[OFF-TOPIC] Sublime text 2

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Sublime text 2

Postby goosfancito » Sat Aug 30, 2014 2:16 pm

Para tener todo junto y no andar googleando.

Managed to install it successfully in ST2:
- "Package Control: Add Repository" -> https://github.com/titoBouzout/EncodingHelper
- Then EncodingHelper should appear in the results of the install package control command.

Hope this helps.

y sacado de:
https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgr ... ZGXJBMvBBA

La configuracion para trabajar con Windows, por ejemplo, en la barra de Menu, Preferences | Package Setting | Encoding Helper | Default ;
Tenemos esto;
// To show encoding on status bar
"show_encoding_on_status_bar" : true,

// Additional encodings to test when no acurrated guess can be done
// NOTE: Don't add ISO-8859-1
"fallback_encodings": [ "Western (ISO 8859-15)"],

// Automatically opens as UTF-8 the following encodings list
// NOTE: Encoding detection is not acurrated
// don't abuse of this feature
"open_automatically_as_utf8": [ "Western (ISO 8859-15)" ]
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Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Sublime text 2

Postby goosfancito » Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:17 pm

Con respecto a Console_exec estaba buscando pero ese paquete no existe,
exite por la web un ConsoleExec pero tampoco se lo puede instalar desde
el install package.

Alguna idea?
FWH 21.02
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2104281802)
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