Antonio gracias por tu ayuda,
ahora me tira estos errores
Error E2209 \harbour\include\hbdefs.h 52: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2209 \harbour\include\hbdefs.h 53: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 \harbour\include\hbdefs.h 54: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 \harbour\include\hbdefs.h 55: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 \harbour\include\hbdefs.h 56: Unable to open include file 'limits.h'
Error E2209 \harbour\include\hbdefs.h 75: Unable to open include file 'stdint.h'
Warning W8017 \harbour\include\hbdefs.h 526: Redefinition of 'HB_LONG_LENGTH' is not identical
Error E2257 \harbour\include\hbdefs.h 557: , expected
Error E2257 \harbour\include\hbdefs.h 612: , expected
Error E2451 .\obj\tmysql.c 122: Undefined symbol 'NULL'
Error E2141 .\obj\tmysql.c 122: Declaration syntax error
Error E2190 .\obj\tmysql.c 122: Unexpected }
Error E2040 .\obj\tmysql.c 122: Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2190 .\obj\tmysql.c 292: Unexpected }
Error E2109 .\obj\tmysql.c 292: Not an allowed type in function hb_vm_SymbolInit_TMYSQL
*** 14 errors in Compile ***