oField := oRs:Fields( n ) // n is zero based
oField := oRs:Fields( "<fieldname>" )
oField:Name --> field name
oField:Type --> Ado Type of the field as numeric
You can find all ado field types here
http://www.w3schools.com/asp/ado_datatypes.aspFor character fields:
oField:DefinedSize --> Field length
For Numeric fields of type Decimal and Number:
oField:Precision --> Length
oField:NumericScale --> number of decimals
For numeric fields like double, float, etc.
we need to set Len and Dec on our own.
If you go through METHOD SetColFromADO() in the xbrowse.prg you can find how to use all the above how to derive DBF style types, etc from the above information.
This should be enough to answer all your questions.