Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby ukoenig » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:50 pm


just updated.

Now it is possible to restore a box from INI


< crop > from the Dialog shows the result
< crop > from Mainwindow restores the original after preview.
Each crop-action saves the result ( area-info ) to the INI

With a new selection, the painted box from the INI will be visible as well.


The button < Reset > clears the INI-values


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Last edited by ukoenig on Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby codemaker » Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:57 pm


Thank you so much for your help and work!
I made a beginners mistake - I didn't read instructions carefuly enough. The line says that the file name CANNOT contain and spaces or some strange characters!
And I was using the folder "d:\razvoj\Uwe project" and inside the file "test.jpg"
It didn't work, it didn't crop, just write back the file with different name (test_1.jpg) but the same size - no cropping! The spaces in complete image name...

Then I renamed the folder d:\razvoj\Uwe project" to d:\razvoj\Uwe" and it works perfectly!
I finaly managed to crop only the beautifull eyes from Olga's face :)

I tested also one file 32MB of size and cropped out only small uppper part. Worked excellent! The file is BMP and the result is automatically also BMP, much smaller of course, being cropped.

I need your permission to use the main logic of your "convert.exe" and implement only cropping in one of my applications.
Do you mind if I use your code?

Thank you again for your work

BTW: any chance to make that rectangle resizable by mouse? This would be great...
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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby ukoenig » Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:50 am


no problem, just use it the way You like.
Include it complete as a toolsection inside Your application, or only the needed functions.
There is also a second useful part < resize >.
About the question < movable box >, I will look, to find a solution.
Maybe using another transparent BMP on top in Design-mode, that only shows a border ( just a idea )

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Uwe :lol:
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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby codemaker » Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:01 pm

Thanks Uwe,
you helped me a lot.

If you ever come to Belgrade you have lunch, drink and a room to stay at my place.. Just let me know :)

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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:23 pm

Sorry to jumping in. To Uwe: what is the best free icon (.ICO) editor for Windows? I'm testing Greenfish and Pixelformer but can't decide which is the best.

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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby codemaker » Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:03 pm

While waiting to Uwe, I can say I am using Pixelformer and am very satisfied, especially I can make transparent BMP with it.
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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby ukoenig » Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:06 pm


I agree with Boris,
Pixelformer converts easy and with good quality.
In case You don't want to install to many Tools it is a good solution.
To test another free Icon-editor ( 5 of the best )


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Uwe :lol:
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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby ukoenig » Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:53 pm


first of all, thank You very much for Your kind offer.
Next I want to inform You, that I'm still working on a new update.

Whats new :

1. Zoom-function added.
2. Image-crop from a zoomed image. ( Still testing the needed calculations )
-- useful, to crop imageparts from small images or getting a overview of a oversized image.
3. Selecting a crop-frame-color. ( changing white in case, working with light images )
4. Changing Box-pen-size ( full- or half-size )
4. New resize-option added.
5. Straight preview of a resized image. ( Now it works like the crop-section )

There will be a new Download-link, as soon it is finished.



New resize-option with defined width and height without keeping the ratio :


Changes in Crop-section :
1. Box-color-selection
2. Pen-size-selection => Pen 1, 2 and 3
3. Show saved crop-area from INI is moved to dialog
4. Reset only repaints the Image and sets values to 0
5. added zoom-functions


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Last edited by ukoenig on Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:24 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:58 pm

Uwe, sorry again. I read the "5 Best Free Icon Editors" article but I'm very dubious on which is really the best. Can you recommend one, please? What about Pixelformer?

Thank you.

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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby ukoenig » Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:49 pm


as a real painting-solution creating new Icons, < IcoFx > will be the best.
Greenfish is ok, but doesn't include all the tools from IcoFx.

Pixelformer is very good, changing a format, including transparent-level and for small image-corrections.
To paint complete new Icons, I think IcoFx is the best.

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Uwe :lol:
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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:03 pm

Ops! It seems that IcoFx is not free. I'm looking for a free icons editor. :-)

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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby ukoenig » Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:37 pm



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stable release
2.2 / April 16, 2012; 60 days ago [1]

Website icofx.ro

IcoFX is an icon creation software for Microsoft Windows. Previously a freeware,
it allows editing multiple formats of icons with support for transparency.
[3] Icons
can also be converted from one format to another, for instance from a Macintosh
icon to a Windows icon.
[4] It's also possible to import any image, such as a photo,
and convert it to an icon.
[5] Version 1.6.4 was the last freeware-release of IcoFX.

Version 1.6.4 is OK. It is more than other freeware-editors offer.
below a list of changes.
I think unless You are not a professionel Grafic-designer, there is no need for it.

From the author :

IcoFX 2... is almost a complete rewrite, so almost everything has changed a little bit.
I tried to put together a list of the most important changes:

Enhanced editor:
-full antialiasing
-blending modes
-soft selection
-quick mask
-multicolor gradients
-support for tiff files
-enhanced brightness and contrast algorithm
-hue and saturation can work on a given color range
-hue and saturation window can be used to colorize

Interface changes:
-customizable workspaces
-customizable shortcuts
-history panel
-swatches panel
-brushes panel
-gradinet panel
-layers panel
-image adjustment windows have real time preview

New tools:
-ellipse selection
-lasso selection
-magic wand
-color eraser
-custom shape

Enhanced tools:
-brush: custom brushes, airbrush
-line: different line styles are available
-rectangle, ellipse: different gradient fill modes
-text: can have custom angle
-Most tools support different blending modes
-Blur/Brightness: configurable hardness

Icon related:
-IcoFX can now create/edit static and animated cursors
-full support for Macintosh icons up to 512x512
-Extract from 16 bit resource files under Windows Vista and 7
-Convert 16 bit icl files to 32 bit using the resource editor

-license changed from freeware to shareware

Best Regards
Uwe :?:
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Re: Load, show in dialog, interactively crop and save cropped

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:05 am


I'm still searching a good image editor. :-)

I tried Pixelformer but when you load an image it doesn't allow to easy resave it (you have to export it). Or is there a way that I haven't seen?

Pixelformer apart, what other image editor can you recommend? Windows Paint would be enough for me but it doesn't load ICO format.

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