Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
Hola Antonio.
Excelente herramienta.
Pregunta: es posible que el archivo de recursos sea un .res ?
Excelente herramienta.
Pregunta: es posible que el archivo de recursos sea un .res ?
Visite Chiapas, el paraiso de México.
- lucasdebeltran
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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
Podría ser por ejemplo:
cIDControl := "oGet[" + chr(34) + AllTrim( Str( ++nGet ) + chr(34) +"]"
y quedaría el GET en el .prg:
REDEFINE GET oGet["1"] VAR etc etc
y así, por ejemplo, en el código se puede manipular así:
Podría ser por ejemplo:
cIDControl := "oGet[" + chr(34) + AllTrim( Str( ++nGet ) + chr(34) +"]"
y quedaría el GET en el .prg:
REDEFINE GET oGet["1"] VAR etc etc
y así, por ejemplo, en el código se puede manipular así:
Muchas gracias. Many thanks.
Un saludo, Best regards,
Harbour 3.2.0dev, Borland C++ 5.82 y FWH 13.06 [producción]
Implementando MSVC 2010, FWH64 y ADO.
Abandonando uso xHarbour y SQLRDD.
Un saludo, Best regards,
Harbour 3.2.0dev, Borland C++ 5.82 y FWH 13.06 [producción]
Implementando MSVC 2010, FWH64 y ADO.
Abandonando uso xHarbour y SQLRDD.
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
De esa forma oGet ya no sería un objeto TGet sino un hash y eso es confuso.
No veo una gran ventaja en lo que indicas, de todas formas, ahí estan los fuentes y lo puedes modificar para ti como mejor te sirva
De esa forma oGet ya no sería un objeto TGet sino un hash y eso es confuso.
No veo una gran ventaja en lo que indicas, de todas formas, ahí estan los fuentes y lo puedes modificar para ti como mejor te sirva

- Antonio Linares
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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
He estado revisando lo que comentas de PellesC, y se debe a que ambos formatos son soportados por Windows.
En esta nueva versión, ya se procesan correctamente los GETs de PellesC tambien. Asi podemos extenderlo a los otros controles tambien
He estado revisando lo que comentas de PellesC, y se debe a que ambos formatos son soportados por Windows.
En esta nueva versión, ya se procesan correctamente los GETs de PellesC tambien. Asi podemos extenderlo a los otros controles tambien

Code: Select all | Expand
// Automatic REDEFINEs generator#include ""static cRCSrcCode, aDialogs := {}//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function Main() local oDlg, oGet, cRCFileName := Space( 250 ) local oLbx, cDlgName := Space( 50 ), oMemoRC, cCode := "" local oFont, oMemoPrg, cPrg := "" SetDlgGradient( { { 1, RGB( 199, 216, 237 ), RGB( 237, 242, 248 ) } } ) DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Courier New" SIZE 0, -14 DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "RCs REDEFINEs builder" ; SIZE 900, 700 @ 0.7, 1.5 SAY "RC filename:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 0.8, 6 GET oGet VAR cRCFileName OF oDlg SIZE 200, 12 ; ACTION ( cRCFileName := cGetFile( "*.rc", "Please select a RC file" ),; oGet:oBtn:Refresh(), oGet:SetFocus(),; aDialogs := {}, ListDialogs( cRCFileName, oLbx ) ) @ 2, 1.5 SAY "Dialogs in the RC file:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 3, 1 LISTBOX oLbx VAR cDlgName ITEMS {} OF oDlg SIZE 80, 164 ; ON CHANGE ShowCode( cDlgName, oMemoRC, oMemoPrg ) @ 2, 16.4 SAY "RC dialog source:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 3.3, 12 GET oMemoRC VAR cCode MEMO OF oDlg SIZE 345, 157 ; FONT oFont HSCROLL @ 16, 1 GET oMemoPrg VAR cPrg MEMO OF oDlg SIZE 433, 135 ; FONT oFont HSCROLL ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED oFont:End()return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ListDialogs( cRCFileName, oLbx ) local n, cDlgName, lDone, cLine if ! File( cRCFileName ) MsgAlert( cRCFileName + " does not exist" ) return nil endif cRCSrcCode = MemoRead( cRCFileName ) oLbx:Reset() for n = 1 to MLCount( cRCSrcCode ) cLine = MemoLine( cRCSrcCode,, n ) SysRefresh() if ! SubStr( cLine, 1, 2 ) $ "//,/*" if Upper( StrToken( MemoLine( cRCSrcCode,, n ), 2 ) ) $ "DIALOGEX" oLbx:Add( cDlgName := StrToken( MemoLine( cRCSrcCode,, n ), 1 ) ) AAdd( aDialogs, { cDlgName, { cLine } } ) lDone = .F. else if ! Empty( aDialogs ) if Len( AllTrim( cLine ) ) == 1 .and. SubStr( cLine, 1, 1 ) == "}" AAdd( ATail( aDialogs )[ 2 ], "}" ) lDone = .T. else if ! lDone AAdd( ATail( aDialogs )[ 2 ], cLine ) endif endif endif endif endif next oLbx:GoTop() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ShowCode( cDlgName, oMemoRC, oMemoPrg ) local nAt := AScan( aDialogs, { | aDlg | aDlg[ 1 ] == cDlgName } ) if nAt != 0 oMemoRC:SetText( ArrayToText( aDialogs[ nAt ][ 2 ] ) ) oMemoPrg:SetText( RcToPrg( cDlgName, aDialogs[ nAt ][ 2 ] ) ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ArrayToText( aArray ) local n, cText := "" for n = 1 to Len( aArray ) cText += aArray[ n ] + CRLF next return cText//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function RcToPrg( cDlgName, aRCSource ) local cFuncName := "function " + cDlgName + "()" + CRLF + CRLF local n, cCode := "", aTokens, cToken local nSay := 0, nGet := 0, nBtn := 0, nLbx := 0 local cVarsSays := " local " local cVarsGets := " local " local cVarsButtons := " local " local cVarsLbxs := " local " local cDlgDefine := " DEFINE DIALOG oDlg RESOURCE " + '"' + ; cDlgName + '"' local cId local cDlgActivate := " ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED" + CRLF + CRLF for n = 1 to Len( aRCSource ) aTokens = hb_ATokens( aRCSource[ n ] ) cToken = AllTrim( aTokens[ 1 ] ) // XBrowser aTokens do case case cToken == "EDITTEXT" .or. ; ( cToken == "CONTROL" .and. aTokens[ 2 ] == '"Edit",' ) if cToken == "EDITTEXT" cId = AllTrim( StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) ) else cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRCSource[ n ], 2, "," ) ) endif cCode += " REDEFINE GET oGet" + AllTrim( Str( ++nGet ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + CRLF + CRLF cVarsGets += "oGet" + AllTrim( Str( nGet ) ) + ", " case cToken == "LISTBOX" cId = AllTrim( StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE LISTBOX oLbx" + AllTrim( Str( ++nLbx ) ) + ; " ITEMS {}" + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + CRLF + CRLF cVarsLbxs += "oLbx" + AllTrim( Str( nLbx ) ) + ", " case cToken == "LTEXT" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRCSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) if ! cId $ "0,-1" // We don't redefine 0 and -1 IDs cCode += " REDEFINE SAY oSay" + AllTrim( Str( ++nSay ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + " // " + ; StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) + CRLF + CRLF cVarsSays += "oSay" + AllTrim( Str( nSay ) ) + ", " endif case cToken == "PUSHBUTTON" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE BUTTON oBtn" + AllTrim( Str( ++nBtn ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg ; // " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + CRLF + ; " ACTION MsgInfo( " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + " )" + ; CRLF + CRLF cVarsButtons += "oBtn" + AllTrim( Str( nBtn ) ) + ", " endcase next if Len( cVarsSays ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsSays = SubStr( cVarsSays, 1, Len( cVarsSays ) - 2 ) else cVarsSays = "" endif if Len( cVarsGets ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsGets = SubStr( cVarsGets, 1, Len( cVarsGets ) - 2 ) else cVarsGets = "" endif if Len( cVarsButtons ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsButtons = SubStr( cVarsButtons, 1, Len( cVarsButtons ) - 2 ) else cVarsButtons = "" endif if Len( cVarsLbxs ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsLbxs = SubStr( cVarsLbxs, 1, Len( cVarsLbxs ) - 2 ) else cVarsLbxs = "" endif return cFuncName + ; " local oDlg" + CRLF + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsSays ), cVarsSays + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsGets ), cVarsGets + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsButtons ), cVarsButtons + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsLbxs ), cVarsLbxs + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsSays ) .or. ! Empty( cVarsGets ) .or. ; ! Empty( cVarsButtons ) .or. ! Empty( cVarsLbxs ), CRLF, "" ) + ; If( Empty( cVarsSays ) .and. Empty( cVarsGets ) .and. ; Empty( cVarsButtons ) .and. Empty( cVarsLbxs ),; CRLF, "" ) + cDlgDefine + CRLF + ; CRLF + cCode + ; cDlgActivate + "return nil" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
He agregado el soporte para "CheckBox", si te parece bien, para que lo puedas agregar.
Los cabios estan marcados con: // <------CAMBIOS
He agregado el soporte para "CheckBox", si te parece bien, para que lo puedas agregar.
Los cabios estan marcados con: // <------CAMBIOS
Code: Select all | Expand
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function RcToPrg( cDlgName, aRCSource ) local cFuncName := "function " + cDlgName + "()" + CRLF + CRLF local n, cCode := "", aTokens, cToken local nSay := 0, nGet := 0, nBtn := 0, nLbx := 0, nChec := 0 // <------CAMBIOS local cVarsSays := " local " local cVarsGets := " local " local cVarsButtons := " local " local cVarsLbxs := " local " local cVarsCheckBox := " local " local cDlgDefine := " DEFINE DIALOG oDlg RESOURCE " + '"' + ; cDlgName + '"' local cId local cDlgActivate := " ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED" + CRLF + CRLF for n = 1 to Len( aRCSource ) aTokens = hb_ATokens( aRCSource[ n ] ) cToken = AllTrim( aTokens[ 1 ] ) do case case cToken == "EDITTEXT" cId = AllTrim( StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE GET oGet" + AllTrim( Str( ++nGet ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + CRLF + CRLF cVarsGets += "oGet" + AllTrim( Str( nGet ) ) + ", " case cToken == "LISTBOX" cId = AllTrim( StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE LISTBOX oLbx" + AllTrim( Str( ++nLbx ) ) + ; " ITEMS {}" + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + CRLF + CRLF cVarsLbxs += "oLbx" + AllTrim( Str( nLbx ) ) + ", " case cToken == "LTEXT" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRCSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) if ! cId $ "0,-1" // We don't redefine 0 and -1 IDs cCode += " REDEFINE SAY oSay" + AllTrim( Str( ++nSay ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + " // " + ; StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) + CRLF + CRLF cVarsSays += "oSay" + AllTrim( Str( nSay ) ) + ", " endif case cToken == "AUTOCHECKBOX" .OR. cToken == "CHECKBOX" // <------CAMBIOS cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE CHECKBOX oCheck" + AllTrim( Str( ++nChec ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg // " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + CRLF + ; CRLF cVarsCheckBox += "oCheck" + AllTrim( Str( nChec ) ) + ", " // <------CAMBIOS case cToken == "PUSHBUTTON" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE BUTTON oBtn" + AllTrim( Str( ++nBtn ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg ; // " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + CRLF + ; " ACTION MsgInfo( " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + " )" + ; CRLF + CRLF cVarsButtons += "oBtn" + AllTrim( Str( nBtn ) ) + ", " endcase next if Len( cVarsSays ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsSays = SubStr( cVarsSays, 1, Len( cVarsSays ) - 2 ) else cVarsSays = "" endif if Len( cVarsGets ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsGets = SubStr( cVarsGets, 1, Len( cVarsGets ) - 2 ) else cVarsGets = "" endif if Len( cVarsButtons ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsButtons = SubStr( cVarsButtons, 1, Len( cVarsButtons ) - 2 ) else cVarsButtons = "" endif if Len( cVarsLbxs ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsLbxs = SubStr( cVarsLbxs, 1, Len( cVarsLbxs ) - 2 ) else cVarsLbxs = "" endif return cFuncName + ; " local oDlg" + CRLF + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsCheckBox ), cVarsCheckBox + CRLF, "" ) + ; // <------CAMBIOS If( ! Empty( cVarsSays ), cVarsSays + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsGets ), cVarsGets + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsButtons ), cVarsButtons + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsLbxs ), cVarsLbxs + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsSays ) .or. ! Empty( cVarsGets ) .or. ; ! Empty( cVarsButtons ) .or. ! Empty( cVarsLbxs ), CRLF, "" ) + ; If( Empty( cVarsSays ) .and. Empty( cVarsGets ) .and. ; Empty( cVarsButtons ) .and. Empty( cVarsLbxs ),; CRLF, "" ) + cDlgDefine + CRLF + ; CRLF + cCode + ; cDlgActivate + "return nil"
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
Esta nueva versión ya no usa MemoLine() sino la Clase TTxtFile() de FWH, verás como corre ahora
El soporte de PellesC estaba mal en la versión anterior. Ahora ya procesa bien los GETs de PellesC.
Biel, el ejemplo de RC tuyo lo procesa bien. Falta implementar esos cambios en los demás controles.
Carlos, podrias añadir a esta versión tus cambios y lo publicas entero ? gracias
Esta nueva versión ya no usa MemoLine() sino la Clase TTxtFile() de FWH, verás como corre ahora

El soporte de PellesC estaba mal en la versión anterior. Ahora ya procesa bien los GETs de PellesC.
Biel, el ejemplo de RC tuyo lo procesa bien. Falta implementar esos cambios en los demás controles.
Carlos, podrias añadir a esta versión tus cambios y lo publicas entero ? gracias

Code: Select all | Expand
// Automatic REDEFINEs generator#include ""static cRCSrcCode, aDialogs := {}//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function Main() local oDlg, oGet, cRCFileName := Space( 250 ) local oLbx, cDlgName := Space( 50 ), oMemoRC, cCode := "" local oFont, oMemoPrg, cPrg := "" SetDlgGradient( { { 1, RGB( 199, 216, 237 ), RGB( 237, 242, 248 ) } } ) DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Courier New" SIZE 0, -14 DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "RCs REDEFINEs builder" ; SIZE 900, 700 @ 0.7, 1.5 SAY "RC filename:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 0.8, 6 GET oGet VAR cRCFileName OF oDlg SIZE 200, 12 ; ACTION ( cRCFileName := cGetFile( "*.rc", "Please select a RC file" ),; oGet:oBtn:Refresh(), oGet:SetFocus(),; aDialogs := {}, ListDialogs( cRCFileName, oLbx ) ) @ 2, 1.5 SAY "Dialogs in the RC file:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 3, 1 LISTBOX oLbx VAR cDlgName ITEMS {} OF oDlg SIZE 80, 164 ; ON CHANGE ShowCode( cDlgName, oMemoRC, oMemoPrg ) @ 2, 16.4 SAY "RC dialog source:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 3.3, 12 GET oMemoRC VAR cCode MEMO OF oDlg SIZE 345, 157 ; FONT oFont HSCROLL @ 16, 1 GET oMemoPrg VAR cPrg MEMO OF oDlg SIZE 433, 135 ; FONT oFont HSCROLL ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED oFont:End()return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ListDialogs( cRCFileName, oLbx ) local n, cDlgName, lDone, cLine, oRCFile if ! File( cRCFileName ) MsgAlert( cRCFileName + " does not exist" ) return nil endif // cRCSrcCode = MemoRead( cRCFileName ) oRCFile = TTxtFile():New( cRCFileName ) oLbx:Reset() for n = 1 to oRCFile:RecCount() // MLCount( cRCSrcCode ) cLine = oRCFile:ReadLine() // MemoLine( cRCSrcCode,, n ) oRcFile:Skip() SysRefresh() if ! SubStr( cLine, 1, 2 ) $ "//,/*" if Upper( StrToken( cLine, 2 ) ) $ "DIALOGEX" oLbx:Add( cDlgName := StrToken( cLine, 1 ) ) AAdd( aDialogs, { cDlgName, { cLine } } ) lDone = .F. else if ! Empty( aDialogs ) if Len( AllTrim( cLine ) ) == 1 .and. SubStr( cLine, 1, 1 ) == "}" AAdd( ATail( aDialogs )[ 2 ], "}" ) lDone = .T. else if ! lDone AAdd( ATail( aDialogs )[ 2 ], cLine ) endif endif endif endif endif next oLbx:GoTop() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ShowCode( cDlgName, oMemoRC, oMemoPrg ) local nAt := AScan( aDialogs, { | aDlg | aDlg[ 1 ] == cDlgName } ) if nAt != 0 oMemoRC:SetText( ArrayToText( aDialogs[ nAt ][ 2 ] ) ) oMemoPrg:SetText( RcToPrg( cDlgName, aDialogs[ nAt ][ 2 ] ) ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ArrayToText( aArray ) local n, cText := "" for n = 1 to Len( aArray ) cText += aArray[ n ] + CRLF next return cText//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function RcToPrg( cDlgName, aRCSource ) local cFuncName := "function " + cDlgName + "()" + CRLF + CRLF local n, cCode := "", aTokens, cToken local nSay := 0, nGet := 0, nBtn := 0, nLbx := 0 local cVarsSays := " local " local cVarsGets := " local " local cVarsButtons := " local " local cVarsLbxs := " local " local cDlgDefine := " DEFINE DIALOG oDlg RESOURCE " + '"' + ; cDlgName + '"' local cId local cDlgActivate := " ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED" + CRLF + CRLF for n = 1 to Len( aRCSource ) aTokens = hb_ATokens( aRCSource[ n ] ) cToken = AllTrim( aTokens[ 1 ] ) // XBrowser aTokens do case case cToken == "EDITTEXT" .or. ; ( cToken == "CONTROL" .and. Upper( aTokens[ 4 ] ) == '"EDIT",' ) if cToken == "EDITTEXT" cId = AllTrim( StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) ) else cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRCSource[ n ], 2, "," ) ) endif cCode += " REDEFINE GET oGet" + AllTrim( Str( ++nGet ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + CRLF + CRLF cVarsGets += "oGet" + AllTrim( Str( nGet ) ) + ", " case cToken == "LISTBOX" cId = AllTrim( StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE LISTBOX oLbx" + AllTrim( Str( ++nLbx ) ) + ; " ITEMS {}" + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + CRLF + CRLF cVarsLbxs += "oLbx" + AllTrim( Str( nLbx ) ) + ", " case cToken == "LTEXT" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRCSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) if ! cId $ "0,-1" // We don't redefine 0 and -1 IDs cCode += " REDEFINE SAY oSay" + AllTrim( Str( ++nSay ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + " // " + ; StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) + CRLF + CRLF cVarsSays += "oSay" + AllTrim( Str( nSay ) ) + ", " endif case cToken == "PUSHBUTTON" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE BUTTON oBtn" + AllTrim( Str( ++nBtn ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg ; // " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + CRLF + ; " ACTION MsgInfo( " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + " )" + ; CRLF + CRLF cVarsButtons += "oBtn" + AllTrim( Str( nBtn ) ) + ", " endcase next if Len( cVarsSays ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsSays = SubStr( cVarsSays, 1, Len( cVarsSays ) - 2 ) else cVarsSays = "" endif if Len( cVarsGets ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsGets = SubStr( cVarsGets, 1, Len( cVarsGets ) - 2 ) else cVarsGets = "" endif if Len( cVarsButtons ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsButtons = SubStr( cVarsButtons, 1, Len( cVarsButtons ) - 2 ) else cVarsButtons = "" endif if Len( cVarsLbxs ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsLbxs = SubStr( cVarsLbxs, 1, Len( cVarsLbxs ) - 2 ) else cVarsLbxs = "" endif return cFuncName + ; " local oDlg" + CRLF + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsSays ), cVarsSays + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsGets ), cVarsGets + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsButtons ), cVarsButtons + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsLbxs ), cVarsLbxs + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsSays ) .or. ! Empty( cVarsGets ) .or. ; ! Empty( cVarsButtons ) .or. ! Empty( cVarsLbxs ), CRLF, "" ) + ; If( Empty( cVarsSays ) .and. Empty( cVarsGets ) .and. ; Empty( cVarsButtons ) .and. Empty( cVarsLbxs ),; CRLF, "" ) + cDlgDefine + CRLF + ; CRLF + cCode + ; cDlgActivate + "return nil" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
Listo Antonio.
Ya lo he probado, y ahora corre muchisimo mas rapido en la lectura de los RC.
Ya lo he probado, y ahora corre muchisimo mas rapido en la lectura de los RC.
Code: Select all | Expand
// Automatic REDEFINEs generator#include ""static cRCSrcCode, aDialogs := {}//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function Main() local oDlg, oGet, cRCFileName := Space( 250 ) local oLbx, cDlgName := Space( 50 ), oMemoRC, cCode := "" local oFont, oMemoPrg, cPrg := "" SetDlgGradient( { { 1, RGB( 199, 216, 237 ), RGB( 237, 242, 248 ) } } ) DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Courier New" SIZE 0, -14 DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "RCs REDEFINEs builder" ; SIZE 900, 700 @ 0.7, 1.5 SAY "RC filename:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 0.8, 6 GET oGet VAR cRCFileName OF oDlg SIZE 200, 12 ; ACTION ( cRCFileName := cGetFile( "*.rc", "Please select a RC file" ),; oGet:oBtn:Refresh(), oGet:SetFocus(),; aDialogs := {}, ListDialogs( cRCFileName, oLbx ) ) @ 2, 1.5 SAY "Dialogs in the RC file:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 3, 1 LISTBOX oLbx VAR cDlgName ITEMS {} OF oDlg SIZE 80, 164 ; ON CHANGE ShowCode( cDlgName, oMemoRC, oMemoPrg ) @ 2, 16.4 SAY "RC dialog source:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 3.3, 12 GET oMemoRC VAR cCode MEMO OF oDlg SIZE 345, 157 ; FONT oFont HSCROLL @ 16, 1 GET oMemoPrg VAR cPrg MEMO OF oDlg SIZE 433, 135 ; FONT oFont HSCROLL ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED oFont:End()return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ListDialogs( cRCFileName, oLbx ) local n, cDlgName, lDone, cLine, oRCFile if ! File( cRCFileName ) MsgAlert( cRCFileName + " does not exist" ) return nil endif // cRCSrcCode = MemoRead( cRCFileName ) oRCFile = TTxtFile():New( cRCFileName ) oLbx:Reset() for n = 1 to oRCFile:RecCount() // MLCount( cRCSrcCode ) cLine = oRCFile:ReadLine() // MemoLine( cRCSrcCode,, n ) oRcFile:Skip() SysRefresh() if ! SubStr( cLine, 1, 2 ) $ "//,/*" if Upper( StrToken( cLine, 2 ) ) $ "DIALOGEX" oLbx:Add( cDlgName := StrToken( cLine, 1 ) ) AAdd( aDialogs, { cDlgName, { cLine } } ) lDone = .F. else if ! Empty( aDialogs ) if Len( AllTrim( cLine ) ) == 1 .and. SubStr( cLine, 1, 1 ) == "}" AAdd( ATail( aDialogs )[ 2 ], "}" ) lDone = .T. else if ! lDone AAdd( ATail( aDialogs )[ 2 ], cLine ) endif endif endif endif endif next oLbx:GoTop() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ShowCode( cDlgName, oMemoRC, oMemoPrg ) local nAt := AScan( aDialogs, { | aDlg | aDlg[ 1 ] == cDlgName } ) if nAt != 0 oMemoRC:SetText( ArrayToText( aDialogs[ nAt ][ 2 ] ) ) oMemoPrg:SetText( RcToPrg( cDlgName, aDialogs[ nAt ][ 2 ] ) ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ArrayToText( aArray ) local n, cText := "" for n = 1 to Len( aArray ) cText += aArray[ n ] + CRLF next return cText//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function RcToPrg( cDlgName, aRCSource ) local cFuncName := "function " + cDlgName + "()" + CRLF + CRLF local n, cCode := "", aTokens, cToken local nSay := 0, nGet := 0, nBtn := 0, nLbx := 0, nChec := 0 local cVarsSays := " local " local cVarsGets := " local " local cVarsButtons := " local " local cVarsLbxs := " local " local cVarsCheckBox := " local " local cDlgDefine := " DEFINE DIALOG oDlg RESOURCE " + '"' + ; cDlgName + '"' local cId local cDlgActivate := " ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED" + CRLF + CRLF for n = 1 to Len( aRCSource ) aTokens = hb_ATokens( aRCSource[ n ] ) cToken = AllTrim( aTokens[ 1 ] ) // XBrowser aTokens do case case cToken == "EDITTEXT" .or. ; ( cToken == "CONTROL" .and. Upper( aTokens[ 4 ] ) == '"EDIT",' ) if cToken == "EDITTEXT" cId = AllTrim( StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) ) else cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRCSource[ n ], 2, "," ) ) endif cCode += " REDEFINE GET oGet" + AllTrim( Str( ++nGet ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + CRLF + CRLF cVarsGets += "oGet" + AllTrim( Str( nGet ) ) + ", " case cToken == "LISTBOX" cId = AllTrim( StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE LISTBOX oLbx" + AllTrim( Str( ++nLbx ) ) + ; " ITEMS {}" + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + CRLF + CRLF cVarsLbxs += "oLbx" + AllTrim( Str( nLbx ) ) + ", " case cToken == "LTEXT" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRCSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) if ! cId $ "0,-1" // We don't redefine 0 and -1 IDs cCode += " REDEFINE SAY oSay" + AllTrim( Str( ++nSay ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + " // " + ; StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) + CRLF + CRLF cVarsSays += "oSay" + AllTrim( Str( nSay ) ) + ", " endif case cToken == "AUTOCHECKBOX" .OR. cToken == "CHECKBOX" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE CHECKBOX oCheck" + AllTrim( Str( ++nChec ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg // " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + CRLF + ; CRLF cVarsCheckBox += "oCheck" + AllTrim( Str( nChec ) ) + ", " case cToken == "PUSHBUTTON" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE BUTTON oBtn" + AllTrim( Str( ++nBtn ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg ; // " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + CRLF + ; " ACTION MsgInfo( " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + " )" + ; CRLF + CRLF cVarsButtons += "oBtn" + AllTrim( Str( nBtn ) ) + ", " endcase next if Len( cVarsSays ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsSays = SubStr( cVarsSays, 1, Len( cVarsSays ) - 2 ) else cVarsSays = "" endif if Len( cVarsGets ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsGets = SubStr( cVarsGets, 1, Len( cVarsGets ) - 2 ) else cVarsGets = "" endif if Len( cVarsButtons ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsButtons = SubStr( cVarsButtons, 1, Len( cVarsButtons ) - 2 ) else cVarsButtons = "" endif if Len( cVarsLbxs ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsLbxs = SubStr( cVarsLbxs, 1, Len( cVarsLbxs ) - 2 ) else cVarsLbxs = "" endif if Len( cVarsCheckBox ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsCheckBox = SubStr( cVarsCheckBox, 1, Len( cVarsCheckBox ) - 2 ) else cVarsCheckBox = "" endif return cFuncName + ; " local oDlg" + CRLF + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsSays ), cVarsSays + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsCheckBox ), cVarsCheckBox + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsGets ), cVarsGets + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsButtons ), cVarsButtons + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsLbxs ), cVarsLbxs + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsSays ) .or. ! Empty( cVarsGets ) .or. ; ! Empty( cVarsButtons ) .or. ! Empty( cVarsLbxs ), CRLF, "" ) + ; If( Empty( cVarsSays ) .and. Empty( cVarsGets ) .and. ; Empty( cVarsButtons ) .and. Empty( cVarsLbxs ),; CRLF, "" ) + cDlgDefine + CRLF + ; CRLF + cCode + ; cDlgActivate + "return nil" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
Listo, cambiado nChec por nChk.
Code: Select all | Expand
// Automatic REDEFINEs generator#include ""static cRCSrcCode, aDialogs := {}//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function Main() local oDlg, oGet, cRCFileName := Space( 250 ) local oLbx, cDlgName := Space( 50 ), oMemoRC, cCode := "" local oFont, oMemoPrg, cPrg := "" SetDlgGradient( { { 1, RGB( 199, 216, 237 ), RGB( 237, 242, 248 ) } } ) DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Courier New" SIZE 0, -14 DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "RCs REDEFINEs builder" ; SIZE 900, 700 @ 0.7, 1.5 SAY "RC filename:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 0.8, 6 GET oGet VAR cRCFileName OF oDlg SIZE 200, 12 ; ACTION ( cRCFileName := cGetFile( "*.rc", "Please select a RC file" ),; oGet:oBtn:Refresh(), oGet:SetFocus(),; aDialogs := {}, ListDialogs( cRCFileName, oLbx ) ) @ 2, 1.5 SAY "Dialogs in the RC file:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 3, 1 LISTBOX oLbx VAR cDlgName ITEMS {} OF oDlg SIZE 80, 164 ; ON CHANGE ShowCode( cDlgName, oMemoRC, oMemoPrg ) @ 2, 16.4 SAY "RC dialog source:" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 9 @ 3.3, 12 GET oMemoRC VAR cCode MEMO OF oDlg SIZE 345, 157 ; FONT oFont HSCROLL @ 16, 1 GET oMemoPrg VAR cPrg MEMO OF oDlg SIZE 433, 135 ; FONT oFont HSCROLL ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED oFont:End()return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ListDialogs( cRCFileName, oLbx ) local n, cDlgName, lDone, cLine, oRCFile if ! File( cRCFileName ) MsgAlert( cRCFileName + " does not exist" ) return nil endif // cRCSrcCode = MemoRead( cRCFileName ) oRCFile = TTxtFile():New( cRCFileName ) oLbx:Reset() for n = 1 to oRCFile:RecCount() // MLCount( cRCSrcCode ) cLine = oRCFile:ReadLine() // MemoLine( cRCSrcCode,, n ) oRcFile:Skip() SysRefresh() if ! SubStr( cLine, 1, 2 ) $ "//,/*" if Upper( StrToken( cLine, 2 ) ) $ "DIALOGEX" oLbx:Add( cDlgName := StrToken( cLine, 1 ) ) AAdd( aDialogs, { cDlgName, { cLine } } ) lDone = .F. else if ! Empty( aDialogs ) if Len( AllTrim( cLine ) ) == 1 .and. SubStr( cLine, 1, 1 ) == "}" AAdd( ATail( aDialogs )[ 2 ], "}" ) lDone = .T. else if ! lDone AAdd( ATail( aDialogs )[ 2 ], cLine ) endif endif endif endif endif next oLbx:GoTop() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ShowCode( cDlgName, oMemoRC, oMemoPrg ) local nAt := AScan( aDialogs, { | aDlg | aDlg[ 1 ] == cDlgName } ) if nAt != 0 oMemoRC:SetText( ArrayToText( aDialogs[ nAt ][ 2 ] ) ) oMemoPrg:SetText( RcToPrg( cDlgName, aDialogs[ nAt ][ 2 ] ) ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ArrayToText( aArray ) local n, cText := "" for n = 1 to Len( aArray ) cText += aArray[ n ] + CRLF next return cText//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function RcToPrg( cDlgName, aRCSource ) local cFuncName := "function " + cDlgName + "()" + CRLF + CRLF local n, cCode := "", aTokens, cToken local nSay := 0, nGet := 0, nBtn := 0, nLbx := 0, nChk := 0 local cVarsSays := " local " local cVarsGets := " local " local cVarsButtons := " local " local cVarsLbxs := " local " local cVarsCheckBox := " local " local cDlgDefine := " DEFINE DIALOG oDlg RESOURCE " + '"' + ; cDlgName + '"' local cId local cDlgActivate := " ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED" + CRLF + CRLF for n = 1 to Len( aRCSource ) aTokens = hb_ATokens( aRCSource[ n ] ) cToken = AllTrim( aTokens[ 1 ] ) // XBrowser aTokens do case case cToken == "EDITTEXT" .or. ; ( cToken == "CONTROL" .and. Upper( aTokens[ 4 ] ) == '"EDIT",' ) if cToken == "EDITTEXT" cId = AllTrim( StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) ) else cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRCSource[ n ], 2, "," ) ) endif cCode += " REDEFINE GET oGet" + AllTrim( Str( ++nGet ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + CRLF + CRLF cVarsGets += "oGet" + AllTrim( Str( nGet ) ) + ", " case cToken == "LISTBOX" cId = AllTrim( StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE LISTBOX oLbx" + AllTrim( Str( ++nLbx ) ) + ; " ITEMS {}" + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + CRLF + CRLF cVarsLbxs += "oLbx" + AllTrim( Str( nLbx ) ) + ", " case cToken == "LTEXT" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRCSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) if ! cId $ "0,-1" // We don't redefine 0 and -1 IDs cCode += " REDEFINE SAY oSay" + AllTrim( Str( ++nSay ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg" + " // " + ; StrTran( aTokens[ 2 ], ",", "" ) + CRLF + CRLF cVarsSays += "oSay" + AllTrim( Str( nSay ) ) + ", " endif case cToken == "AUTOCHECKBOX" .OR. cToken == "CHECKBOX" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE CHECKBOX oCheck" + AllTrim( Str( ++nChk ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg // " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + CRLF + ; CRLF cVarsCheckBox += "oCheck" + AllTrim( Str( nChk ) ) + ", " case cToken == "PUSHBUTTON" cId = AllTrim( StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, ',' ) ) cCode += " REDEFINE BUTTON oBtn" + AllTrim( Str( ++nBtn ) ) + ; " ID " + cId + " OF oDlg ; // " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + CRLF + ; " ACTION MsgInfo( " + ; '"' + StrToken( aRcSource[ n ], 2, '"' ) + '"' + " )" + ; CRLF + CRLF cVarsButtons += "oBtn" + AllTrim( Str( nBtn ) ) + ", " endcase next if Len( cVarsSays ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsSays = SubStr( cVarsSays, 1, Len( cVarsSays ) - 2 ) else cVarsSays = "" endif if Len( cVarsGets ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsGets = SubStr( cVarsGets, 1, Len( cVarsGets ) - 2 ) else cVarsGets = "" endif if Len( cVarsButtons ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsButtons = SubStr( cVarsButtons, 1, Len( cVarsButtons ) - 2 ) else cVarsButtons = "" endif if Len( cVarsLbxs ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsLbxs = SubStr( cVarsLbxs, 1, Len( cVarsLbxs ) - 2 ) else cVarsLbxs = "" endif if Len( cVarsCheckBox ) > Len( " local " ) cVarsCheckBox = SubStr( cVarsCheckBox, 1, Len( cVarsCheckBox ) - 2 ) else cVarsCheckBox = "" endif return cFuncName + ; " local oDlg" + CRLF + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsSays ), cVarsSays + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsCheckBox ), cVarsCheckBox + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsGets ), cVarsGets + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsButtons ), cVarsButtons + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsLbxs ), cVarsLbxs + CRLF, "" ) + ; If( ! Empty( cVarsSays ) .or. ! Empty( cVarsGets ) .or. ; ! Empty( cVarsButtons ) .or. ! Empty( cVarsLbxs ), CRLF, "" ) + ; If( Empty( cVarsSays ) .and. Empty( cVarsGets ) .and. ; Empty( cVarsButtons ) .and. Empty( cVarsLbxs ),; CRLF, "" ) + cDlgDefine + CRLF + ; CRLF + cCode + ; cDlgActivate + "return nil" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda
A ver si podemos ir añadiendo los controles más habituales para hacerlo operativo
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda

A ver si podemos ir añadiendo los controles más habituales para hacerlo operativo
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
Recordaba que teníamos en FWH un desarrollo de editor de recursos que aún es más potente: samples\re.prg
De hecho re.prg permite además visualizar el diálogo:

Podriamos mejorar re.prg y asi conseguir más potencia
Recordaba que teníamos en FWH un desarrollo de editor de recursos que aún es más potente: samples\re.prg
De hecho re.prg permite además visualizar el diálogo:

Podriamos mejorar re.prg y asi conseguir más potencia

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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
Me parece Antonio, con gusto te puedo ayudar en lo que pueda a mejorar esta otra utilidad.
Voy a buscar el re.prg y voy a hacer las pruebas con los rc que estaba verificanco con REDEFINE.prg
Voy a buscar el re.prg y voy a hacer las pruebas con los rc que estaba verificanco con REDEFINE.prg
- Biel EA6DD
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Re: Nueva utilidad REDEFINE.prg libre
Antonio, GETs ok, cuando tenga un momento puedo añadir resto de componentes.
- Antonio Linares
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- Antonio Linares
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