Hi All,
I'm going to add some more info here for clarity....
I am actually using NTX not NDX as I mentioned (fingers were faster than the brain).
I don't think the index is my issue. If I scroll through my main patient list there is no slow down at all. Only slows when I try to use the filters.
Also, there is no slow down when only one user is connected. My test database has approx 500 records. I can only imagine how slow it would be with thousands.
In the screen shot below there is a listbox with the patients. Above that there are 4 gets. The 4 gets allow the user to do an incremental search.
As the user types, the list filters to show only the matching records. With one user, the characters in the get show up as I type. With more than one user, the characters have a delay from the time you press the letter to the time you actually see it appear in the get (and then more delay until the list box shows the filtered list).
I tried using the following index but I get a Create error which is tied to the FOR clause. Can NTX indexs not handle the FOR clause?
Code: Select all | Expand
INDEX ON UPPER(Patients->Last) TO "Temp" FOR Patients->Last = Alltrim(cLast) MEMORY
This is the actual filter I am using:
Code: Select all | Expand
SET FILTER TO Upper(Patients->Last) = Upper(Alltrim(cLast)) .and. Upper(Patients->First) = Upper(Alltrim(cFirst)) .and. Upper(Patients->ID) = Upper(Alltrim(cID)) .and. Upper(Patients->MRN) = Upper(Alltrim(cMRN))
I feel that if I can get the Set Index...FOR working my problem would be solved.
Any and all input is truly appreciated
