

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:00 am

On Memoedit function I saw we can load a rtf file
it is possible insert a small bar with the functions of SetChildBar ( testrtf.prg) ?
and it is possible save as memo record ?
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Re: Memoedit

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:40 am


It seems as a very good proposal, thanks :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Memoedit

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:50 am

Do we comvert MemoEdit() multiline GET into a RichEdit ?

Or should we better implement a new function RichEdit() that uses a RichEdit ?

FWH already provides SourceEdit( @cSource, cTitle, nRgbBackColor )
regards, saludos

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Re: Memoedit

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:27 pm

Do we comvert MemoEdit() multiline GET into a RichEdit ?

No please.
We do need basic text editor more frequently.

One suggestion is to use fixed font for text edit.

Yes, MemoEdit edit RTF and GTF also,
When it detects RTF then it can have more features than now

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Re: Memoedit

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:59 pm

not was a joke ...
I saw on an application VB of products : eah products have a memo and on this there was a box rtf when you can use rtf commands
on it the user can save as memo or rtf or word or txt I not not how it is possible
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Re: Memoedit

Postby TimStone » Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:01 am

When reviewing the Sept. notes, samples, etc., I was interested in the RichEdit capabilities. What I didn't see was a sample of using it with a RESOURCE. Specifically, how should a resource be specified in the .rc file.

Also, I noticed that every sample loads RichEd20.dll, but I do not see a copy of that anywhere on my computer. Where do we find it ? Can we then distribute it ?

Does a memo edited in RTF have to be stored in an RTF file, or could it be stored in the memo fields ( .fpt ) ?

So far all of my work has been pure text with Memoedit( ) but my clients think it would be good to have highlighted text.

Finally, if we had the ability to substituted a richedit control, with bar, for a memoedit, perhaps using a flag to differentiate text from rtf, that would be a great feature.

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Re: Memoedit

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Nov 22, 2013 6:31 am

Also, I noticed that every sample loads RichEd20.dll, but I do not see a copy of that anywhere on my computer. Where do we find it ? Can we then distribute it ?

Please check your c:\Windows\System32 folder.
This dll is provided by Microsoft. We can download from internet and also distribute.

Does a memo edited in RTF have to be stored in an RTF file, or could it be stored in the memo fields ( .fpt ) ?

Your choice. You can store either in an RTF file or in a memo field.
XBrowse automatically provides edit of RTF memps, if you set oCol:nEditType := EDIT_BUTTON for a memofield and you do not have to provide bEditBlock.

So far all of my work has been pure text with Memoedit( ) but my clients think it would be good to have highlighted text.

Good Idea. Actually MemoEdit() automatically provides for edit of normal text as normal text and RTF as RTF.

Finally, if we had the ability to substituted a richedit control, with bar, for a memoedit, perhaps using a flag to differentiate text from rtf, that would be a great feature.

MemoEdit() function automatically reconginzes normal text, RTF and GTF.

XBrowse editing features of memofield automatically recognize Normal Text, RTF, GTF, Image, Binary Text and offer appropriate edits without any effort/codeing by the programmer.

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Re: Memoedit

Postby TimStone » Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:23 am

Ok, but if I start a new memo, or want to convert plain text, how could I do this? For example, I have a memo edit on a dialog. I want to force it into RTF mode. Can I do this?
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Re: Memoedit

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:59 am

I not have the new version I cannot try it , I wish ask a question
But then the rtf obj ( made with the new memoedit) can be saved into a Memo field ?
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Re: Memoedit

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:02 am

Silvio.Falconi wrote:I not have the new version I cannot try it , I wish ask a question
But then the rtf obj ( made with the new memoedit) can be saved into a Memo field ?

Memoedit had this feature since a long time. You do not need the latest version. Yes, we can save rtf text in a memo field.

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Re: Memoedit

Postby TimStone » Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:25 pm

Let me ask this again, perhaps more clearly. I viewed and tried the memo/rtf control without success.

I have a lot of data in memo fields. Right now they are all plain text.

I would like the ability to change those plain memo text editors to RTF. It would work this way:

1) The existing data would be called from the .fpt file in its existing text format.
2) The edit field would be "flagged" to Rich Text Format regardless of the original content.
3) The current text could be modified ( enhanced ) and new text added.
4) The result would be saved back to the .fpt file.

The other question is also simple. All of my printouts are built using the PRINT commands. I read the memo fields and print it in lines of 60 characters. Would this be able to automatically print RTF lines ?


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Re: Memoedit

Postby Otto » Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:03 am

Hello Tim,
this is an old post of you. Sure you resolved your problem.
I had the same problem as you and for me:
oRTF:LoadAsRTF( cMemo )
oRTF:SaveAsRTF( cMemo )
is working fine.
What solution do you have for "flagged" to Rich Text Format ?
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Re: Memoedit

Postby TimStone » Tue Mar 18, 2014 12:15 am


You will notice there was never a reply. I assumed there was no answer to my question: "How can I read a current memo in plain text into an RTF edit, and save it?"

All of my text has been in the standard format ( plain text ) but it would be nice to be able to modify it as Rich Text.

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Re: Memoedit

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:52 pm

In the latest version of FWH, function MemoEdit accepts a logical value as optional 7th parameter.

MemoEdit( @cText, [ctitle], [nTop], [nLeft], [nBottom], [nRight], [lRTF] ) --> lEdited.

When the 7th parameter is true, the input text (whether text or RTF) is edited and saved as RTF only.

This can be easily implemented in XBrowse.
For a memo field, if oCol:nEditType is set to EDIT_BUTTON, then pressing enter or double clicking invokes MemoEdit(). In case of empty data or pure text data, the user is prompted to edit as Text or RTF. If the user chooses to edit as RTF, then the text is converted to RTF and edited and saved as RTF.

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Re: Memoedit

Postby TimStone » Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:22 pm

How about with a GET for a memo:

REDEFINE GET oTxt:ltrtxt MEMO MESSAGE "Edit the text, and press OK to save your changes, or Cancel to exit" ;
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