PDF, I needed adobe reader installed, and be always updating due to security problems, Win8 has applications to read PDF, Office 2013 RTM has pdf reader/editor included (word). (Office 2013 RTM download only for TechNet subscriber)
ZIP, I used Winrar, but Windows 8 has native support for ZIP.
ISO, I used Ultraiso, but Windows 8 has native.
VM, I used VMware, but Windows 8 already has the HYper-V included. (hyper-v is a microsoft vmware like)
JAVA, I need java to access my Bank, but my Bank made a native application (RT) for Windows 8, therefore, do not need more than java and its flaws.
Flash, I needed the flash installed, but Windows 8 already has the flash in IE10.
MSN, i use msn, but Windows 8 have included chat in people hub, more Lync and Skype (new Skype have msn chat), so i dont need more MSN.
DVD, i used Nero, but win7/8 have included burn dvd.
to program in FWH, we need several "tools", but they work great in desktop mode, less 16 bits like resource workshop, I think other developers need fewer tools, because they have the visual studio 2012, that is a all-in-one.
to graphics i use Adobe cs6 and corel x6, they are all-in-one.
Could continue, but the list is big... Windows 8 greatly simplified my life and my work. and my Money $$$ i dont need to buy this 3rd part.
Could speak also of integration with Office 365, skydrive, Windows phone, but I think that only Tim here uses the Windows phone, so no good would I describe, alias I am here thinking: who was already using the concept of tiles on a Windows phone, it seems better adapted to Windows 8.

the truth is: many of us, including myself, have a lot of tools that we don't need, for example, I record dvds very little, I don't need a nero installed, can I use the Windows Recorder, don't need a file manager like in the days of DOS. (Win8 have the filemanager enhanced).
my photos, music, are in the cloud, as well as documents (least sensitive), it also facilitated everything to me.
Windows 8 ENterprise have Windows to Go, you can make a Windows run in a pen-drive (portátil), its very nice to programmers and IT.
just my 2 cents, regards to all