FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby norberto » Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:24 pm

Works fine in IE10, desktop and Modern UI version.
Dont work in IE9, Windows phone version (mobile).
very good job, but unfortunately we get on that tortuous terrain that web apps fall: works in browse, does not work at that, works one way in one, another in another way in other browse. a nightmare.
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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:48 pm


I agree but it is better to have something (I mean: a way to deliver quick Web apps) instead of nothing... :-)

And it is not such big requirement to ask someone to use Google Chrome, in example...
regards, saludos

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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby norberto » Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:00 am

Antonio, certainly yes. :)

best regards
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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:26 am

Testing the FiveWeb error system:

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#include ""

memvar n

function Main()

   n++  // Here we generate an error

return nil
regards, saludos

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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:12 am

Antonio Linares wrote:And it is not such big requirement to ask someone to use Google Chrome, in example...

Yes, for developers, no problem. But customers would hardly agree to change browser. :-(

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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby hmpaquito » Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:58 am


I think too is better to have something, instead of nothing. Thank you for your efforts.

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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Horizon » Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:30 pm

Antonio Linares wrote:Norberto,

I agree but it is better to have something (I mean: a way to deliver quick Web apps) instead of nothing... :-)

And it is not such big requirement to ask someone to use Google Chrome, in example...

I agree with you too. Thanks for all.
Last edited by Horizon on Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:26 am

Browses based on MySQL, using Ajax:

Please notice the URL clause of the browse that loads using Ajax the browse contents from whatever we may want. In this case is a standard FiveWeb php that retrieves the data from a MySQL database table.

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

function Main()

   local oDlg, oBrw

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "MySQL browse" ;
      SIZE 1000, 600

   @ 10, 10 BROWSE oBrw SIZE 980, 500 OF oDlg ;
      URL "../fiveweb/mybrowse.php?name=clients"

   @ 500, 30 BUTTON "<<" OF oDlg SIZE 50, 35

   @ 500, 110 BUTTON ">>" OF oDlg SIZE 50, 35

   @ 500, 200 BUTTON "Add" OF oDlg

   @ 500, 330 BUTTON "Edit" OF oDlg

   @ 500, 460 BUTTON "Delete" OF oDlg

   @ 500, 590 BUTTON "Search" OF oDlg

   @ 500, 720 BUTTON "Print" OF oDlg

   @ 500, 850 BUTTON "Exit" OF oDlg


return nil
regards, saludos

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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:01 am

regards, saludos

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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Antonio Linares » Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:12 pm

Implemented clause ACTION for Buttons. Actually the actions are executed on the client side, further on we will implement them for the server side too. Implemented function MsgInfo() for javascript using jquery ui and DOM (document object model).

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// Using controls

#include ""

function Main()

   local oDlg, lValue := .T.
   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Hello FiveWeb" SIZE 600, 400
   @ 120,  70 BUTTON "One" SIZE 120, 50 OF oDlg ACTION MsgInfo( "one" )

   @ 120, 220 BUTTON "Two" SIZE 120, 50 OF oDlg ACTION MsgInfo( "two" )

   @ 120, 370 BUTTON "Three" SIZE 120, 50 OF oDlg ACTION MsgInfo( "three" )
   @ 200, 160 CHECKBOX lValue PROMPT "Tested" SIZE 150, 40 OF oDlg

return nil

regards, saludos

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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:16 am

PullDown menus already implemented:

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#include ""

function Main()


return nil

function BuildMenu()

   local oMenu

   MENU oMenu
      MENUITEM "Your app"
         MENUITEM "About..." ACTION MsgInfo( "My app" )
         MENUITEM "Quit"
      MENUITEM "Files"
         MENUITEM "Clients"
         MENUITEM "Stock"
         MENUITEM "Agents"
      MENUITEM "Reports"
         MENUITEM "Clients"
            MENUITEM "List"
            MENUITEM "By Last name"
            MENUITEM "By State"
         MENUITEM "Stock"
            MENUITEM "By id"
            MENUITEM "By amount"
            MENUITEM "My price"
      MENUITEM "Utilities"
      MENUITEM "Help"
         MENUITEM "Wiki"

return nil

regards, saludos

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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:33 pm

Dynamically changing themes:

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#include ""

function Main()

   local oDlg, oFld


   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 600, 400

   @ 10, 10 FOLDER oFld PROMPTS "One", "Two", "Three" OF oDlg ;
      SIZE 520, 230

   @ 260, 150 BUTTON "Ok" OF oDlg ACTION MsgInfo( "ok" )

   @ 260, 300 BUTTON "Cancel" OF oDlg ACTION MsgInfo( "cancel" )


return nil

function BuildMenu()

   local oMenu

   MENU oMenu
      MENUITEM "Main theme"
         MENUITEM "Light"
            MENUITEM "Base"         ACTION SetTheme( "base" )
            MENUITEM "Black-tie"    ACTION SetTheme( "black-tie" )
            MENUITEM "Blitzer"      ACTION SetTheme( "blitzer" )
            MENUITEM "Cupertino"    ACTION SetTheme( "cupertino" )
            MENUITEM "excite-bike"  ACTION SetTheme( "excite-bike" )
            MENUITEM "flick"        ACTION SetTheme( "flick" )
            MENUITEM "hot-sneacks"  ACTION SetTheme( "hot-sneaks" )
            MENUITEM "humanity"     ACTION SetTheme( "humanity" )
            MENUITEM "overcast"     ACTION SetTheme( "overcast" )
            MENUITEM "pepper-grinder" ACTION SetTheme( "pepper-grinder" )
            MENUITEM "redmond"      ACTION SetTheme( "redmond" )
            MENUITEM "smoothness"   ACTION SetTheme( "smoothness" )
            MENUITEM "south-street" ACTION SetTheme( "south-street" )
            MENUITEM "start"        ACTION SetTheme( "start" )
            MENUITEM "sunny"        ACTION SetTheme( "sunny" )
            MENUITEM "ui-lightness" ACTION SetTheme( "ui-lightness" )
         MENUITEM "Dark"
            MENUITEM "Dot-lub"      ACTION SetTheme( "dot-luv" )
            MENUITEM "Dark-hive"    ACTION SetTheme( "dark-hive" )
            MENUITEM "Eggplant"     ACTION SetTheme( "eggplant" )
            MENUITEM "le-frog"      ACTION SetTheme( "le-frog" )
            MENUITEM "mint-choc"    ACTION SetTheme( "mint-choc" )
            MENUITEM "swanky-purse" ACTION SetTheme( "swanky-purse" )
            MENUITEM "trontastic"   ACTION SetTheme( "trontastic" )
            MENUITEM "ui-darkness"  ACTION SetTheme( "ui-darkness" )
            MENUITEM "vader"        ACTION SetTheme( "vader" )

return oMenu

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby norberto » Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:25 pm

Menus and themes dont work in IE10 (desktop and Modern UI). :cry:
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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:45 pm


We are using standard JQuery UI so it seems as it is not compatible with IE 10...
regards, saludos

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Re: FiveTech's FiveWeb (free up to version 1.0)

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:17 pm

Starting a forms designer. We have the problem that when a control is activated as redimensionable and draggable, the others loose that feature. If we fix that, then we are on a the right way :-)

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#include ""

function Main()

   local oDlg


   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 600, 400


return nil

function BuildMenu()

   local oMenu

   MENU oMenu
      MENUITEM "Controls"
         MENUITEM "Add control"
            MENUITEM "Say"    ACTION AddSay( "oDlg" )
            MENUITEM "Button" ACTION AddButton( "oDlg" )

return oMenu
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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