Fivedroid on Qt

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by StefanHaupt »


that was just a vote for the further develpment of Fivedroid. In reality the market situations lead us to the decision for which OS we develop the programs.

The idea of Antonio sound great, to have one source for different operation systems. I hope it´s possible.
kind regards
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Antonio Linares »


I built FiveDroid as a proof of concept. In it, using Java NDK, I connect Harbour (in C) with Java :-)

But the idea behind this is very simple: We consider Harbour as a compiler (it is), but used from other languages, it is a very powerfull scripting. And I have already successfully tested that this Harbour library can be used from all of them: WinRT, Android and iOS. Thats why I thought of a common interface, something really simple, very intuitive.

I am rebuilding Harbour for Android (its a long time since I don't do it) and will build an app with Android that any of you will be able to test (you can install an Android APK (app) from a URL, no need to go to the store). Then lets see what real acceptance this tool gets :-)

If there is success, we could do exactly the same for WinRT (we already have a working prototype) and for iOS.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Richard Chidiak »


I wish you success for all of us also, if i can be of any help, let me know.

I think you need all our support.



Fwh 13.05 Harbour 3.2 MSVC 2013
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Antonio Mart. »

woowwwww, yeah! Great! I think that FiveMobile, FiveApp, FiveFantastic or FiveDreams ;-) will be revolutionary.

We look forward to start testing.
Will it be developed on Windows platform? Else never mind.
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Carles »


Conceptually is a great idea !!!, but you'll have to take a lot of energy to encode and route the main controls, for every type of systems, but... for me it's better than the library. With the library means the developer to have to learn the programming environment, eclipse editor, ..., and now the whole process would be transparent to the developer coding single prg, that's incredible !!!
Salutacions, saludos, regards

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Adolfo »

My opinion...

... sorry guys, but you are missing the point.
Its not about IOS,Android or the W8. Its about WEB, W E B

HTML5, PHP, CSS3, JS and you are done, even providing services for a whole office (30 Pc's, 50 smartphones) with a simple windows XP, apache, php installed, and that's it.
Buy some "space" on a web server provider for a couple of dollars monthly, access your app WORLDWIDE.
You can even became a servide provider.

Forget about Fivedroid, FIVEWEB is the solution, don't care about the slowness of WINPHONE, Licences of IOS, or the many ANDROID versions. Take all your knowledge (bussiness logic) to a web app.
You have it all there, IDES, Thousands of manuals, forums, frameworks, templates.

Do not care about JAVA, ( as many devices do not support them, and theres also a problem of version compatibility )

HTML:= Structure of your web app
CSS:= Presentation
PHP:= Program / App
JS:=Client side validation

If you dont like PHP, use whatever you like, PERL,Ruby,Phyton or even JAVA

But I think F I V E W E B must receive all our attention today, we are getting late to the "market".

My 2.5 cents
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Marcelo Via Giglio »


sorry but I don´t agree with you, FiveWeb is completely other thing, with the Antonio´s idea we don´t need a server ( enabled for CGI ), we will have a seudo-native application for multi-platform without dependence of a server (web or other)

WEB is important too, but like this topics is a complement or by self other type of solution environment.


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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Adolfo »


I think it makes complete sense.

We need now at least 7 solutions.

Fivewin -> Windows
FiveLinux -> Linux
Fivedroid -> Android
Fivemac -> IOS
Fivemobile -> Windows 8 Phone
Fivewin8 -> Windows 8
Fiveberry -> Blackberry

And obviously support for the diferrent versions of any of these.
Fivewin is the only sure bet.... Windows pc's are everywhere and it works like a charm.
Every single tablet,smartphone on a bussines level has internet, wifi, so why worry about so many versions of my app, if I only need 2, FIVEWIN and WEB.

Imagine you get a supperb job in an university, developing software, but that University has a long term contract with Blackberry, which is a situation you will find everyday, you'll ask them to change to Android or Windows phone?
Better concentrate all efforts and energy on a wide solution, which is probed to work. WEB

Fivewin app as my backbone, and everything else on the web, besides that is so simple and cheap to implement, development on the other hand is question each one has to evaluate.


;-) Ji,ji,ji... buena la cosa... "all you need is code" - Desarrollo Inteligente
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Marcelo Via Giglio »


you are right, for some scenarios, and I agree with you, but what happen when you don´t have a sever, what happen when you want o need to develop a single personal application, Android, iOS... market have close 1 millon applications.

I think FIVEWEB is important, but the other way is important too, is true too, that we can develop for web or for native OS without FiveWin, using PHP, PERL, Python..JAVA ObjetiveC...... and interact with fivewin app across DataBase or webservices...etc

Maybe is time to define a ROADMAP to maximize the results, and together work to reach an common objective, can be this the opportunity to define the future of FiveWin?, what we can see in 1,5.. years, I think we need to capture a new fresh user not only old clipper programmers, we need to renovate to assure a good future of FW, I´m sure that Antonio is making a great work like always, but I think we must help him to guarantee the FW future (yes I know the initial way is renovate the licenses), but other work in a defined ROADMAP will be really useful. There are many topics WEB, MOVIL, VISUAL, REPORT, DATA-SOURCE, Fivewin DBMS.... step by step but sorted

I am Sorry is only an opinion


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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by elvira »


Fivemac -> IOS
Fivemobile -> Windows 8 Phone
Fivewin8 -> Windows 8
Fiveberry -> Blackberry

Due to current status of FiveLinux and FiveMac I don´t see that posible. But why not concéntrate on FiveWeb, valid for all of them and factible to be done?.

My two cents.
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Gale FORd »

Sorry, but fiveweb or "cloud" does not solve all problems at this time. Sometimes you need more platform dependent control.
Scanning, integration with other applications or hardware, sharing data with legacy applications, etc.
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by norberto »

Ipad vs Windows Tablets : ...

very fun video.

compare more here : ... hp-envy-x2

sorry, dont have compare to Android, for now, its out of business ready. :)
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Verhoven »

Buscando algo de información sobre funciones de harbour me he encontrado esto relacionado con Qt por si es de vuestro interés: ... as-gui.htm
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Antonio Linares »

Personalmente nunca me ha agradado la idea de QT (ni de KDE) porque no veo necesario usar una capa intermedia para acceder al API de Windows cuando podemos hacerlo de forma directa (como lo hace FWH).

Entiendo que la razón puede ser para hacer la aplicación multiplataforma sin reescribirla, pero si solo se necesita para Windows, no veo razón de usar QT.

Es una predilección personal, el mantener la aplicación lo más simple posible y usando el menor número de componentes externos, que a la larga solo pueden traer problemas (como ha pasado con las DLLs, los VBXs, los ActiveX, y todos los inventos que Microsoft ha ido implementando). Un EXE autocontenido (irrompible) es una gran garantía de robustez :-) Cuantas veces una aplicación en VB ha dejado de funcionar o ha dado problemas por usar un componente externo, que ha cambiado de versión, ó no está, ó precisa de algo más.

Un EXE, robusto como una roca, irrompible (una vez que este debidamente probado y depurado), algo que no se puede controlar al usar componentes externos :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Post by Verhoven »

Totalmente de acuerdo Antonio. El problema es que no sin pena observamos como en muchas cosas, en la informática también, parece que la estética busque denodadamente, y consiga, imponerse a lo importante; en nuestro caso, lo que sin pretender ser exahustivo, podría ser: que en los programas no haya brechas de seguridad, que haya consistencia en los datos, simplicidad en el código y rapidez en la ejecución.
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