I have 433 programs and 177 DBFs. I want to convert LISTBOXES to XBROWSE then handle the data conversion and the data management (Insert, Update, Delete).
//This sql will fetch and post records from remit into payfile
//after that, it sets isPosted field on remits table to true
//to avoid it being posted more than once.
//The reason I'm Disabling triggers is to make posting faster
//while avoiding the saving of new balances info on the claim
//as these should not be considered into the audit-trail 4/2/2013 1:37:40 PM
::cPostToRemitSQL := ;
"DECLARE tbl CURSOR; \n"+;
"DECLARE tmptbl CURSOR; \n"+;
"DECLARE nDeduct NUMERIC( 10, 2 ); \n"+;
"DECLARE nCoins NUMERIC( 10, 2 ); \n"+;
"DECLARE nPatAdj NUMERIC( 10, 2 ); \n"+;
"DECLARE nInsAdj NUMERIC( 10, 2 ); \n"+;
"DECLARE nStatus INTEGER ; \n"+;
" \n"+;
"EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_DisableTriggers( NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0 );\n"+;
"OPEN tbl AS SELECT r.[Check], r.Insurance, r.Chkdate, \n"+;
" r.account, r.ClaimKey, r.BillCode, \n"+;
" r.Srv_date, r.Rcv_date, r.Deposit_date, \n"+;
" r.amt_paid, r.adjusted, r.deduc, r.icn, \n"+;
" r.ins_assg, r.adj_reason, \n"+;
;//if patient has been charged any amount, either as a straight-out
;//deductible or in the form of an adjustment, then [billedDeduc]
;//will not be zero.
" s.pat_charge + s.pat_adjust AS [billedDeduc],\n"+;
;//" l.deduct AS [billedDeduc], \n"+;
" s.ClaimKey AS isFoundInSrvTbl, \n"+;
" s.isClosed AS isClosed, \n"+;
" s.Co_ins AS Co_ins, \n"+;
" p.ClaimKey AS isFoundInPayTbl \n"+;
" FROM remits r \n"+;
" LEFT JOIN service s ON s.ClaimKey = r.ClaimKey \n"+;
" LEFT JOIN prclines l ON l.ClaimKey = r.ClaimKey \n"+;
" AND l.proc_code = r.BillCode \n"+;
" LEFT JOIN payfile p ON p.ClaimKey = r.ClaimKey \n"+;
" AND p.proc_code = r.billcode \n"+;
" AND p.recipt_num = r.[check] \n"+;
" AND p.INS_PAY = r.amt_paid \n"+;
" AND p.Insurance = r.Insurance \n"+;
" WHERE [check] = '$1$' \n"+;
" AND r.payer = '$2$' \n"+;
" AND chkDate = '$3$' \n"+;
" AND TRIM( r.ClaimKey ) <> '' \n"+;
" AND isPosted = FALSE ; \n"+;
" \n"+;
"WHILE FETCH tbl DO \n"+;
" \n"+;
"//----------------------------------------------------- \n"+;
;//Post remittance entries to payfile
" nDeduct = 0.00 ; \n"+;
" nPatAdj = 0.00 ; \n"+;
" nInsAdj = tbl.adjusted ; \n"+;
" ncoIns = tbl.ins_assg ; \n"+;
"//----------------------------------------------------- \n"+;
;//"//Avoid re-posting same check when re-imported or re-entered\n"+;
;//isFoundInPayTbl is being commented because I found that
;//often times a remittance will list the same claim more than once.
;//The 1st time it may be positive and the 2nd negative or
;//a combination of these. Therefore, I'm processing all lines
;//on the remittance even when the claim line already has
;//a payment posted.
;//" IF /*tbl.isFoundInPayTbl IS NULL AND*/ tbl.isFoundInSrvTbl IS NOT NULL THEN \n"+;
" \n"+;
" IF tbl.isFoundInSrvTbl IS NOT NULL THEN \n"+;
" \n"+;
;//if deductibles are being ignored when posting, then adjustments to
;//change patient responsibility are not processed.
;//also ignore deductible if this claim line was billed with
;//deductible already.
" IF $4$ = TRUE AND tbl.deduc > 0.00 \n"+;
" AND tbl.Co_ins = '' \n"+;
" AND tbl.[billedDeduc] = 0.00 THEN \n"+;
" nPatAdj = -tbl.Deduc; \n"+;
;//" nInsAdj = tbl.deduc ; \n"+;
" ELSEIF tbl.Co_ins <> '' AND tbl.deduc > 0.00 THEN \n"+;
" nCoIns = tbl.deduc + tbl.ins_assg ; \n"+;
;//" nInsAdj = nCoIns + tbl.adjusted; \n"+;
" END; \n"+;
" \n"+;
" INSERT INTO payfile ( ClaimKey, adm_num, Proc_code, \n"+;
" Insurance, Pay_date, \n"+;
" last_edit, Rcv_date, \n"+;
" serv_date, ins_pay, \n"+;
" ins_adjust, pat_adjust, \n"+;
" adj_reason, recipt_num, \n"+;
" co_ins_asg, operator ) \n"+;
" VALUES ( tbl.ClaimKey, tbl.Account, tbl.billcode,\n"+;
" tbl.Insurance, tbl.chkdate, \n"+;
" tbl.Deposit_date, tbl.Rcv_date, \n"+;
" tbl.Srv_date, tbl.amt_paid, \n"+;
" tbl.adjusted, nPatAdj, \n"+;
" tbl.adj_reason, tbl.[Check], \n"+;
" nCoIns, User() ); \n"+;
" \n"+;
" END; \n"+;
"END WHILE ; \n"+;
" \n"+;
"CLOSE tbl; \n"+;
;//reopen remits but this time aggregate payfile entries per claim.
;//On this pass we will post payfile aggregates to claims and insert new
;//claims status into claimsstatus table.
" \n"+;
"OPEN tbl AS SELECT ClaimKey, Insurance, \n"+;
" FileName, Srv_date, ChkDate, \n"+;
" SUM( amt_paid ) AS amt_paid \n"+;
" FROM remits r \n"+;
" WHERE [check] = '$1$' \n"+;
" AND r.payer = '$2$' \n"+;
" AND chkDate = '$3$' \n"+;
" AND TRIM( r.ClaimKey ) <> '' \n"+;
" AND isPosted = FALSE \n"+;
" GROUP BY claimkey, insurance, FileName, Srv_date, chkDate;\n"+;
" \n"+;
"//Update service.adt totals \n"+;
"WHILE FETCH tbl DO \n"+;
" \n"+;
" OPEN tmptbl AS SELECT ClaimKey, \n"+;
" SUM( ifNull( ins_pay, 0.00 ) ) AS ins_pay, \n"+;
" SUM( ifNull( ins_adjust, 0.00 ) ) AS ins_adjust, \n"+;
" SUM( ifNull( pat_adjust, 0.00 ) ) AS pat_adjust, \n"+;
" SUM( ifNull( co_ins_asg, 0.00 ) ) AS co_ins_asg \n"+;
" FROM payfile \n"+;
" WHERE ClaimKey = tbl.ClaimKey \n"+;
" GROUP BY ClaimKey ; \n"+;
" \n"+;
" IF FETCH tmptbl THEN \n"+;
" UPDATE service SET ins_paymen = tmptbl.ins_pay, \n"+;
" pat_adjust = tmptbl.pat_adjust, \n"+;
" ins_adjust = tmptbl.ins_adjust, \n"+;
" co_ins_asg = tmptbl.co_ins_asg \n"+;
" WHERE ClaimKey = tbl.ClaimKey; \n"+;
" \n"+;
" END; \n"+;
" CLOSE tmptbl; \n"+;
" \n"+;
" nStatus = NULL ; \n"+;
" OPEN tmptbl AS SELECT real_amt - ( \n"+;
" IFNULL( ins_paymen, 0.00 ) + \n"+;
" IFNULL( pat_charge, 0.00 ) + \n"+;
" ifNull( ins_adjust, 0.00 ) + \n"+;
" ifNull( co_ins_asg, 0.00 ) ) AS iBal, \n"+;
" ifNull( ins_paymen, 0.00 ) AS amt_paid \n"+;
" FROM service \n"+;
" WHERE ClaimKey = tbl.ClaimKey; \n"+;
" \n"+;
" IF FETCH tmptbl THEN \n"+;
" IF ROUND( tmptbl.iBal, 2 ) = 0.00 THEN \n"+;
" nStatus = 1; \n"+;
" ELSEIF tmptbl.iBal > 0.00 AND ROUND( tmptbl.amt_paid, 2 ) = 0.00 THEN \n"+;
" nStatus = 2 ; \n"+;
" ELSEIF tmptbl.iBal > 0.00 THEN \n"+;
" nStatus = 3 ; \n"+;
" ELSEIF tmptbl.iBal < 0.00 THEN \n"+;
" nStatus = 5 ; \n"+;
" END; \n"+;
" END; \n"+;
" CLOSE tmptbl; \n"+;
" \n"+;
" IF nStatus IS NOT NULL THEN \n"+;
" MERGE ClaimsStatus ON ClaimKey = tbl.ClaimKey AND \n"+;
" FileName = tbl.FileName AND \n"+;
" rcv_date = tbl.ChkDate \n"+;
" WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET status = nStatus \n"+;
" WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT( ClaimKey, insurance,\n"+;
" Status, FileName, Srv_date, \n"+;
" rcv_date, operator, Data ) \n"+;
" VALUES( tbl.ClaimKey, tbl.Insurance, \n"+;
" nStatus, tbl.FileName, \n"+;
" tbl.Srv_date, tbl.ChkDate, \n"+;
" User(), 'Remittance Posting. ' );\n"+;
" \n"+;
" UPDATE service SET laststatus = nStatus, //All is good \n"+;
" lastActivity = tbl.Chkdate \n"+;
" WHERE ClaimKey = tbl.ClaimKey \n"+;
" AND ( lastActivity IS NULL \n"+;
" OR lastActivity <= tbl.Chkdate \n"+;
;//It is possible for 277s responses to be received as an answer to a
;//276 with a "4" status (white flag) and have an 835 with an older
;//date be posted. Payment status of 1 should take precedence even when
;//277 with received status (white flag) has a more recent date.
" OR nStatus = 1 ); \n"+;
" \n"+;
" END ; \n"+;
"END; \n"+;
"//----------------------------------------------------- \n"+;
"//Flag each entry as isPosted = TRUE \n"+;
"UPDATE remits SET isPosted = TRUE \n"+;
" WHERE [check] = '$1$' \n"+;
" AND payer = '$2$' \n"+;
" AND chkDate = '$3$' \n"+;
" AND isPosted = FALSE \n"+;
" AND EXISTS ( SELECT s.ClaimKey \n"+;
" FROM service s \n"+;
" WHERE s.ClaimKey = remits.ClaimKey ); \n"+;
" \n"+;
"COMMIT; \n"+;
" \n"+;
"CLOSE tbl; \n"+;
"EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_EnableTriggers( NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0 );\n"
cSql := ;
"WHERE AGE > 50 "
? cSql
? cSql
function MakeSql
local cSql
nAge := cValToStr( nAge )
WHERE CITY = '&cCity' AND AGE > &nAge
return cSql
oQ := TAdsQuery():New()
FROM customers
WHERE city = '$1$'
oQ:aReplaceStrings := { 'New York' }
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