If I have a xbrowse I must populate 3 array
Local nLen := Len( oGrid:aCols )
Local aCampos [ nLen ]
Local aTitulos[ nLen ]
Local aTipos [ nLen ]
FOR n = 1 TO nLen
aCampos [ n ]:= alltrim( cValToChar( (oGrid:cAlias)->( Fieldname( oGrid:aCols[ n ]:nCreationOrder ) ) ))
aTitulos [ n ]:= oGrid:aCols[ n ]:cHeader
aTipos [ n ]:= oGrid:aCols[ n ]:cDataType
For the aCampos array it run bad because it take fields of database from first field
If I have 14 colums on xbrowse it take the first 14 fields and not the exactly fields of relative column
How I can to save on aCampos array the fileds right ?