Error base/1068 Argumento error: array acces from errorsys, line 158
// Error handler system adapted to FiveWin
// ErrSysW.prg
#include ""
#include ""
external _fwGenError // Link FiveWin generic Error Objects Generator
#define NTRIM(n) ( LTrim( Str( n ) ) )
#ifdef __CLIPPER__
#define DLG_TITLE "FiveWin: The CA-Clipper for Windows Library"
#ifdef __HARBOUR__
#define DLG_TITLE "FiveWin for Harbour"
#command QUIT => ( PostQuitMessage( 0 ), __Quit() )
#define DLG_TITLE "FiveWin for Xbase++"
* ErrorSys()
* Note: automatically executes at startup
proc ErrorSys()
ErrorBlock( { | e | ErrorDialog( e ) } )
proc ErrorLink()
* ErrorDialog()
static function ErrorDialog( e ) // -> logical or quits App.
local oDlg, oLbx, oFont
local lRet // if lRet == nil -> default action: QUIT
local n, j, cMessage, aStack := {}
local oSay, hLogo
local nButtons := 1
local cErrorLog := ""
local aVersions := GetVersion()
local aTasks
local aRDDs, nTarget, uValue
local oOldError
local cRelation
local lIsWinNT := IsWinNT()
// by default, division by zero yields zero
if ( e:genCode == EG_ZERODIV )
return 0
// for network open error, set NETERR() and subsystem default
if ( e:genCode == EG_OPEN .and. ;
( e:osCode == 32 .or. e:osCode == 5 ) .and. ;
e:canDefault )
NetErr( .t. )
return .f. // Warning: Exiting!
// for lock error during APPEND BLANK, set NETERR() and subsystem default
if ( e:genCode == EG_APPENDLOCK .and. e:canDefault )
NetErr( .t. )
return .f. // OJO SALIDA
if Left( ProcName( 7 ), 10 ) == "ERRORDIALO"
ErrorLevel( 1 )
ErrorBlock( {|e| MsgStop( ErrorMessage(e) + " from Errorsys, line:" + ;
Str( ProcLine( 1 ), 3 ) ), __quit() } )
cErrorLog += "Application" + CRLF
cErrorLog += "===========" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Path and name: " + GetModuleFileName( GetInstance() )
#ifdef __CLIPPER__
cErrorLog += " (16 bits)" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " (32 bits)" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Size: " + Transform( FSize( GetModuleFileName( ;
GetInstance() ) ), "9,999,999 bytes" ) + CRLF
#ifdef __CLIPPER__
cErrorLog += " Max files handles permited: ( SetHandleCount() ) " + ;
Str( SetHandleCount(), 3 ) + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Time from start: " + TimeFromStart() + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Error occurred at: " + ;
DToC( Date() ) + ", " + Time() + CRLF
// Error object analysis
cMessage = " Error description: " + ErrorMessage( e ) + CRLF
cErrorLog += cMessage
if ValType( e:Args ) == "A"
cErrorLog += " Args:" + CRLF
for n = 1 to Len( e:Args )
cErrorLog += " [" + Str( n, 4 ) + "] = " + ValType( e:Args[ n ] ) + ;
" " + cValToChar( e:Args[ n ] ) + CRLF
cErrorLog += CRLF + "Stack Calls" + CRLF
cErrorLog += "===========" + CRLF
n := 2 // we don't disscard any info again !
while ( n < 74 )
if ! Empty(ProcName( n ) )
AAdd( aStack, " Called from: " + ProcFile( n ) + " => " + Trim( ProcName( n ) ) + ;
"(" + NTRIM( ProcLine( n ) ) + ")" )
cErrorLog += ATail( aStack ) + CRLF
cErrorLog += CRLF + "System" + CRLF
cErrorLog += "======" + CRLF
#ifdef __CLIPPER__
cErrorLog += " CPU type: " + GetCPU() + CRLF
cErrorLog += " CPU type: " + GetCPU() + " " + ;
AllTrim( Str( GetCPUSpeed() ) ) + " Mhz" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Hardware memory: " + ;
cValToChar( Int( nExtMem() / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) + 1 ) + ;
" megs" + CRLF + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Free System resources: " + AllTrim( Str( GetFreeSystemResources( 0 ) ) ) + " %" + CRLF + ;
" GDI resources: " + AllTrim( Str( GetFreeSystemResources( 1 ) ) ) + " %" + CRLF + ;
" User resources: " + AllTrim( Str( GetFreeSystemResources( 2 ) ) ) + " %" + CRLF + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Compiler version: " + Version() + CRLF
#ifdef __CLIPPER__
cErrorLog += " Windows and MsDos versions: " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "." + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + ", " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + "." + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 4 ] ) ) + CRLF + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Windows version: " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "." + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + ", Build " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + ;
" " + aVersions[ 5 ] + CRLF + CRLF //línea 158 aquí tiene que ir [4] y cuando compilo da error en la línea 479
aTasks = GetTasks()
cErrorLog += " Windows total applications running: " + ;
AllTrim( Str( Len( aTasks ) ) ) + CRLF
for n = 1 to Len( aTasks )
cErrorLog += " " + Str( n, 3 ) + " " + aTasks[ n ] + CRLF
// Warning!!! Keep here this code !!! Or we will be consuming GDI as
// we don't generate the error but we were generating the bitmap
hLogo = FWBitMap()
if e:canRetry
if e:canDefault
cErrorLog += CRLF + "Variables in use" + CRLF + "================" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Procedure Type Value" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " ==========================" + CRLF
n := 2 // we don't disscard any info again !
while ( n < 74 )
if ! Empty( ProcName( n ) )
cErrorLog += " " + Trim( ProcName( n ) ) + CRLF
for j = 1 to ParamCount( n )
cErrorLog += " Param " + Str( j, 3 ) + ": " + ;
ValType( GetParam( n, j ) ) + ;
" " + cGetInfo( GetParam( n, j ) ) + CRLF
for j = 1 to LocalCount( n )
cErrorLog += " Local " + Str( j, 3 ) + ": " + ;
ValType( GetLocal( n, j ) ) + ;
" " + cGetInfo( GetLocal( n, j ) ) + CRLF
cErrorLog += CRLF + "Linked RDDs" + CRLF + "===========" + CRLF
aRDDs = RddList( 1 )
for n = 1 to Len( aRDDs )
cErrorLog += " " + aRDDs[ n ] + CRLF
cErrorLog += CRLF + "DataBases in use" + CRLF + "================" + CRLF
for n = 1 to 255
if ! Empty( Alias( n ) )
cErrorLog += CRLF + Str( n, 3 ) + ": " + If( Select() == n,"=> ", " " ) + ;
PadR( Alias( n ), 15 ) + Space( 20 ) + "RddName: " + ;
( Alias( n ) )->( RddName() ) + CRLF
cErrorLog += " ==============================" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " RecNo RecCount BOF EOF" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " " + Transform( ( Alias( n ) )->( RecNo() ), "9999999" ) + ;
" " + Transform( ( Alias( n ) )->( RecCount() ), "9999999" ) + ;
" " + cValToChar( ( Alias( n ) )->( BoF() ) ) + ;
" " + cValToChar( ( Alias( n ) )->( EoF() ) ) + CRLF + CRLF
if ( Alias( n ) )->( RddName() ) != "ARRAYRDD"
cErrorLog += " Indexes in use " + Space( 23 ) + "TagName" + CRLF
for j = 1 to 15
if ! Empty( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexKey( j ) ) )
cErrorLog += Space( 8 ) + ;
If( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexOrd() ) == j, "=> ", " " ) + ;
PadR( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexKey( j ) ), 35 ) + ;
( Alias( n ) )->( OrdName( j ) ) + ;
cErrorLog += CRLF + " Relations in use" + CRLF
for j = 1 to 8
if ! Empty( ( nTarget := ( Alias( n ) )->( DbRSelect( j ) ) ) )
cErrorLog += Space( 8 ) + Str( j ) + ": " + ;
"TO " + ( Alias( n ) )->( DbRelation( j ) ) + ;
" INTO " + Alias( nTarget ) + CRLF
// uValue = ( Alias( n ) )->( DbRelation( j ) )
// cErrorLog += cValToChar( &( uValue ) ) + CRLF
n = 1
cErrorLog += CRLF + "Classes in use:" + CRLF
cErrorLog += "===============" + CRLF
#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
while ! Empty( __ClassName( n ) )
cErrorLog += " " + Str( n, 3 ) + " " + __ClassName( n++ ) + CRLF
while n <= __ClsCntClasses()
cErrorLog += " " + Str( n, 3 ) + " " + __ClassName( n++ ) + CRLF
cErrorLog += CRLF + "Memory Analysis" + CRLF
cErrorLog += "===============" + CRLF
#ifdef __CLIPPER__
cErrorLog += " Static memory:" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " data segment: 64k" + CRLF
#ifdef __CLIPPER__
cErrorLog += " Initial size: " + ;
LTrim( Str( nInitDSSize() ) ) + ;
" bytes (SYMP=" + LTrim( Str( nSymPSize() ) ) + ;
", Stack=" + LTrim( Str( nStackSize() ) ) + ;
", Heap=" + LTrim( Str( nHeapSize() ) ) + ")" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " PRG Stack: " + ;
LTrim( Str( 65535 - ( nStatics() * 14 ) - nInitDSSize() ) ) + ;
" bytes" + CRLF
#ifdef __CLIPPER__
cErrorLog += " " + LTrim( Str( nStatics() ) ) + " Static variables: " + ;
LTrim( Str( nStatics() * 14 ) ) + " bytes" + CRLF + CRLF
cErrorLog += " " + LTrim( Str( nStatics() ) ) + " Static variables" + ;
cErrorLog += " Dynamic memory consume:" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Actual Value: " + Str( MemUsed() ) + " bytes" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Highest Value: " + Str( MemMax() ) + " bytes" + CRLF
// nSymNames() no longer returns a real value! 15/April/97
cErrorLog += " SYMBOLS segment" + CRLF
cErrorLog += " " + LTrim( Str( nSymNames() ) ) + " SymbolNames: " + ;
LTrim( Str( nSymNames() * 16 ) ) + " bytes"
// Generates a file with an Error Log
oOldError = ErrorBlock( { || DoBreak() } )
MemoWrit( "Error.log", cErrorLog )
ErrorBlock( oOldError )
SIZE 300, 200 + If( lIsWinNT, 50, 0 ) ;
@ 0, 0 SAY oSay PROMPT OemToAnsi( cMessage ) ;
CENTERED OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 149, 20
oSay:nStyle = nOR( oSay:nStyle, 128 ) // SS_NOPREFIX
oSay:nTop = 3
oSay:nLeft = 22
oSay:nBottom = 25
oSay:nRight = 148
@ 24, 6 SAY "&Stack List" OF oDlg FONT oFont PIXEL
n = aStack[ 1 ]
@ 33, 3 LISTBOX oLbx VAR n ITEMS aStack OF oDlg ;
SIZE 145, 60 + If( lIsWinNT, 18, 0 ) PIXEL
if nButtons == 1 .or. nButtons == 3
@ 88 + If( lIsWinNT, 24, 0 ), 60 BUTTON "&Quit" OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End() ;
@ 88 + If( lIsWinNT, 24, 0 ), 37 BUTTON "&Quit" OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End() ;
SIZE 30, 11 PIXEL FONT oFont
if e:CanRetry
@ 88 + If( lIsWinNT, 24, 0 ), If( nButtons == 2, 82, 13 ) BUTTON "&Retry" ;
OF oDlg ACTION ( lRet := .t., oDlg:End() ) ;
SIZE 30, 11 FONT oFont PIXEL
if e:CanDefault
@ 88 + If( lIsWinNT, 24, 0 ), 108 BUTTON "&Default" OF oDlg ;
ACTION ( lRet := .f., oDlg:End() ) ;
SIZE 30, 11 FONT oFont PIXEL
@ 21, 100 BUTTON "See Error.log file" OF oDlg FONT oFont PIXEL ;
SIZE 47, 10 ;
ACTION WinExec( "Notepad.exe error.log" )
ON PAINT DrawBitmap( hDC, hLogo, 6, 6 )
DeleteObject( hLogo )
if lRet == nil .or. ( !LWRunning() .and. lRet )
ErrorLevel( 1 )
// Add these lines if using MDI child windows with dialogboxes
// for n = 1 to Len( GetAllWin() )
// if ValType( GetAllWin()[ n ] ) == "O"
// GetAllWin()[ n ]:UnLink()
// endif
// next
QUIT // must be QUIT !!!
return lRet
static function DoBreak()
return nil
static func ErrorMessage( e )
// start error message
local cMessage := if( empty( e:OsCode ), ;
if( e:severity > ES_WARNING, "Error ", "Warning " ),;
"(DOS Error " + NTRIM(e:osCode) + ") " )
// add subsystem name if available
cMessage += if( ValType( e:SubSystem ) == "C",;
e:SubSystem() ,;
"???" )
// add subsystem's error code if available
cMessage += if( ValType( e:SubCode ) == "N",;
"/" + NTRIM( e:SubCode ) ,;
"/???" )
// add error description if available
if ( ValType( e:Description ) == "C" )
cMessage += " " + e:Description
// add either filename or operation
cMessage += if( ! Empty( e:FileName ),;
": " + e:FileName ,;
if( !Empty( e:Operation ),;
": " + e:Operation ,;
"" ) )
return cMessage
// returns extended info for a certain variable type
static function cGetInfo( uVal )
local cType := ValType( uVal )
do case
case cType == "C"
return '"' + cValToChar( uVal ) + '"'
case cType == "O"
return "Class: " + uVal:ClassName()
case cType == "A"
return "Len: " + Str( Len( uVal ), 4 )
return cValToChar( uVal )
return nil
#define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 2147483650 // 0x80000002
function GetCPU()
local oReg := TReg32():New( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,;
.f. )
local cCpu := oReg:Get( "ProcessorNameString" )
return cCpu
#ifdef __HARBOUR__
#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
procedure HB_GTSYS() ; return
procedure HB_GT_GUI_DEFAULT() ; return
procedure FW_GT ; return
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:54:40
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:56:35
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - e:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:57:02
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:57:22
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:54:40
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:56:35
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - e:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:57:02
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:57:22
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 17:15:26
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from TMDIFRAME:COORSUPDATE(1011) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:RESIZE(2022) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:RESIZE(218) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from _FWH(3250) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from SETMENU(0)
Called from (b)TWINDOW(542) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:SETMENU(0) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:SETMENU(275) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:NEW(167) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 17:36:04
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from TMDIFRAME:COORSUPDATE(1011) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:RESIZE(2022) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:RESIZE(218) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from _FWH(3250) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from SETMENU(0)
Called from (b)TWINDOW(542) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:SETMENU(0) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:SETMENU(275) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:NEW(167) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 17:37:01
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from TMDIFRAME:COORSUPDATE(1011) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:RESIZE(2022) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:RESIZE(218) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from _FWH(3250) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from SETMENU(0)
Called from (b)TWINDOW(542) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:SETMENU(0) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:SETMENU(275) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:NEW(167) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 17:40:11
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from TMDIFRAME:COORSUPDATE(1011) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:RESIZE(2022) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:RESIZE(218) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from _FWH(3250) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from SETMENU(0)
Called from (b)TWINDOW(542) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:SETMENU(0) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:SETMENU(275) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:NEW(167) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
METHOD CoorsUpdate() CLASS TWindow
local aRect := GetCoors( ::hWnd )
::nTop = aRect[ 1 ]
::nLeft = aRect[ 2 ]
::nBottom = aRect[ 3 ]
::nRight = aRect[ 4 ]
return nil
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