Help with translations

Re: Help with translations

Postby Kleyber » Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:07 pm


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{ "Copy and paste in", "Copie y pegue en", "", "Copie e cole em", "Kopieren und Einfügen in", "Copia e incolla in" }
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Re: Help with translations

Postby Richard Chidiak » Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:53 pm

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{ "Copy and paste in", "Copie y pegue en", "Copier et Coller dans", "Copie e cole em", "Kopieren und Einfügen in", "Copia e incolla in" }

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Re: Help with translations

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:21 am

many thanks to all! :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Help with translations

Postby Euclides » Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:32 am

Hello, sorry for jumping in...

{ "Copy and paste in", "Copie y pegue en", "", "Copie e cole em", "Kopieren und Einfügen in", "Copia e incolla in" }

I think, it should be "Copiar e colar em" (infinitive mode, as most of the verbs in STRINGS.PRG)
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Re: Help with translations

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:38 am

Euclides wrote:Hello, sorry for jumping in...

{ "Copy and paste in", "Copie y pegue en", "", "Copie e cole em", "Kopieren und Einfügen in", "Copia e incolla in" }

I think, it should be "Copiar e colar em" (infinitive mode, as most of the verbs in STRINGS.PRG)
Regards, Euclides

So, Italian should be "Copiare e incollare in".

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Re: Help with translations

Postby Kleyber » Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:39 am

Euclides wrote:Hello, sorry for jumping in...

{ "Copy and paste in", "Copie y pegue en", "", "Copie e cole em", "Kopieren und Einfügen in", "Copia e incolla in" }

I think, it should be "Copiar e colar em" (infinitive mode, as most of the verbs in STRINGS.PRG)
Regards, Euclides

I agree!
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Re: Help with translations

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:25 am

Many thanks to all! :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Help with translations

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:49 am

Some more help, please :-)

These are the used languages: English, Spanish, French, Portugese, German, Italian

{ "There are no printers installed!", "¡No hay impresoras instaladas!", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "Please exit this application and install a printer", "Por favor salga de la aplicación e instale una impresora", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "The temporal metafile could not be created", "El metafile temporal no pudo ser creado", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "Printer object Error", "Error objeto impresora", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "Could not create temporary file", "No se pudo crear el fichero temporal", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "Please check your free space on your hard drive", "Por favor compruebe el espacio libre en su disco duro", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "and the amount of files handles available.", "y la cntidad de manejadores de ficheros disponibles", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "Print preview error", "Error del previsualizador de impresión", "", "", "", "" }

many thanks!
regards, saludos

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Re: Help with translations

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:44 am


{ "There are no printers installed!", "¡No hay impresoras instaladas!", "", "", "", "Nessuna stampante installata" },;
{ "Please exit this application and install a printer", "Por favor salga de la aplicación e instale una impresora", "", "", "", "Uscire dall'applicazione e installare una stampante" },;
{ "The temporal metafile could not be created", "El metafile temporal no pudo ser creado", "", "", "", "Impossibile creare il metafile temporaneo" },;
{ "Printer object Error", "Error objeto impresora", "", "", "", "Errore nell'oggetto stampante" },;
{ "Could not create temporary file", "No se pudo crear el fichero temporal", "", "", "", "Impossibile creare il file temporaneo" },;
{ "Please check your free space on your hard drive", "Por favor compruebe el espacio libre en su disco duro", "", "", "", "Controllare lo spazio disponibile sul disco fisso" },;
{ "and the amount of files handles available.", "y la cantidad de manejadores de ficheros disponibles", "", "", "", "e i file handle disponibili" },;
{ "Print preview error", "Error del previsualizador de impresión", "", "", "", "Errore nell'anteprima di stampa" }

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Re: Help with translations

Postby ukoenig » Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:20 am

the GERMAN translation :

{ "There are no printers installed!", "Es sind keine Drucker installiert !", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "Please exit this application and install a printer", "Bitte schließen Sie das Programm und installieren Sie einen Drucker", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "The temporal metafile could not be created", "Die temporäre Meta-Datei konnte nicht erzeugt werden" , "", "", "", "" },;
{ "Printer object Error", "Druckerobject-Fehler", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "Could not create temporary file", "Die temporäre Datei konnte nicht erzeugt werden", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "Please check your free space on your hard drive", "Bitte überprüfen Sie den freien Speicherplatz auf Ihrem Festplattenlaufwerk", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "and the amount of files handles available.", "und den Wert der möglichen, offenen Dateien", "", "", "", "" },;
{ "Print preview error", "Druckvorschau-Fehler", "", "", "", "" }
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Re: Help with translations

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:54 am


Please wite it in the fifth element (German)

thats way its easier for me to copy and paste, thanks :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Help with translations

Postby karinha » Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:46 pm

Antonio, portuguese:

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{ "There are no printers installed!", "¡No hay impresoras instaladas!", "", "Não tem impressoras instaladas", "", "Nessuna stampante installata" },;
{ "Please exit this application and install a printer", "Por favor salga de la aplicación e instale una impresora", "", "Por favor, saia desta aplicação e instale uma impressora", "", "Uscire dall'applicazione e installare una stampante" },;
{ "The temporal metafile could not be created", "El metafile temporal no pudo ser creado", "", "Metafile temporal, não pôde ser criado", "", "Impossibile creare il metafile temporaneo" },;
{ "Printer object Error", "Error objeto impresora", "", "Erro de Objeto da impressora", "", "Errore nell'oggetto stampante" },;
{ "Could not create temporary file", "No se pudo crear el fichero temporal", "", "Não foi possível criar o arquivo temporário", "", "Impossibile creare il file temporaneo" },;
{ "Please check your free space on your hard drive", "Por favor compruebe el espacio libre en su disco duro", "", "Por favor, verifique o espaço livre no disco rígido(HD)", "", "Controllare lo spazio disponibile sul disco fisso" },;
{ "and the amount of files handles available.", "y la cantidad de manejadores de ficheros disponibles", "", "e a quantidade de arquivos disponíveis", "", "e i file handle disponibili" },;
{ "Print preview error", "Error del previsualizador de impresión", "", "Erro de pré-visualização da impressão", "", "Errore nell'anteprima di stampa" }

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Re: Help with translations

Postby Richard Chidiak » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:15 am


{ "There are no printers installed!", "¡No hay impresoras instaladas!", "Pas d'imprimante installée", "", "", "Nessuna stampante installata" },;
{ "Please exit this application and install a printer", "Por favor salga de la aplicación e instale una impresora", "Veuillez quitter cette application et installer une imprimante", "", "", "Uscire dall'applicazione e installare una stampante" },;
{ "The temporal metafile could not be created", "El metafile temporal no pudo ser creado", "Impossible de créer le fichier metafile", "", "", "Impossibile creare il metafile temporaneo" },;
{ "Printer object Error", "Error objeto impresora", "Erreur Objet Imprimante", "", "", "Errore nell'oggetto stampante" },;
{ "Could not create temporary file", "No se pudo crear el fichero temporal", "Ne peut pas créer fichier temporaire", "", "", "Impossibile creare il file temporaneo" },;
{ "Please check your free space on your hard drive", "Por favor compruebe el espacio libre en su disco duro", "Controler l'espace disponible de votre disque dur ", "", "", "Controllare lo spazio disponibile sul disco fisso" },;
{ "and the amount of files handles available.", "y la cantidad de manejadores de ficheros disponibles", "et la quantité de fichiers handle disponible", "", "", "e i file handle disponibili" },;
{ "Print preview error", "Error del previsualizador de impresión", "Erreur Visualisation Impression", "", "", "Errore nell'anteprima di stampa" }

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Re: Help with translations

Postby antolin » Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:10 pm

Antonio, después de recorrer algunos foros franceses, estaría por cambiar un par de frases del frances, a ver que te parece así:

{ "There are no printers installed!", "¡No hay impresoras instaladas!", "Pas d'imprimante installée", "", "", "Nessuna stampante installata" },;
{ "Please exit this application and install a printer", "Por favor salga de la aplicación e instale una impresora", "Veuillez quitter cette application et installer une imprimante", "", "", "Uscire dall'applicazione e installare una stampante" },;
{ "The temporal metafile could not be created", "El metafile temporal no pudo ser creado", "Le métafichier temporaire ne peut pas être créé", "", "", "Impossibile creare il metafile temporaneo" },;
{ "Printer object Error", "Error objeto impresora", "Erreur de l'Objet Imprimante", "", "", "Errore nell'oggetto stampante" },;
{ "Could not create temporary file", "No se pudo crear el fichero temporal", "Impossible de créer le fichier temporaire", "", "", "Impossibile creare il file temporaneo" },;
{ "Please check your free space on your hard drive", "Por favor compruebe el espacio libre en su disco duro", "Veuillez vérifier l'espace libre sur votre disque dur", "", "", "Controllare lo spazio disponibile sul disco fisso" },;
{ "and the amount of files handles available.", "y la cantidad de manejadores de ficheros disponibles", "et la quantité de fichiers 'handle' disponibles", "", "", "e i file handle disponibili" },;
{ "Print preview error", "Error del previsualizador de impresión", "Erreur de l'aperçu d'impression", "", "", "Errore nell'anteprima di stampa" }

Por ejemplo, en la ultima traducción, en todos los foros el preview de impresión lo llaman "aperçu d'impression" y a los metafiles los llaman "métafichiers". Pero claro yo tampoco soy frances 100%.
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Re: Help with translations

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:38 am

Many thanks to all,

Please next time respect the languages order! :-)

{ "There are no printers installed!", "¡No hay impresoras instaladas!", "Pas d'imprimante installée", "Não tem impressoras instaladas", "Es sind keine Drucker installiert !", "Nessuna stampante installata" },;
{ "Please exit this application and install a printer", "Por favor salga de la aplicación e instale una impresora", "Veuillez quitter cette application et installer une imprimante", "Por favor, saia desta aplicação e instale uma impressora", "Bitte schließen Sie das Programm und installieren Sie einen Drucker", "Uscire dall'applicazione e installare una stampante" },;
{ "The temporal metafile could not be created", "El metafile temporal no pudo ser creado", "Impossible de créer le fichier metafile", "Metafile temporal, não pôde ser criado", "Die temporäre Meta-Datei konnte nicht erzeugt werden", "Impossibile creare il metafile temporaneo" },;
{ "Printer object Error", "Error objeto impresora", "Erreur Objet Imprimante", "Erro de Objeto da impressora", "Druckerobject-Fehler", "Errore nell'oggetto stampante" },;
{ "Could not create temporary file", "No se pudo crear el fichero temporal", "Ne peut pas créer fichier temporaire", "Não foi possível criar o arquivo temporário", "Die temporäre Datei konnte nicht erzeugt werden", "Impossibile creare il file temporaneo" },;
{ "Please check your free space on your hard drive", "Por favor compruebe el espacio libre en su disco duro", "Controler l'espace disponible de votre disque dur ", "Por favor, verifique o espaço livre no disco rígido(HD)", "Bitte überprüfen Sie den freien Speicherplatz auf Ihrem Festplattenlaufwerk", "Controllare lo spazio disponibile sul disco fisso" },;
{ "and the amount of files handles available.", "y la cantidad de manejadores de ficheros disponibles", "et la quantité de fichiers handle disponible", "e a quantidade de arquivos disponíveis", "und den Wert der möglichen, offenen Dateien", "e i file handle disponibili" },;
{ "Print preview error", "Error del previsualizador de impresión", "Erreur Visualisation Impression", "Erro de pré-visualização da impressão", "Druckvorschau-Fehler", "Errore nell'anteprima di stampa" } }

Antolín I have no idea of French so I use Richard Chidiak's translation, thanks
regards, saludos

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