When I regularely install xHarbour and FWH on Windows8 machine I have this problem:
- The compiling went fine
- Linking produce this error:
Windows8 machine is 64-bit processor
Code: Select all | Expand
Type: C >>>xlink.exe -NOEXPOBJ -MAP -FORCE:MULTIPLE -NOIMPLIB -subsystem:windows -UNMANGLE -LIBPATH:"c:\fwh1304\lib" -LIBPATH:"C:\xhbjan13\Lib" -LIBPATH:"" -LIBPATH:"C:\fwh1304\lib" -LIBPATH:"C:\xhbjan13\lib" -LIBPATH:"C:\xhbjan13\c_lib" -LIBPATH:"C:\xhbjan13\c_lib\win" "obj32\badmin.obj" "obj32\prv2pdf.obj" "obj32\licmanag.obj" "obj32\marx.obj" "obj32\qftp.obj" "obj32\shiftdif.obj" "obj32\tcbackup.obj" "obj32\mailer.obj" "obj32\chkmail.obj" "obj32\see32fun.obj" "obj32\xviewer.obj" "obj32\b_compan.obj" "obj32\b_worker.obj" "obj32\b_chkfls.obj" "obj32\initdbf.obj" "obj32\b_dept.obj" "obj32\msgcalc.obj" "obj32\mycalend.obj" "obj32\paypolic.obj" "obj32\rndpolic.obj" "obj32\holidays.obj" "obj32\holipack.obj" "obj32\payrep02.obj" "obj32\missingp.obj" "obj32\borisrep.obj" "obj32\sumh.obj" "obj32\tajm.obj" "obj32\brat.obj" "obj32\onduty.obj" "obj32\barcodes.obj" "obj32\purgeh.obj" "obj32\histedt.obj" "obj32\imports.obj" "obj32\jobs.obj" "obj32\shifts.obj" "obj32\schedule.obj" "obj32\daysoff.obj" "obj32\indexes.obj" "obj32\fancy.obj" "obj32\newcomp.obj" "obj32\prtotals.obj" "obj32\borisfnc.obj" "obj32\punchman.obj" "obj32\payrep01.obj" "obj32\first1.obj" "obj32\getdbf.obj" "obj32\punchm.obj" "obj32\alert.obj" "obj32\longnam2.obj" "obj32\commonfn.obj" "obj32\browse.obj" "obj32\wininet.obj" "obj32\badmin.res" "mem32.lib" "send32.lib" "oledlg.lib" "xhbzip.lib" "xhbzipdll.lib" "c:\fwh1304\lib\FiveHCM.lib" "c:\fwh1304\lib\FiveHMX.lib" "C:\xhbjan13\Lib\OptG.lib" "C:\xhbjan13\Lib\xhb.lib" "C:\xhbjan13\Lib\dbf.lib" "C:\xhbjan13\Lib\nsx.lib" "C:\xhbjan13\Lib\ntx.lib" "C:\xhbjan13\Lib\cdx.lib" "C:\xhbjan13\Lib\rmdbfcdx.lib" "C:\xhbjan13\Lib\ct3comm.lib" crt.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib winspool.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib uuid.lib wsock32.lib ws2_32.lib wininet.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib msimg32.lib mpr.lib OleDlg.lib version.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib gdi32.lib shell32.lib winmm.lib lz32.lib Netapi32.lib -out:"c:\clock\admin.exe"<<<
xLINK: fatal error: No argument specified with option /LIBPATH.
Type: C >>>Couldn't build: admin.exe<<<
Type: N >>> 1405<<<
I am not using this variable/path/constant (whatever it is) at all anywhere...
Using XBP file as I do on Windows7
Maybe it is related somehow but after I installed FWH and xHarbour on Windows8 and also create dthe folder for developing the application, I cannot just doubleclick in application folder on a XBP file and load xBuildW with a XBP file. It just tries to compile without a dialog and trows the above error.
When I run xBuildW from xHArbour folder and load the XBP file from developing folder - again the same error while linking.
Cannot find
- The error cause
- The reason why cannot doublme click and load XBP in xBuildW as I do in Windows7