by pablovidal » Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:17 am
I am using Visual Studio Community, built an android app and generated the debug version (can't build the release version, always fails, don't know why). Once it is created I have these files:
App1.App1.apk App1.App1-Signed.apk App1.dll App1.dll.mdb App1.pdb
How can I copy those files to an Android phone to test it ? thanks
Antonio Como yo veo, tienes dos instaladores que son los que terminan en APK
uno normal y otro firmado.
Para instalarlos yo utilizo el ADB de android
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
adb install App1.App1.apk
El ADB es parte del sdk de android
Pablo Alberto Vidal
Harbour 3.2.0, Fivewin 17.02, BCC7