creating DBF file from text file
- Posts: 334
- Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:54 pm
Re: creating DBF file from text file
How can I detect end of page character chr(012) instead of Total string ?
- Posts: 334
- Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:54 pm
Re: creating DBF file from text file
I tried that code but with any idea about the how can I display the UTF contents for memo field ?
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#include ""#include ""#include ""external ordkeyno, ordkeycount, ordKeygotofunction main()*--------------------------fillDB() return nilPROCEDURE FillDBLOCAL oFile := TFileRead():New( "F:\programs\clipper\FWH\tdata\Docucollect\all.txt101_data_PP.txt" )LOCAL cTemp := "",cTemp1:= "",cTemp2:= "",cTemp3:= "",cTemp4:= "",cTemp_var:= ""LOCAL cAcNb := ""Local nRecNo:=0,old_nRecNo:=0CreateDBF()oFile:Open()IF oFile:Error() msgStop( oFile:ErrorMsg( "FileRead: " ) )ELSE WHILE oFile:MoreToRead() cTemp1:=cTemp:= oFile:ReadLine() IF "BANK OF Cyprus" $ cTemp1 cTemp1:= oFile:ReadLine() cTemp2:= oFile:ReadLine() cTemp3:= oFile:ReadLine() cAcNb := padL( allTrim( subStr( cTemp3, 30 ) ), 12 ) test->( dbAppend() ) test->ACNB := cAcNb ? cAcNb cTemp_var := cTemp1 + chr(013) + chr (010) +; cTemp2 + chr(013) + chr (010) +; cTemp3 + chr(013) + chr (010) test->TEXT += cTemp_var endif test->TEXT += ( " " + allTrim( cTemp ) + chr(013) + chr (010) ) ENDDO oFile:Close()ENDIFtest->( dbCloseArea() )RETURNSTATIC PROCEDURE CreateDBF()LOCAL aStru := {}aAdd( aStru, { "ACNB", "C", 12, 0 } )aAdd( aStru, { "TEXT", "M", 10, 0 } )dbCreate( "TEST", aStru,, .T., "test" )RETURN