App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

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Rick Lipkin
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App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by Rick Lipkin »

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I have been doing my development at work on WinXP and have not had any problems. Recently my Windows 7 32 bit machine will compile my ( same ) programs and run them just fine .. but when the program 'breaks' I do not get the Error screen or an error.log file.

I thought it might be my laptop .. so I just re-formatted it with a fresh install. Unfortunately the problem still exists. What makes the problem more perplexing .. if I go to \samples ( on my laptop ) and modify tutor01.prg to create a run-time error by assigning a variable and purposely mis-spelling the variable, ( Buildx tutor01 )the run-time error.log works when the program breaks.

So I know there must be a problem somewhere in assigning my libs. I went through my xMate environment and made sure all the libs were being called and in the same order as buildX.bat .. and the program continues to build, but when I force it to break .. my application abruptly quits .. no error.log, no run-time Fw dialog.

I take the compiled program compiled from my Windows 7 machine and copy it to my WinXP machine .. and I get a GPF on the Run-Time error.

Here is my xMate environment. Please have a look at the libs ( Borland 5.82 and FWH 1501 ) and the command lines and PLEASE tell me what is wrong :oops:

Rick Lipkin

Code: Select all | Expand

Description 1=Updated for FWH 1501
Description 2=
Description 3=
PRG Compiler ver=xHarbour
C compiler ver=Bcc582
Subsystem=FWH1501 Author=Richard Lipkin
Last update=03/03/2015

Command types=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

HB_COMMAND=%HB_BIN_INSTALL%\Harbour.Exe %PRG% /m /n /gc0 /w0 /es2 /a /i%HB_INC_INSTALL% /d__EXPORT__
Option prefix=/

C_LINK_COMMAND=%C_BIN_INSTALL%\iLink32.Exe -Gn -aa -Tpe -s -v @%LNK%
C_RC_COMMAND=%C_BIN_INSTALL%\Brc32.Exe -r  -fo%RES%  %RC%
Option prefix=-



[DLL Files]
Gale FORd
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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by Gale FORd »

Do you use errsysw_.prg or the modified errsysw.prg that was published here as an enhancement?
When I updated my Fivewin it was crashing on me also. I found that errsysw_.prg and my modified version was using FWBitmap() with no parameters and it would crash. There must have been a change. Now errsysw.prg is using FWLogoBitMap() instead and when I replaced it in errsysw_.prg it no longer crashed .

// GDF Mod Error 02/05/2015
//hLogo = FWBitMap()
hLogo = FWLogoBitMap()
// GDF EndMod Error 02/05/2015
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by Rick Lipkin »


I have no modified programs .. just using the FWH libs :(

Gale FORd
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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by Gale FORd »

Just checking because if you are not getting error message then I believe it is either an error in the error handler itself or windows exception error that is not handled by the error handler.
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by Rick Lipkin »

Just a follow up .. when I run buildx tutor01 on my WinXP machine I get this error :

Code: Select all | Expand

³ FiveWin for xHarbour 15.01 - Jan. 2015          xHarbour development power ³Ü
³ (c) FiveTech, 1993-2015   for Microsoft Windows 9X/NT/200X/ME/XP/Vista/7/8 ³Û
ÿ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20131030)
Copyright 1999-2013,
Compiling 'tutor01.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'tutor01.ppo'...


* Compile errors *

but it works just fine on my Windows 7 machine.

Rick Lipkin
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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by elvira »


Do you have an hb_out.log file?.

Harbour creates it when happens your problem.
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by Rick Lipkin »

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Elvira, I am using xHarbour and no file what so ever is being created .. the application just abruptly quits.
Hmpaquito, I read your thread and it seems to point to SqlRDD and I am not using any additional libs .. just standard FWH

I appreciate everyone's help .. still stuck here :cry:

Rick Lipkin
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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by hmpaquito »

No Rick, what I mean is that you record calls at the beginning of ErrorSys so:

Code: Select all | Expand

#define PROCNAME_(n) ProcName(n) + "(" LTrim (STr(ProcLine(n))) + ")"
#define CALLED_ PROCNAME_(1) + Space(3) + ;
                        PROCNAME_(2) + Space(3) + ;
FClose( FWrite( FCreate( "AtBegin.txt", FC_NORMAL), CALLED_ ))
Last edited by hmpaquito on Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gale FORd
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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by Gale FORd »

Another problem I had when upgraded was that some functions related to ADS were not automatically included. My app exited without any error message.
Previously I just needed

But I found that I had to add the following to keep my app from crashing.
external adsgetrelkeypos, ADSSetRelKeyPos, ADSKeyCount

I don't know why upgrading Fivewin would have affected my RDD functions.
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7(solved)

Post by Rick Lipkin »

To All

I have solved my problem .. after testing a few other apps on my W7 machine and creating a program break .. I did indeed get the error screen and .log.

That led me to a possible project list corruption in my xMate file. I decided to recreate my xMate project and add all my .prg back in and much to my surprise I had a file named Rview .prg ( notice the extra spaces ).

After correcting my DOS naming error .. I was able to re-create my xMate project list and was able to get a successful run-time break with the error.log and dialog.

For whatever reason, Xp was a bit more (dos ) forgiving or I would have found this error sooner.

Thanks to all for their help and advice.

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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Gale FORd wrote:Another problem I had when upgraded was that some functions related to ADS were not automatically included. My app exited without any error message.
Previously I just needed

But I found that I had to add the following to keep my app from crashing.
external adsgetrelkeypos, ADSSetRelKeyPos, ADSKeyCount

I don't know why upgrading Fivewin would have affected my RDD functions.

Earlier, we had to include "" separately.
If was included prior to, then automatically requests these ads* functions.
Please see these lines at the end of

Code: Select all | Expand

#ifdef ADS_NTX

But now, is included as a part of and so at the time compiling ADS_NTX is not defined and the request is not included.

if you are still have the program header like this:
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
then I suggest this small modification in the copy of you have.
Please see at the end of

Code: Select all | Expand

#ifdef ADS_NTX


Change these lines as:

Code: Select all | Expand


#ifdef ADS_NTX

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
Gale FORd
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Re: App quits on error without showing error Windows 7

Post by Gale FORd »

Thank you for the explanation.
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