have had to do it the hard way here .. In order to save time all I wanted to do is re-size the Folder with the xBrowse window embedded in the resource ..

Here is the manual code where I had to discover the control Id's as well as working out the arithmetic to change the dimensions of the control relative to the window frame.

Rick Lipkin
Code: Select all  Expand view

   ON INIT (  ;
           oWndChild:bResized := {|| _ReSizeUm( oGrps,oWndChild,oLbx,oLbxA,oFld) }, ;
           VALID ( IIF( !lOk, ExitPgm( .T.,oRsCust,oRsBill,@lOk,oFontB,oWndChild,oWndChldInv,oRsInv ) , .F. ))


Static Func _ReSizeUm( oGrps,oWndChild,oLbx,oLbxA,oFld )

oGrps:SetSize( oWndChild:nWidth, oWndChild:nHeight, .t. ) // frame and dialog link

// dialog controls
oGrps:bResized = { | nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight | _ResizeControls( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight, oGrps, oFld ) }


Static Func _ResizeControls( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight, oGrps,oFld )

Local nBtnWidth,nBtnHeight,nBtnTop,nBtnLeft
Local nFactorWidth,nFactorHeight

if nSizeType = 0 //SIZE_MAXIMIZED

*   xbrowse( oGrps:aControls )
*   xbrowse( oGrps:aControls[56] )
*   xbrowse( oFld:aDialogs[1]:aControls )
*   xbrowse( oFld:aDialogs[1]:aControls[6] )
*   xbrowse( oFld:aDialogs )

*  msginfo( nWidth )
*  msginfo( nHeight )

                                       // 372           290
   oGrps:aControls[1 ]:SetSize( nWidth - 372, nHeight - 340 )                 //folder
   oFld:aDialogs[1]:SetSize(    nWidth - 385, nHeight - 370 )                 // dialog1
   oFld:aDialogs[1]:aControls[1]:SetSize( nWidth - 450, nHeight - 375 )       // xbrowse billing



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Re: Move controls as window size

Postby Carlos Mora » Tue May 19, 2015 3:11 pm

let me show what i did with the resizing problem. Hope you find it simple enough and a good starting point.

I needed to resize controls as the container dialog also resizes, and the usual solution (oClient, oTop, etc) didn't seem to be right.

First thing first. After thinking a little bit about what behavoir would be wanted in every control, it can be resumed in 3 types:
1: No Change: the control's coordinates are hooked or anchored to the top/left window/dialog coordinates, so no change is made when windows is resized (e.g. left toolbar)
2: Proportional: used mostly with graphic controls, every control coordinate is changed proportionally to the dialog size.
3: Anchored: one ore more control's coordinates are hooked to the bottom/right edges, so control's size and/or position are changed acording to the new dialog size (this is the kind of behavoir Rick is looking for, i think).

To achieve this, we need to know:
a) Window/Dialog and controls original sizes, as they where defined
b) For every control, what behavoir is desired,
and then activate our new resizing strategy on windows/dlg resize, usually using bResize Twindows's DATA

Let's the code speak by itself.

Code: Select all  Expand view

#define GW_CHILD      5
#define GW_HWNDNEXT   2

FUNCTION PreResize( oDlg )
   LOCAL hWnd:= oDlg:hWnd
   LOCAL aSize, aChildren, aSizeWnd
   LOCAL hCtrl

   IF !Empty( hWnd )
      aSizeWnd:= GetClientRect( hWnd )
      aSize:= GetWndRect( hWnd )
      aChildren:= {}

      hCtrl := GetWindow( hWnd, GW_CHILD )
      While hCtrl != 0
         aSize:= GetWndRect( hCtrl )
         aSize[3]-= aSize[1]
         aSize[4]-= aSize[2]
         ScreenToClient( hWnd, ASize )
         AAdd( aChildren, { hCtrl, aSize } )
         hCtrl = GetWindow( hCtrl, GW_HWNDNEXT )

      // We need to store this somewhere, if you feel you have a better place just say it, you sugestions are welcome
      oDlg:Cargo:= { aSizeWnd, aChildren }

      // This could be another option... We use this function to setup the min/Max info...
      oDlg:aMinMaxInfo = { GetSysMetrics(0), GetSysMetrics(1),;  // xMaxSize,      yMaxSize
                           0, 0 /*GetSysMetrics(0), GetSysMetrics(1) */  ,;  // xMaxPosition,  yMaxPosition
                           oDlg:nWidth, oDlg:nHeight,;  // xMinTrackSize, yMinTrackSize
                           GetSysMetrics(0), GetSysMetrics(1), ; // xMaxTrackSize, yMaxTrackSize
                           aSizeWnd, aChildren }



// this is the function that does the real work
FUNCTION DlgResizeCtrl( oDlg, nWidth, nHeight, nSizeType )
   LOCAL hWnd, oCtrl, nPos
   LOCAL aSize, aChildren, aSizeWnd, aCargo
   LOCAL hCtrl, aCtrl
   LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nOrigWidth, nOrigHeight, nBottom, nRight
   LOCAL nStyle, nKV, nKH // keep, Proporcional, bound to bottom,

   IF ValType(oDlg:Cargo) == 'A'
      nTop:=  oDlg:Cargo[1][1]
      nLeft:= oDlg:Cargo[1][2]
      nOrigHeight := oDlg:Cargo[1][3] - nTop
      nOrigWidth  := oDlg:Cargo[1][4] - nLeft
      aSizeWnd:= GetClientRect( oDlg:hWnd )

      nHeight:= aSizeWnd[3]
      nWidth := aSizeWnd[4]
      nKH:= nWidth / nOrigWidth
      nKV:= nHeight / nOrigHeight
      nDH:= nWidth - nOrigWidth
      nDV:= nHeight - nOrigHeight

      aChildren:= oDlg:Cargo[2]

      FOR EACH aCtrl IN aChildren
         IF ( nPos:= GetProp( aCtrl[1], "RSZ" ) ) != 0
            nStyle:= nPos % 256
            nPos:= Int( nPos / 256 )
            nTop    := (nPos % 16) >= 8
            nLeft   := (nPos % 8) >= 4
            nBottom := (nPos % 4) >= 2
            nRight  := (nPos % 2) == 1

            Do Case
            Case nStyle == 0 // keep, do nothing
               //  SetWindowPos( aCtrl[1], 0, aCtrl[2][1], aCtrl[2][2], aCtrl[2][4], aCtrl[2][3], 4 )
            Case nStyle == 1 // Proportional
               SetWindowPos( aCtrl[1], 0, Int( aCtrl[2][1] * nKV ), Int( aCtrl[2][2] * nKH ), Int( aCtrl[2][4] * nKH ), Int( aCtrl[2][3] * nKV ), 4 )
            Case nStyle == 2 // Anchors
               SetWindowPos( aCtrl[1], 0, ;
                  If( nTop,     aCtrl[2][1]+nDV, aCtrl[2][1] ), ;
                  If( nLeft,    aCtrl[2][2]+nDH, aCtrl[2][2] ), ;
                  If( nRight,   aCtrl[2][4]+nDH, aCtrl[2][4] ), ;
                  If( nBottom,  aCtrl[2][3]+nDV, aCtrl[2][3] ), ;
                  4 )


// USAGE sample
FUNCTION BrowseText( cTextFile, cTitle, bOnKey )
   Local oDlg, oBrush, oBrowse, nResult:= 0, oTxt
   Local oBtn1, oBtn2, oBtn3, oBtn4


      REDEFINE BROWSE oBrowse ID 110 OF oDlg FONT oFontTexto
      oBrowse:nClrFocuBack:= {|nPos| if(nPos%2 = 0,CLR_LIGHTBLUE,CLR_WHITE)}
      oBrowse:Setcolor( { 1, 2 }, { CLR_BLACK, {|| If( oBrowse:nLogicPos() % 2 = 0, CLR_NBLUE, CLR_WHITE ) } } )
      oTxt:= AtiTxtFile():New( cTextFile, 0 )
      oBrowse:lNoLiteBar:= .F.
      oBrowse:lDrawHeaders:= .T.

      If ValType( bOnKey ) == 'B'
         oBrowse:bLDblClick := {|| Eval( bOnKey, oBrowse:oTxtFile:ReadLine() ) }
      REDEFINE BUTTON oBtn1 ID 172 OF oDlg ACTION ( CopiaTexto( cTextFile ) ) // Fichero
      REDEFINE BUTTON oBtn2 ID 123 OF oDlg ACTION ( PrintTexto( cTextFile, .T. ) )  // Imprimir
      REDEFINE BUTTON oBtn3 ID 128 OF oDlg ACTION ( nResult:= 0, oDlg:End() ) // Atras

      oDlg:bKeyDown   := {|nKey| BrowseTextOnKey( nKey, oBrowse, cTextFile, bOnKey ) }
      oDlg:bResized := {|nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight| DlgResizeCtrl( oDlg, nWidth, nHeight, nSizeType ) }
   ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED ON INIT ( PreResize( oDlg ), SetProp( oBrowse:hWnd, 'RSZ', 0x302 ), SetProp( oBtn1:hWnd, 'RSZ', 0xf02 ), SetProp( oBtn2:hWnd, 'RSZ', 0xf02 ), SetProp( oBtn3:hWnd, 'RSZ', 0xf02 ) )

Return nResult

Please pay attention to oDlg:bResized and the ACTIOVATE .. ON INIT . There PreResize() is called first, then oBrowse, oBtn1, oBtn2 and oBtn3 are configured to behave in its particular way.

Windows properties are used to store the desired behavoir in every control, using setprop() and getprop(). The name choosen for the property it was 'RSZ', and stores an integer that indicates with 0, 1 or 2 if you want no_change, proportional, or edge anchoring respectively. In the last case, a high order byte indicates which edge every side is anchored to the right and bottom edges.
oBrowse will react having its right and bottom sides anchored to the right and bottom of the dialog, and the three button will have all their coordinates (0xF) bounded to the dialog right-bottom corner.

I hope everyone finds easy to try the code, just including 2 functions and add the necesary changes in the running code so you can try.

Obviously the complexity of setting properties and the weird 'encoding' used in control's setup can be improved and polished a lot, but, well, you know... :)
Carlos Mora
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Re: Move controls as window size

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Wed May 20, 2015 7:25 am

Do you tried with WS_OVERLAPPING style ?
I made a app with this style and it run ok
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
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