I have a function and I wish have the value of return and another value it is possible ?
sample :
If !GIORNOLIB(nGiorno, @nOre, nOra)
How i can have also nOre ?
to use then to another function sample
IF calsslib(ngiorno,nore,nora)
the function I found on old clipper app I must converte
static function GIORNOLIB(nGiorno, nOre, nOra)
Local lreturn := .f.
if (Val(do->giornoli) == nGiorno .AND. nOra == 1 .AND. ;
do->punti < "3" .AND. Val(do->giornoli) == nGiorno ;
.AND. nOra == 2 .AND. do->punti < "2")
nOre:= iif(Left(da->parame, 1) == "0", 10, Val(Left(da->parame, 1)))
lreturn := .T.
return lreturn