for new SEPA transactions I want to embed a 3rd party .dll.
Like in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19703&p=103913&hilit=Struct+DLL#p103913 there are functions with a STRUCT as parameter.
Functions calls like:
Code: Select all | Expand
int SepaTools_SetOptions(XMLOptionStruct *OptionStruct)
Code: Select all | Expand
struct XMLInfoStruct
int FullNameSpace
char ConvertFile[255+1]
int ConvertFlag
int UebwSicht
int EilUebw
int NumsMsgID
char Reserve[992]
Also, I have to call some functions with parameter per reference as the parameter gets changed and I need the newly changed parameter.
The DLL comes from this site:
And the documentation can be downloaded here: ... LL-Eng.pdf
As recommended in the linked topic on this forum I tried to import the dll with implib, but the outcome is, that the dll, size 2mb, gets reduced to a 7kb lib-file. When including this lib I get an 'unresolved external' message about the dll/lib-contained functions while compiling.