xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Rick Lipkin » Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:37 pm

To All

I have found a few examples on this forum and reviewing the sample TestxBrw.prg I can create a button within xBrowse .. however, two things ..

1) How do I size the Button and put a caption on the button
2) Is it possible to use BTNBMP as my button choice ?

Here is my code :

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// serial number

ADD oCol to oLbxB AT 8 HEADER 'Serial Num' size 75
oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:nEditType  := EDIT_GET_BUTTON
oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:bEditBlock := {|row, col, oCol| MsgInfo("WRITE YOUR FUNCTIONALITY HERE") }

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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:22 am

2) Is it possible to use BTNBMP as my button choice ?

We can specify a bitmap.
Use oCol:AddBitmap( cBitmap ) to add the bitmap to the column and assign the bitmap number as oCol:nBtnBmp

1) How do I size the Button and put a caption on the button

We can not directly specify the size of the button. But if a bitmap is specified, the size of the button is adjusted to accommodate the size if the bitmap

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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:30 pm


Looking at some of the samples .. xBrowGrd.prg

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      :AddBitmap( '\fwh\bitmaps\Alphabmp\task.bmp' )  // alpha
      :bBmpData   := { || 1 }

Is there a way to use a Bitmap from resource rather than from file ?

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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:26 pm


Using your suggestion, I did not get the result I was looking for :( It does not appear that the bitmap is being overlayed on the button ..

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 // serial number

       ADD oCol to oLbxB AT 8 HEADER 'Serial Num' size 75
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:nEditType  := EDIT_GET_BUTTON
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:bEditBlock := {|row, col, oCol| MsgInfo("WRITE YOUR FUNCTIONALITY HERE") }
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:AddBitmap( cDefa+"\images\serial.bmp" )  // alpha
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:lBtnTransparent := .t.
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:nBtnBmp     := 1 // := { || 1 } 


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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:41 pm

To All

Just a quick follow up to see if there is a work around here to add a caption to the button and give it a size .. It appears that if you add a bitmap it does change the dimension of the button up to a point.

I do not really want to add a bitmap to the column just be able to size the button :( and it would be great if a caption could be used as a label. :idea:

Any workaround or xBrowse code modification would be VERY much appreciated!

Rick Lipkin


ps .. I noticed if I compiled xBrowse.prg .. I get this result :

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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:55 pm

To All

Somewhere in these two xBrowse functions is my answer .. any Ideas ??

Rick Lipkin

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METHOD CreateButtons() CLASS TXBrwColumn

   local aColors

    if ::oBtnList != nil .and. ::oBtnElip != nil
        return nil

   if ::oBrw:lCreated

      aColors := Eval( ::bClrHeader )

      if ::oBtnList != nil
      if ::oBtnElip != nil

      @ 0,0 BTNBMP ::oBtnList RESOURCE "" OF ::oBrw NOBORDER SIZE 0,0
      ::oBtnList:hBitmap1 := FwDArrow()
      ::oBtnList:bAction := { || ::ShowBtnList() }
      ::oBtnList:SetFont( If( ValType( ::oDataFont ) == "B", Eval( ::oDataFont, Self ), ::oDataFont ) )
      ::oBtnList:SetColor( aColors[ 1 ], aColors[ 2 ] )

      @ 0,0 BTNBMP ::oBtnElip OF ::oBrw NOBORDER SIZE 0,0
      ::oBtnElip:cCaption := "..."
      ::oBtnElip:bAction := {|| ::RunBtnAction() }
      ::oBtnElip:SetFont( If( ValType( ::oDataFont ) == "B", Eval( ::oDataFont, Self ), ::oDataFont ) )
      ::oBtnElip:SetColor( aColors[ 1 ], aColors[ 2 ] )

         if ::nBtnBmp > 0 .and. !empty( ::aBitMaps )
            if ::nBtnBmp > len( ::aBitMaps )
               ::nBtnBmp := len( ::aBitMaps )
               ::ChangeBitMap( )



return nil


METHOD ChangeBitmap( ) CLASS TXBrwColumn // BtnGet

 *  msginfo( "ChangeBitmap")

   if ::nBtnBmp > 0 .and. len( ::aBitmaps ) >= ::nBtnBmp
      ::oBtnElip:hBitmap1 := ::aBitMaps[::nBtnBmp, BITMAP_HANDLE ]
      ::oBtnList:hBitmap1 := ::aBitMaps[::nBtnBmp, BITMAP_HANDLE ]
      ::oBtnElip:cCaption := ""
   ::oBtnElip:hBitmap1 := 0
      ::oBtnList:hBitmap1 := 0
      ::oBtnElip:cCaption := "..."


return nil
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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:20 pm


If you change this line:

::oBtnElip:cCaption := "label"

you should get a caption. Please try it.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:23 pm

And in this line its size can be changed:

::oBtnElip:Move( nButtonRow, nButtonCol, nBtnWidth + 1, nHeight, .f.)

If those changes are fine, then we can see how to set it from your app, instead of modifying the Class source code.
regards, saludos

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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Rick Lipkin » Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:05 pm


YES .. your suggestions worked .. however, it appears that there is another line of code that continues to create the original button .. here are the changes I made to the xBrowse code :

Method PaintCell
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 if nType == EDIT_LISTBOX .or. nType == EDIT_GET_LISTBOX
           ::oBtnList:Move( nButtonRow, nButtonCol, nBtnWidth + 1, nHeight, .f.) // ButtonGet
           if ::lBtnTransparent
              ::oBtnList:SetColor( aColors[ 1 ],aColors[ 2 ] )
              FillRect( hDC, {nButtonRow, nButtonCol, nButtonRow + nHeight , nButtonCol + nBtnWidth + 1 } ,;   // ButtonGet
                       ::oBtnList:oBrush:hBrush  )
            *   ::oBtnElip:Move( nButtonRow, nButtonCol, nBtnWidth + 1, nHeight, .f.) // ButtonGet
            ::oBtnElip:Move( nButtonRow, nButtonCol-60, nBtnWidth + 40, nHeight, .f.) // Ricks changes
           if ::lBtnTransparent
              ::oBtnElip:SetColor( aColors[ 1 ],aColors[ 2 ] )
              FillRect( hDC, {nButtonRow, nButtonCol, nButtonRow + nHeight , nButtonCol + nBtnWidth + 1 },; // ButtonGet
                      ::oBtnElip:oBrush:hBrush )


Method CreateButtons and ChangeBitmap
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METHOD CreateButtons() CLASS TXBrwColumn

   local aColors

    if ::oBtnList != nil .and. ::oBtnElip != nil
        return nil

   if ::oBrw:lCreated

      aColors := Eval( ::bClrHeader )

      if ::oBtnList != nil
      if ::oBtnElip != nil

      @ 0,0 BTNBMP ::oBtnList RESOURCE "" OF ::oBrw NOBORDER SIZE 0,0
      ::oBtnList:hBitmap1 := FwDArrow()
      ::oBtnList:bAction := { || ::ShowBtnList() }
      ::oBtnList:SetFont( If( ValType( ::oDataFont ) == "B", Eval( ::oDataFont, Self ), ::oDataFont ) )
      ::oBtnList:SetColor( aColors[ 1 ], aColors[ 2 ] )

      @ 0,0 BTNBMP ::oBtnElip OF ::oBrw NOBORDER SIZE 0,0
     * ::oBtnElip:cCaption := "..."
      ::oBtnElip:cCaption := "Label"     // antonio change
      ::oBtnElip:bAction := {|| ::RunBtnAction() }
      ::oBtnElip:SetFont( If( ValType( ::oDataFont ) == "B", Eval( ::oDataFont, Self ), ::oDataFont ) )
      ::oBtnElip:SetColor( aColors[ 1 ], aColors[ 2 ] )

         if ::nBtnBmp > 0 .and. !empty( ::aBitMaps )
            if ::nBtnBmp > len( ::aBitMaps )
               ::nBtnBmp := len( ::aBitMaps )
               ::ChangeBitMap( )



return nil


METHOD ChangeBitmap( ) CLASS TXBrwColumn // BtnGet

   msginfo( "ChangeBitmap")

   if ::nBtnBmp > 0 .and. len( ::aBitmaps ) >= ::nBtnBmp
      ::oBtnElip:hBitmap1 := ::aBitMaps[::nBtnBmp, BITMAP_HANDLE ]
      ::oBtnList:hBitmap1 := ::aBitMaps[::nBtnBmp, BITMAP_HANDLE ]
      *  ::oBtnElip:cCaption := ""
      ::oBtnElip:cCaption := "label"     // antonio change
      ::oBtnElip:hBitmap1 := 0
      ::oBtnList:hBitmap1 := 0
      *  ::oBtnElip:cCaption := "..."
      ::oBtnElip:cCaption := "label"     // antonio change


return nil


Here is the same code adding the Bitmap ..
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// serial number

       ADD oCol to oLbxB AT 8 HEADER 'Serial Num' size 75
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:nEditType  := EDIT_GET_BUTTON
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:bEditBlock := {|row, col, oCol| _SerBrow( nRepairNumber,;
                       oRsInvDetail:Fields("Inventory Id"):Value,;
                       oBtn1,oBtn2,oBtn3,oBtn4,oBtn5 ) }

       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:addbmpfile( "c:\fwh1203\bitmaps\alphabmp\task.bmp" )
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:lBtnTransparent := .t.
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:nBtnBmp := 1


I sincerely appreciate your Help!
Rick Lipkin

ps .. I have been trying out different options .. Is it possible to modify my :addbmpfile line with something like oLbxB:aCols[8]:If( oRs:Fields("whatever"):Value = .t., addbmpfile( "c:\fwh1203\bitmaps\alphabmp\task.bmp" ,addbmpfile( "c:\fwh1203\bitmaps\alphabmp\task1.bmp")) .. ?
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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:17 pm


It looks as placed too much to the left. Please try to change the :Move( ... ) params to move it to the right
regards, saludos

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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:24 pm


Please try this:

oLbxB:aCols[8]:addbmpfile( "c:\fwh1203\bitmaps\alphabmp\task.bmp" )
oLbxB:aCols[8]:addbmpfile( "c:\fwh1203\bitmaps\alphabmp\task1.bmp")
oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:bBmpData = { | lValue | If( lValue, 1, 2 ) }
regards, saludos

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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Rick Lipkin » Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:30 pm


YES .. the codeblock for the Addbmpfile worked great .. Have another look at my previous post .. It appears that there is still a ( small ) button being painted even though I modified the 'move' line.


Otherwise it LOOKS Great!

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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:53 pm


Can you click on each of them ?
regards, saludos

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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Rick Lipkin » Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:01 pm


The button with "Label" works .. the small button on the right does not .. might be the FillRect or WndBoxRaised ?

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Re: xBrowse Button with EDIT_GET_BUTTON

Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:12 pm


I think I can live with the 'default' xBrowse button .. I am using bitmaps from file ( as you suggested ) to visually project whether there is data behind the button or not... and I like that, however all my bitmaps are stored as resources and I would prefer not to distribute the individual bitmaps ..

Is there another option to add bitmaps other than from a file ? .. here is my code that produced the screenshot below ?

Rick Lipkin

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// serial number

       ADD oCol to oLbxB AT 8 HEADER 'Serial Num' size 60
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:nEditType  := EDIT_GET_BUTTON
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:bEditBlock := {|row, col, oCol| oLbxB:GoLeftMost(),_SerBrow(;
                       oRsInvDetail:Fields("Inventory Id"):Value,;
                       oBtn1,oBtn2,oBtn3,oBtn4,oBtn5 ) }

       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:addbmpfile( "c:\fwh1203\bitmaps\16x16\zoom2.bmp" )
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:addbmpfile( "c:\fwh1203\bitmaps\16x16\adddbf.bmp" )
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:bBmpData := { | lValue | If( oRsInvDetail:Fields("IsSerial"):Value = .t., 1, 2 ) }
       oLbxB:aCols[ 8 ]:lBtnTransparent := .t.

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