Using ADT files - a few questions

Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby TimStone » Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:57 pm

OK ... using tDatabase plus tData, the following works with .dbf files to create indexes:

oDB := tdata():new(, "einmst",, .f. )
IF oDB:use()
oDB:createIndex( "einnum", "upper(invnum)",,, .t., 10 )

However, with ADT files, it doesn't work, so when I try to add a record to the file, it tells me the workarea is not indexed !

Unfortunately Advantage docs seem to be coming up short on this.

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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby fraxzi » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:22 am

Otto wrote:Frances,
what access rights on the Server must an ADS user have.
Best regards,

Dear Mr. Otto,

It depends on your granted rights to users which is define in DD via ARC or you can do it painfully by code.
Kind Regards,

Fivewin for xHarbour v18.07
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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby fraxzi » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:23 am

TimStone wrote:Otto,

ADS is installed on the server, and of course it needs to be able to create files, and modify them ( read / write ). Since all of the work is done on the server, the clients can have limited access rights. Some of my customers are pretty minimal with the rights ganted on the workstation, but the client program I install on each one interacts with the ADS server with no problem.


Dear Mr. Tim,

There's no need in defining user rights via OS.. You can do it more securely by ADS server-side aliasing.
Kind Regards,

Fivewin for xHarbour v18.07
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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby fraxzi » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:27 am

TimStone wrote:1) It would appear that I end up creating a group of separate .adt files just like the .dbf files. I thought ADS created a single database that housed all the tables, just like an SQL database.

2) Can you actually import the empty .dbf file structures ? I can't seem to find an option for doing that.


Dear Tim,

1) .adt are individual but binded to DD where you import it. You need to freetable those .adt so you can use it outside of DD..
2) no features for that. import only table
Kind Regards,

Fivewin for xHarbour v18.07
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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby TimStone » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:34 am

Thanks for the info. I'm still concerned about the indexing using tdata / tdatabase classes. Please see my earlier post in this thread.
Tim Stone
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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby norberto » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:05 am

Tim, i create my indexs in "normal" way (use / index), after open using tdata ( database + index).

look this class too (source + help + samples included): ... r/download
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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:37 am

TimStone wrote:I thought ADS created a single database that housed all the tables, just like an SQL database.

Please note that an SQL engine can organize its database in the most creative way. You can't bet on the fact that it's a single file or multiple files.

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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby reinaldocrespo » Wed May 23, 2012 3:39 am

I just saw this thread. I thought there would be a lot more people using .adt files.

Is adt tables still an issue?

You still use the very same rdd_ads.lib with ntx/cdx/vfp or adt tables. All you do is change the RDD. For dbf tables with harbour you have the choice of using DBFNTX, DBFCDX, or ADSNTX, ADSCDX, ADSVFP and for adt tables ADSADT. As in use tablename VIA ADSCDX. That's it.

Now, ADT tables as well as dbf tables can be used with ADS RDD as free tables or DD bound tables. Using DD bound tables is simply a lot better. Creating indexes with ads rdd can be done the same way it is done for dbf tables. Having said that, with ads you can also create indexes using the sp_createIndex stored procedure or with sql syntax.

Since I see there is some doubts on this subject, I wrote a short self contained sample of how to create .adt tables and indexes using regular clipper syntax. I haven't tested the code much, and it is been a long time since I use clipper syntax so there might be some errors, but you'll get the idea:

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

#xcommand DEFAULT <uVar1> := <uVal1> ;
                [, <uVarN> := <uValN> ] => ;
                  <uVar1> := iif( <uVar1> == nil, <uVal1>, <uVar1> ) ;;
                [ <uVarN> := iif( <uVarN> == nil, <uValN>, <uVarN> ); ]

request hb_gt_win   //needed for console mode app.

Static cPath

Function Main()
local nerr
local afiles

    SetMode(25,80)      //25 lines by 80 columns console

    rddRegister( "ADS", 1 )
    rddSetDefault( "ADS" )

    adsSetServerType( ADS_LOCAL_SERVER )

    AdsLocking( .t. )           //NON-compatible locking mode
    cPath   := hb_ArgV( 1 )
    DEFAULT cpath := ""
    if !empty( cPath ) .and. right( cPath, 1 ) != "\"    ;cPath += "\"  ;endif

    afiles := CreateTables()
    if !empty( afiles )     ;CreateDictionary( afiles )     ;endif
return nil

static function CreateTables()
local cAlias := "
local afiles := {}
local cFileName, e

    //---------------------- customers.adt --------------------------------------------
local aStruc := { { "
cust_id"       , "C", 10, 0 },;
                { "
Sequence"        , "AutoInc", 07, 0 },;      //ADT extended field type autoincrement
                { "
customer_name"   , "C", 25, 0 },;
                { "
Start_date"      , "TimeStamp", 01, 0 },;    //ADT extended field type
                { "
Notes"           , "M", 10, 0 } }
    AdsSetFileType( ADS_ADT )  

        dbCreate( ( cFileName := cPath + "
customers.adt" ), aStruc,, .t., cAlias )

        ( cAlias )->( OrdCreate( cPath + "
customers", "cust_id", "cust_id" ) )
        ( cAlias )->( OrdCreate( cPath + "
customers", "Start_date", "Start_date" ) )
        ( cAlias )->( dbclosearea() )

        aadd( afiles, { cFileName, "
customers.adi" } )
    //------------------------ sales.dbf -------------------------------------------------
        aStruc := { { "
cust_id"     , "C", 10, 0 },;
                { "
invoice"     , "C", 15, 0 },;
                { "
s_date"      , "TimeStamp", 01, 0 },;    //VFP extended field type
                { "
item_id"     , "C", 15, 0 },;
                { "
Units"       , "N", 03, 0 },;
                { "
Price"       , "Money", 09, 2 },;        //VFP extended field type
                { "
Notes"       , "M", 10, 0 } }
        AdsSetFileType( ADS_VFP )

        dbCreate( ( cFileName := cPath + "
sales.dbf" ), aStruc,, .t., cAlias )

        ( cAlias )->( OrdCreate( cPath + "
sales", "invoice", "invoice" ) )
        ( cAlias )->( OrdCreate( cPath + "
sales", "cust_id", "cust_id" ) )
        ( cAlias )->( dbclosearea() )

        aadd( afiles, { cFileName, "
sales.cdx" } )

    //------------------------ items.dbf -------------------------------------------------
        aStruc := { { "
item_id"     , "C", 15, 0 },;
                { "
Desc"    , "C", 25, 0 },;
                { "
Price"   , "N", 07, 2 } }
        AdsSetFileType( ADS_NTX )

        dbCreate( ( cFileName := cPath + "
items.dbf" ), aStruc,, .t., cAlias )
        ( cAlias )->( OrdCreate( cPath + "
itm_id",, "item_id" ) )
        ( cAlias )->( OrdCreate( cPath + "
itm_desc",, "Desc" ) )
        ( cAlias )->( dbclosearea() )

        aadd( afiles, { cFileName, "
itm_id.ntx;itm_desc.ntx" } )

    CATCH e
        ShowError( cFileName, e )
        afiles := {}

return afiles

CreateDictionary creates an Advantage Data Dictionary based on already existing tables
static function CreateDictionary( afiles )
local cExt AS CHARACTER := "
local cDD := cPath + "

    if !ADSDDCREATE( cDD,, "
Sample data dictinoary" )

        Alert( "
AdsCreate() of " + cDD + " failed. Error:" + Str( AdsGetLastError() ) )
        return nil


    AdsDDSetDatabaseProperty( ADS_DD_ENABLE_INTERNET, .t. )
    AdsDDSetDatabaseProperty( ADS_DD_DEFAULT_TABLE_PATH, cPath )
    AdsDDSetDatabaseProperty( ADS_DD_LOG_IN_REQUIRED, .t. )

    AdsDDCreateUser( , "
user1", "password1", "User named userd1 with password password1" )
    AdsDDCreateUser( , "
user2", "password2", "Description of user2" )
    AdsDDCreateUser( , "
user3", "password3", "Optional description of user3" )

    aEval( aFiles, ;
        { |e| hb_FNameSplit( iif( len( e ) > 1, e[ 2 ], e[ 1 ] ), , , @cExt ), ;
            AdsSetFiletype( iif( lower( cExt ) $ "
.adt,.adi", ADS_ADT, ;
                        iif( lower( cExt ) == "
.ntx", ADS_NTX, ADS_VFP ) ) ),;
            addfiletoDD( e, cPath ), ;
            SetTableProp( e ), ;
            QOut( "
Adding table to DD", ;
                        e[ 1 ], ;
                        AdsSetFileType(), ;
                        cExt, ;
                        ADSGetLastError() ) } )
    AdsDDSetDatabaseProperty( ADS_DD_ADMIN_PASSWORD, "
password" )

return Nil

Static Function AddFiletoDD( aFile, cPath )
local cIndexs := "

    if len( afile ) > 1 .and. left( afile[ 2 ], 1 ) <> "
        aEval( afile, { |e| cIndexs += e +"
;" }, 2 )
        cIndexs := left( cIndexs, len( cIndexs ) -1 )

Return( AdsDDAddTable( left( afile[ 1 ], at("
.", afile[1] )-1 ), ;
                cPath + aFile[ 1 ], ;
                cIndexs ) )

static function SetTableProp( aFile )
local cFileName

    hb_FNameSplit( afile[ 1 ],, @cFileName )

//  AdsDDSetTableProperty( cFileName, ADS_DD_TABLE_AUTO_CREATE, .t. )
//  AdsDDSetTableProperty( cFileName, ADS_DD_TABLE_ENCRYPTION, .t. )

return Nil

static function ShowError( cMsg, oErr )
local cErr

    cErr := Str( AdsGetLastError() )
    Alert( "
Error : " + alltrim( cErr ) + " " + ;
            cMsg + "
" + oErr:Subsystem + " " + ;
            str( oErr:subCode ) + "
" + oErr:operation + " " + oErr:description )

return nil

Hope that helps.

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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby reinaldocrespo » Wed May 23, 2012 3:46 am

While I'm at it, here is sample code doing the same thing using sql syntax + stored procedures to create the indexes. Again, I'm not spending much time testing this code. It should work other than some minor errors, but moreover it gives an idea:

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

#xcommand DEFAULT <uVar1> := <uVal1> ;
                [, <uVarN> := <uValN> ] => ;
                  <uVar1> := iif( <uVar1> == nil, <uVal1>, <uVar1> ) ;;
                [ <uVarN> := iif( <uVarN> == nil, <uValN>, <uVarN> ); ]

request hb_gt_win   //needed for console mode app.

Static cPath

Function Main()
local nerr

    SetMode(25,80)      //25 lines by 80 columns console

    rddRegister( "ADS", 1 )
    rddSetDefault( "ADS" )

    adsSetServerType( ADS_LOCAL_SERVER )

    AdsLocking( .t. )           //NON-compatible locking mode
    cPath   := hb_ArgV( 1 )
    DEFAULT cpath := ""
    if !empty( cPath ) .and. right( cPath, 1 ) != "\"    ;cPath += "\"  ;endif

    if createDD()   ;CreateTables()     ;endif
return nil


static function CreateTables()
local e AS OBJECT
local cSql_1 AS CHARACTER
local cSql_2 AS CHARACTER
local cSql_3 AS CHARACTER

    cSql_1 := "
CREATE TABLE customers ( " + ;
CUST_ID Char( 10 )," + ;
SEQUENCE AutoInc,"  + ;
CUSTOMER_NAME Char( 25 )," + ;
START_DATE TimeStamp," +;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_CreateIndex90( "+;
'' ); "+;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_CreateIndex90( "+;
'' ); "+;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_ModifyTableProperty( 'customers', "+;
'Table_Auto_Create', "+;
'False', 'APPEND_FAIL', 'customersfail');"+;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_ModifyTableProperty( 'customers', "+;
'Table_Permission_Level', "+;
'2', 'APPEND_FAIL', 'customersfail'); "+;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_ModifyTableProperty( 'customers', "+;
'Triggers_Disabled', "+;
'False', 'APPEND_FAIL', 'customersfail');"

    cSql_2 := "
CREATE TABLE sales ( "+;
CUST_ID Char( 10 ),"+;
INVOICE Char( 15 ),"+;
S_DATE TimeStamp,"+;
ITEM_ID Char( 15 ),"+;
UNITS Numeric( 3 ,0 ),"+;
PRICE Numeric( 9 ,0 ),"+;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_CreateIndex90( "+;
'' ); "+;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_CreateIndex90( "+;
'' ); "+;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_ModifyTableProperty( 'sales', "+;
'Table_Auto_Create', "+;
'False', 'APPEND_FAIL', 'salesfail');"+;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_ModifyTableProperty( 'sales', "+;
'Table_Permission_Level', "+;
'2', 'APPEND_FAIL', 'salesfail');"+;
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_ModifyTableProperty( 'sales', "+;
'Triggers_Disabled', "+;
'False', 'APPEND_FAIL', 'salesfail');"
        ExecuteSQL( cSql_1, ADS_ADT )
        ExecuteSQL( cSql_2, ADS_VFP )

    CATCH e
        ShowError( e )

return nil

static function ExecuteSQL( cScript, cRDD )
local cArea, e
local isGood := .f.

    if !empty( cScript )
        AdsCacheOpenCursors( 0 )

        IF !ADSCreateSQLStatement("
SQLarea", cRDD) //.or. !ADSVerifySQL( cScript )
                SQLArea->( DBCLOSEAREA() )
            CATCH e
            Alert ( "
AdsCreateSqlStatement() failed with error "+ Str( ADSGetLastError() ) )
        Elseif !( isGood := AdsExecuteSQLDirect( cScript ) )

            Alert ( "
AdsExecuteSQLDirect() failed with error "+ Str( ADSGetLastError() ) )

    AdsCacheOpenCursors( 0 )

    if Select( "
sqlarea" ) > 0 ;SQLArea -> ( DBCLOSEAREA() ) ;endif

return nil

CreateDictionary creates an Advantage Data Dictionary based on already existing tables
static function CreateDD()
local cDD := cPath + "

    if !ADSDDCREATE( cDD,, "
Sample data dictinoary" )

        Alert( "
AdsCreate() of " + cDD + " failed. Error:" + Str( AdsGetLastError() ) )
        return .f.


    AdsDDSetDatabaseProperty( ADS_DD_ENABLE_INTERNET, .t. )
    AdsDDSetDatabaseProperty( ADS_DD_DEFAULT_TABLE_PATH, cPath )
    AdsDDSetDatabaseProperty( ADS_DD_LOG_IN_REQUIRED, .t. )
    AdsDDSetDatabaseProperty( ADS_DD_ADMIN_PASSWORD, "
password" )

    AdsDDCreateUser( , "
user1", "password1", "User named userd1 with password password1" )
    AdsDDCreateUser( , "
user2", "password2", "Description of user2" )
    AdsDDCreateUser( , "
user3", "password3", "Optional description of user3" )

return .t.

static function ShowError( oErr )
local cErr := Str( AdsGetLastError() )
    Alert( "
Error : " + alltrim( cErr ) + " " + ;
            oErr:Subsystem + "
" +  str( oErr:subCode ) + " " + ;
            oErr:operation + "
" + oErr:description )

return nil

I try to keep posting more samples later. For now, here is plenty here to chew on.

I sincerely hope this helps.

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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby reinaldocrespo » Wed May 23, 2012 3:51 am

Here is sample code on how to connect to an ADS DD. I'm not totally sure, but I think this has been shown by many people. Just in case there is doubt, here it is:

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

#xcommand DEFAULT <uVar1> := <uVal1> ;
                [, <uVarN> := <uValN> ] => ;
                  <uVar1> := iif( <uVar1> == nil, <uVal1>, <uVar1> ) ;;
                [ <uVarN> := iif( <uVarN> == nil, <uValN>, <uVarN> ); ]

request hb_gt_win   //needed for console mode app.

Static cPath

Function Main()

    SetMode(25,80)      //25 lines by 80 columns console

    rddRegister( "ADS", 1 )
    rddSetDefault( "ADS" )
    AdsLocking( .t. )           //NON-compatible locking mode
    AdsRightsCheck( 0 )

    if !AdsConnect60( "\\\adsdata\hdd\mp.add", ADS_REMOTE_SERVER, "adssys", "mp8" )

        Alert( "Cannot connect to Remote Server " + Str( AdsGetLastError() ) )

    ReIndex() //or whatever other isam command.
    //once connected to the DD, you no longer need to
    //declare the table's physical path to use it.
return nil

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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby reinaldocrespo » Wed May 23, 2012 3:55 am

Here is more SQL vs ISAM doing some delete from a table. Notice how using SQL there is no need to open or close a table in order to operate on it:

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

#xcommand DEFAULT <uVar1> := <uVal1> ;
                [, <uVarN> := <uValN> ] => ;
                  <uVar1> := iif( <uVar1> == nil, <uVal1>, <uVar1> ) ;;
                [ <uVarN> := iif( <uVarN> == nil, <uValN>, <uVarN> ); ]

request hb_gt_win   //needed for console mode app.

Function Main()
local nerr

    SetMode(25,80)      //25 lines by 80 columns console

    rddRegister( "ADS", 1 )
    rddSetDefault( "ADS" )

    adsSetServerType( ADS_LOCAL_SERVER )

    AdsLocking( .t. )           //NON-compatible locking mode

    AdsSetFileType( ADS_CDX )
    AdsConnect( ........................
return nil

static function DeleteUsingISAM()
local cArea := "test"

    Dbusearea( .t. , "ADS", "test", cArea, .t., .f. )
    ( cArea )->( OrdListAdd( "test" ) )

    ( cArea )->( dbSeek( "00001" ) )
    While !( cArea )->( eof() ) .and. ( cArea )->id == "00001"
        ( cArea )->( dbDelete() )
        ( cArea )->( dbSeek( "00001" ) )

    (alias)->( dbcloseArea() )
retrun nil

static function DeleteUsingSQL()
local cSql := "DELETE FROM test WHERE id = '00001'"

    DoSql_NoCursor( cSql )
Return nil
static function DoSQL_NoCursor( cScript )
local cArea, e
local isGood := .f.

    if !empty( cScript )
        AdsCacheOpenCursors( 0 )

        if ADSCreateSQLStatement( "SQLarea" ) .and. AdsExecuteSQLDirect( cScript )
                SQLArea->( DBCLOSEAREA() )
            CATCH e
            Alert ( "SQL Statement failed with error "+ Str( ADSGetLastError() ) )
    AdsCacheOpenCursors( 0 )

    if Select( "sqlarea" ) > 0 ;SQLArea -> ( DBCLOSEAREA() ) ;endif

return nil

static function ShowError( oErr )
local cErr := Str( AdsGetLastError() )
    Alert( "Error : " + alltrim( cErr ) + " " + ;
            oErr:Subsystem + " " +  str( oErr:subCode ) + " " + ;
            oErr:operation + " " + oErr:description )

return nil

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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby reinaldocrespo » Wed May 23, 2012 2:43 pm

Here is a short self contained sample using regular clipper syntax to create and reindex a visual fox pro table type (should work for any table type) and it will work with the local (free) ads RDD:
Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""

request ads
request hb_gt_win //needed for console mode app.

Function Main()

    SetMode( 25, 80 ) //25 lines by 80 columns console

    rddRegister( "ADS", 1 )
    rddSetDefault( "ADS" )
    adsSetServerType( ADS_LOCAL_SERVER )
    adsSetFileType( ADS_VFP ) //visual foxpro table and field types

    AdsLocking( .t. ) //NON-compatible locking mode

    CreateTable( 'Test')
    Dbusearea( .t. , "ADS", cTableName, "alias", .t., .f. )
    PopulateTable( 'alias' )
    ReIndex( 'alias' )

    ( "alias" )->( dbcloseArea() )

return nil

static function CreateTable( cTableName )
local aStructure := { "FileName",   "Character", 10, 0 },;
                    { "Size",       "Integer", 7, 0 },;
                    { "Date",       "Date", 4, 0 },;
                    { "Time",       "C", 8, 0 },;
                    { "Attr",       "C", 1, 0 } }

        dbCreate( cTableName, aStructure )

Return nil

static function PopulateTable( cAlias )
local aDir := Directory( "f:\xharbour\include\" )

    aEval( aDir, { |e| ( cAlias )->( dbAppend() ),;
                        iif( ( cAlias )->( rLock() ),;
                            ( ( cAlias )->FileName := e[ F_NAME ],;
                            ( cAlias )->Size := e[ F_SIZE ],;
                            ( cAlias )->Date := e[ F_DATE ],;
                            ( cAlias )->Time := e[ F_TIME ],;
                            ( cAlias )->Attr := e[ F_ATTR ] ), ),;
                        ( "
alias" )->( dbUnlock() ) } )

Return Nil

static function ReIndex( cAlias )

    AdsRegCallBack( { | nPercent | ShowProgress( nPercent ) } )
    /* the above codeblock will be called approximately every 2 seconds while indexing.  
    The codeblock may return .t. to abort indexing. */

    INDEX ON FileName Tag FileName

Return Nil

Now, while regular Clipper syntax works fine, I would recommend learning sql by introducing some here and there. With time new doors open up.

Again, I'm only showing this samples because I keep seeing question about table and index creation using ADS RDD and I mean to help.

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Re: Using ADT files - a few questions

Postby reinaldocrespo » Wed May 23, 2012 2:55 pm

Here is a more complex sample. Let us suppose you already have a DD with tables created but you wish to deliver a new update of your application where some structure changes must be made in order for the new update to work properly. Then all we need is check the current table structures on the DD and compare to some other source, either supplied on an external file or coded inside the update. Here I do the second. I do a lot of it by constructing SQL statements to alter a table. You may look up any SQL command syntax on the ADS help files including the ALTER TABLE statement.

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""
#define CRLF    chr(13)+chr(10)

#xcommand DEFAULT <uVar1> := <uVal1> ;
                [, <uVarN> := <uValN> ] => ;
                  <uVar1> := iif( <uVar1> == nil, <uVal1>, <uVar1> ) ;;
                [ <uVarN> := iif( <uVarN> == nil, <uValN>, <uVarN> ); ]

request hb_gt_win   //needed for console mode app.

Static cPath

Function Main()
local nerr

    SetMode( 50, 80 )      //25 lines by 80 columns console
    rddRegister( "ADS", 1 )
    rddSetDefault( "ADS" )
    adsSetServerType( ADS_LOCAL_SERVER )
    AdsLocking( .t. )           //NON-compatible locking mode
    Set Deleted ON
    cPath   := hb_ArgV( 1 )
    DEFAULT cpath := ""
    if !empty( cPath ) .and. right( cPath, 1 ) != "\"    ;cPath += "\"  ;endif

    if !ConnectToDD()
        Return nil
    CheckTables( GetTableStructures() )

    AdsDisconnect() //disconnect from test_dd
return nil

//Ideally you would store the dd name and path and server type on an .ini file or
//send both strings as parametrs to the application.
//once connected we don't need table's paths anymore as the dd knows where they reside.

static Function ConnectToDD()

    if !AdsConnect60( cpath + "
test_dd.add", ADS_LOCAL_SERVER, "adssys", "password" )

        Alert( "
Cannot connect LOCAL Server to dd: " + cpath + "test_dd.add" + Str( AdsGetLastError() ) )
        Return .f.


Return .t. 

static Function GetTableStructures()
local all_files_struc := {}

    aadd( all_files_struc,{ "
customers.adt VIA ADSADT ",;
        { { "
cust_id"       , "C", 10, 0 },;
        { "
customer_name", "C", 25, 0 },;
        { "
Logical"     , "L", 10 , 0 },;
        { "
date"        , "D", 0, 0 },;
        { "
Sequence"    , "AutoInc", 07, 0 },;      //ADT extended field type (EFT)
        { "
TStamp"      , "TimeStamp", 01, 0 },;    //EFT
        { "
Integer_field", "I", 04, 0 },;           //EFT
        { "
Currency_double", "curdouble", 0, 2 } ,; //EFT
        { "
raw"         , "raw", 25, 0 },;          //EFT
        { "
rowversion"  , "rowversion", 0, 0 },;    //EFT
        { "
modtime"     , "modtime", 0, 0 },;       //EFT
        { "
Double"      , "Double", 4, 0 },;        //EFT
        { "
Image"       , "Binary", 10, 0 },;       //RDD sees Image,Binary,Blob as Binary
        { "
time"        , "time", 0, 0 },;          //EFT
        { "
VarChar"     , "V", 10, 0 },;            //EFT
        { "
short_integer", "I", 02, 0 },;           //EFT
        { "
Notes"       , "M", 10, 0 } } } )

/* although valid field types, currently rddads does not support
field types ciCharacter, Money, VarBinary.  But they will work just fine SQL
or ACE ADSCreateTable()
        { "
ciCharacter" , "ciCharacter", 10 , 0 },; //case insensitive
        { "
Money_Field" , "Y", 8, 4 },;        //extended field type Money
        { "
VarBinary"   , "Q", 10, 0 },;    //extended field type
    aadd( all_files_struc, { "
sales.dbf VIA ADSVFP STRICT", ;
        { { "
cust_id"     , "C", 10, 0 },;
        { "
invoice"     , "C", 15, 0 },;
        { "
item_id"     , "C", 15, 0 },;
        { "
Date"        , "D", 8, 0 },;
        { "
Logical"     , "L", 10 , 0 },;
        { "
TStamp"      , "TimeStamp", 01, 0 },;//VFP extended field type
        { "
Sequence"    , "autoincrement", 0, 0 },; //VFP extended field type
        { "
Units"       , "I", 04, 0 },;        //VFP extended field type
        { "
Double"      , "Double", 4, 0 },;    //VFP extended field type
        { "
VarChar"     , "VarCharFox", 10 , 0 },;  //VFP extended field type
        { "
VarBinary"   , "Q", 10, 0 },;        //VFP extended field type
        { "
Price"       , "Y", 0, 0 },;         //VFP extended field type Money
        { "
Image"       , "Binary", 10, 0 },;   //VFP extended field type
        { "
Notes"       , "M", 10, 0 } } } )

    aadd( all_files_struc, { "
items.dbf VIA ADSNTX", ;
                { { "
item_id"   , "C", 15, 0 },;
                { "
Desc"        , "C", 25, 0 },;
                { "
Price"       , "N", 07, 2 } } } )

Return all_files_struc

static function CheckTables( aFiles )
local isStrict
local cFileType
local cTable, cExt, cFileName
local aStruc, n
local aDDFiles  := AdsDirectory()  //ACE32 function call returns array of tables in dd

    for each aStruc IN aFiles
        isStrict := .f.             ////allow only the exact structure sent with no extra fields on table
        cFileName := lower( aStruc[ 1 ] )

        cFileName := SplitTableName( cFileName, @isStrict, @cFileType )
        AdsSetFileType( cFileType )

        hb_FNameSplit( cFileName,,@cTable, @cExt )
        if aScan( aDDfiles, cTable ) == 0
            qout( "
creating an ntx table ", ctable )
            dbcreate( cTable, aStruc[ 2 ] )
            AdsDDAddTable( cTable, cTable + iif( cFileType == ADS_ADT, "
.adt", ".dbf" ), "" )

            CheckTableStructure( aStruc, cTable, isStrict )

return nil

static function SplitTableName( cFileName, isStrict, cFileType )
local nPos

    DEFAULT isStrict := .f.
    DEFAULT cFileType := ADS_ADT    //presume .adt when not using VIA as part of tablename
    if at( "
STRICT", upper( cFileName ) ) > 0
        isStrict := .t.
        cFileName := lower( alltrim( strtran( cFileName, "
STRICT", "" ) ) )
    if ( nPos := at( "
VIA ", upper( cFileName ) ) ) > 0
        cFileType := iif( "
CDX" $ upper( substr( cFileName, nPos ) ), ADS_CDX, ;
                        iif( "
VFP" $ upper( substr( cFileName, nPos ) ), ADS_VFP ,;
                        iif( "
NTX" $ upper( cFileName ), ADS_NTX, ADS_ADT ) ) )
        cFileName := lower( alltrim( Left( cFileName, nPos -1 ) ) )

return cFileName

static Function CheckTableStructure( aTable, cTable, isStrict )
local aStruc    := aTable[ 2 ]
local cAlias, n

    qOut( "
Checking structure of table: " + cTable )
    if TableStrucIsChanged( cTable, @aStruc, @cAlias, isStrict ) //aStruc may change if !isStrict
        UpdateTableStruc( cTable, aStruc, cAlias )


    (cAlias)->( dbCloseArea() )

Return Nil
static Function TableStrucIsChanged( cFileName, aStruc, cAlias, isStrict )
local isChanged := .f.
local nPos      := 0
local i         := 0
local afStruc                   //afStruc is the found file structure
local j

    cAlias := cFileName
    Dbusearea( .t. , "
ADS", cFileName, cAlias, .f. )    //exclusive use is needed to update table struc
    afStruc := ( cAlias )->( dbstruct() )

    while ++i <= len( aStruc ) .and. !isChanged
        if len( aStruc ) > len( afStruc ) .or. ;
            ( nPos := aScan( afStruc, { |e| trim( upper( aStruc[ i, DBS_NAME ] ) ) == ;
                            Trim( upper( e[ DBS_NAME ] ) ) } ) ) == 0 .or. ;
            ; //if field names are equal then continue by comparing field types        
            upper( aStruc[ i, DBS_TYPE] ) != afStruc[ nPos, DBS_TYPE ] .or. ;
            ;//Avoid comparing field length when autoinc, date,memo,money,raw,rowversion,curdouble ...
            ( !(TransFieldName( aStruc[ i ] ) $ ;
                ( aStruc[ i, 3 ] >  afStruc[ nPos, DBS_LEN ] .or. ;
            aStruc[ i, DBS_DEC ] <> afStruc[ nPos, DBS_DEC ] ) )

            qOut( "
Table ", cFileName, " needs a structure update on field ", aStruc[ i, DBS_NAME ] )
            isChanged := .t.


    if isStrict .and. len( afStruc ) > len( aStruc )
        isChanged := .t.

    if !isStrict                    //if not strict then keep old fields for backward compatibility

        for j := 1 to len( afstruc )//first insert new fields

            i := 0  ; npos := 0

            while ++i <= len( astruc ) .and. nPos == 0

                if alltrim( upper( afstruc[ j, DBS_NAME ] ) ) == alltrim( upper( astruc[ i, DBS_NAME ] ) )
                    nPos := i


            if nPos == 0
                aadd( astruc, afstruc[ j ] )

        next j


Return isChanged

static Function UpdateTableStruc( cTable, aStruc, cAlias )
local cAdd      := alltrim( Fields2Add( aStruc, (calias)->( dbStruct() ) ) )
local cDel      := alltrim( Fields2Del( astruc, (calias)->( dbStruct() ) ) )
local cMod      := alltrim( Fields2Chn( aStruc, (calias)->( dbstruct() ) ) )
local cErr, cSQL, isOk

    (calias)->( dbclosearea() )
    cAdd := SQLAlterStm( "
ADD", left( cAdd, len( cAdd ) -1 ) )
    cDel := SQLAlterStm( "
DROP", left( cDel, len( cDel ) -1 ) )
    cMod := SqlAlterStm( "
ALTER", left( cMod, len( cMod ) -1 ) )
    cSQL := "
ALTER TABLE " + cTable + cAdd + cDel + cMod

    if empty( cadd + cdel + cmod )

        Alert( "
Update string could not be determined. Table " + alltrim( cTable ) )


        ExecuteSQL( cSQL )
return( Nil )

Static Function SQLAlterStm( cAction, cColInfo )
local cStr  := "
local aParsed := hb_aTokens( cColInfo, "
;" )
local a
local Elem, cFldType

//if alter column then: a[1] -old field name, a[2] -new field name, a[3] -field type, a[4] -field length, a[5] -field decimals
//if add column then: a[1] new field name, a[2] -field type, a[3] -field length, a[4] -field decimals

    if empty( cAction )
        RETURN cStr

    if cAction == "
        FOR EACH Elem IN aParsed
            cStr += "
DROP " + elem + " "

    if cAction $ [ADDALTER]
        FOR EACH Elem IN aParsed

            a := hb_aTokens( elem, "
," )

            cFldType := upper( a[ iif( cAction == "
ADD", 2, 3 ) ] )

            cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", " ADD COLUMN [" + alltrim( a[ 1 ] ) + "]", ;
ALTER COLUMN [" + alltrim( a[ 1 ] ) + "] " )

            do case
                case cFldType == "
CHARACTER" .or. cFldType == "C"
                    cstr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", ;
Char(" + alltrim( a[ 3 ] ),;
[" + a[ 2 ] + "] Char( "  + alltrim( a[ 4 ] ) ) + ") "
                case cFldType == "
NUMERIC" .or. cFldType == "N"
                    cstr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", ;
Numeric(" + alltrim( a[ 3 ] ) +"," + alltrim( a[ 4 ] ),;
[" + a[ 2 ] + "] Numeric (" + alltrim( a[ 4 ] ) + "," + a[ 5 ] ) + ") "
                case cFldType == "
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " Date "
                case cFldType == "
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " Logical "
                case cFldType == "
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " Memo "
                case cFldType == "
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " Money "

                case cFldType == "
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " TimeStamp"
                case left( cFldType, 1 ) == "
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " AutoInc "
                case cFldType == "
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + ;
                        iif( a[ iif( cAction == "
ADD", 3, 4 ) ] == "2", " Short ", " Integer " )
                case cFldType == "
DOUBLE" .or. cFldType == "O"
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " Double( " +;
                                alltrim( a[ iif( cAction == "
ADD", 3, 4 ) ] ) + ") "  

                case cFldType == "
CURDOUBLE" .or. cFldType == "O"
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " CurDouble( " +;
                                alltrim( a[ iif( cAction == "
ADD", 4, 5 ) ] ) + ") "  

                case "
VARCHAR" $ cFldType .or. cFldType == "V"
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " VarChar( "+;
                                alltrim( a[ iif( cAction == "
ADD", 3, 4 ) ] ) + ") "  
                case "
VARBINARY" $ cFldType .or. cFldType == "Q"
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " Varbinary( "+;
                                alltrim( a[ iif( cAction == "
ADD", 3, 4 ) ] ) + ") "  

                case "
RAW" $ cFldType
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " Raw (" +;
                                alltrim( a[ iif( cAction == "
ADD", 3, 4 ) ] ) + ") "  

                case "
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " CIChar (" +;
                                alltrim( a[ iif( cAction == "
ADD", 3, 4 ) ] ) + ") "  

                case cFldType $ "
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", "", " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + " Blob"
                    cStr += iif( cAction == "
ADD", " ",  " [" + a[ 2 ] + "] " ) + cFldType




static function Fields2Add( aStruc, adbStruc )
local c := "
local i
local cFieldName

    DEFAULT adbStruc := {}
    for i := 1 to len( aStruc )

        cFieldName := upper( alltrim( aStruc[ i, DBS_NAME ] ) )

        if aScan( adbStruc, { |e| cFieldName == upper( alltrim( e[ DBS_NAME ] ) ) } ) == 0

            c += cFieldName + "
," + ;
                aStruc[ i, DBS_TYPE ] + "
," + ;
                alltrim( str( aStruc[ i, DBS_LEN ] ) ) + "
," + ;
                alltrim( str( aStruc[ i, DBS_DEC ] ) ) + "

    next i

return c

static function Fields2Del( astruc, adbStruc )
local c     := "
local i
local cFieldName

    for i := 1 to len( adbStruc )
        cFieldName := upper( alltrim( adbStruc[ i, DBS_NAME ] ) )
        if aScan( aStruc, { |e| cFieldName == upper( alltrim( e[ DBS_NAME ] ) ) } ) == 0
            c += cFieldName + "
    next i

return c

static function Fields2Chn( aStruc, adbstruc )
local cRet := "
local i
local nPos
local cFieldName

    for i := 1 to len( aStruc )

        cFieldName := upper( alltrim( aStruc[ i, DBS_NAME ] ) )
        nPos := aScan( adbStruc, { |e| upper( alltrim( e[ DBS_NAME ]  ) ) == cFieldName } )

        if nPos != 0 .and. ( upper( aStruc[ i, DBS_TYPE] ) <> adbStruc[ nPos, DBS_TYPE ] .or. ;
            ;//don't compare field length for integer, short, date, time, binary, memo, AutoInc)
            ( !(TransFieldName( aStruc[ i ] ) $ ;
                ( aStruc[ i, DBS_LEN ] >  adbStruc[ nPos, DBS_LEN ] .or. ;
                aStruc[ i, DBS_DEC ] <> adbStruc[ nPos, DBS_DEC ] ) ) )
            cRet += adbStruc[ nPos, DBS_NAME ] + "
," + ;
                aStruc[ i, DBS_NAME ] + "
," + ;
                aStruc[ i, DBS_TYPE ] + "
," + ; 
                alltrim( str( aStruc[ i, DBS_LEN ] ) ) + "
," + ;
                alltrim( str( aStruc[ i, DBS_DEC ] ) ) +"

    next i

return cRet

static function showStructure()
local aFiles := GetTableStructures()
local cFileName, cFileType, aStruc
local ctable, cext
local i

    for i := 1 to len( aFiles )
        cFileName := SplitTableName( afiles[ i, 1 ],, @cFileType )
        hb_FNameSplit( cFileName,,@cTable, @cExt )
        AdsSetFileType( cFileType )
        Dbusearea( .t. , "
ADS", cTable, cTable, .f. )
        aStruc := ( cTable )->( dbStruct() )
        ( cTable )->( dbclosearea() )
        qOut( "
Structure of table ", cFileName )
        aEval( aStruc, { |e| qout( e[ DBS_NAME ], e[ DBS_TYPE ], e[ DBS_LEN ], e[ DBS_DEC ] ) } )
        wait "
any key to continue"
return Nil

static function ExecuteSQL( cSql )
local isOk := .f.

    AdsCacheOpenCursors( 0 )

    if AdsCreateSQLStatement(, ADS_ADT)
        isOk := AdsExecuteSQLDirect( cSQL )

    if !isOk
        Alert( "
AdsExecuteSQLDirect() failed with error "+ Str( ADSGetLastError() ) )
        qOut( cSQL )

    HB_INLINE() { hb_rddReleaseCurrentArea();  }    //only good for non-cursor returning sql

return nil

//translate single characters returned by the RDD for some field types
//to full word field types
static function TransFieldName( aField )
local cFldType  := upper( aField[ DBS_TYPE ] )

    do case
        case cFldType == "
            return "

        case cFldType == "
            return "
        case cFldType == "
            return "

        case cFldType == "
            return "

        case cFldType == "
            return "
        case cFldType == "
            return "

        case cFldType == "
            return iif( aField[ DBS_DEC ] == 2, "

        case cFldType == "
            return "

        case cFldType == "
            return "
return cFldType

static function TestRIRule()
local cParent   := "
local cChild    := "
local nerr

    AdsSetFileType( ADS_ADT )
    Dbusearea( .t. , "
ADS", "customers", cParent, .t. ) //exclusive use is needed to update table struc

    qout( "
cust_id:", (cParent)->cust_id ) 
    (cParent)->( dbDelete() )
    qout( "
cust_id:", (cParent)->cust_id, neterr() )   

    if ( nErr := ADSGetLastError() ) != 0
        Alert( "
Delete Failed with " + cStr( nErr ) )

    (cParent)->( dbclosearea() )
return nil

/*  aadd( all_files_struc,{ "
customers.adt VIA ADSADT ",;
        { { "
cust_id"       , "CHARACTER", 10, 0 },;
        { "
Sequence"    , "AutoInc", 07, 0 },;      //ADT extended field type autoincrement
        { "
customer_name", "CHARACTER", 25, 0 },;
        { "
Logical"     , "Logical", 10 , 0 },;
        { "
date"        , "date", 0, 0 },;
        { "
time"        , "time", 0, 0 },;          //extended field type
        { "
TStamp"      , "TimeStamp", 01, 0 },;    //extended field type
        { "
Integer_field", "Integer", 03, 0 },;     //extended field type
        { "
short_integer", "short", 03, 0 },;       //extended field type
        { "
Money_Field" , "Money", 09, 2 },;        //extended field type
        { "
Currency_double", "curdouble", 0, 2 } ,; //extended field type
        { "
raw"         , "raw", 25, 0 },;          //extended field type
        { "
rowversion"  , "rowversion", 0, 0 },;    //extended field type
        { "
modtime"     , "modtime", 0, 0 },;       //extended field type
        { "
Double"      , "Double", 4, 0 },;        //extended field type
        { "
VarBinary"   , "VarBinary", 10, 0 },;    //extended field type
        { "
VarChar"     , "VarChar", 10, 0 },;  //extended field type
        { "
Image"       , "Image", 10, 0 },;        //extended field type
        { "
Binary"      , "Binary", 0, 0 },;        //extended field type
        { "
Notes"       , "MEMO", 10, 0 } } } )

//    { "
ciCharacter"   , "ciCharacter", 10 , 0 }}})//,;    //case insensitive
    aadd( all_files_struc, { "
sales.dbf VIA ADSVFP STRICT", ;
        { { "
cust_id"     , "CHARACTER", 10, 0 },;
        { "
invoice"     , "CHARACTER", 15, 0 },;
        { "
item_id"     , "CHARACTER", 15, 0 },;
        { "
Date"        , "DATE", 8, 0 },;
        { "
Logical"     , "Logical", 10 , 0 },;
        { "
TStamp"      , "TimeStamp", 01, 0 },;    //VFP extended field type
        { "
Sequence"    , "autoincrement", 0, 0 },; //VFP extended field type
        { "
Units"       , "Integer", 03, 0 },;      //VFP extended field type
        { "
Price"       , "Money", 09, 2 },;        //VFP extended field type
        { "
Double"      , "Double", 4, 0 },;        //VFP extended field type
        { "
VarChar"     , "VarCharFox", 10 , 0 },;  //VFP extended field type
        { "
VarBinary"   , "VarBinaryFox", 10, 0 },; //VFP extended field type
        { "
Image"       , "Image", 10, 0 },;        //VFP extended field type
        { "
Notes"       , "Memo", 10, 0 } } } )
static function CreateNewTable( cFile, aStruc )
local cSQl := "
CREATE TABLE "+ lower( cfile ) + " ( "
local aElem, nTmp
local isOk
local cADD := Fields2Add( aStruc )
local aFieldDesc, aParsed

    cAdd := SQLAlterStm( "
ADD", cAdd )
    cAdd := Substr( StrTran( cAdd, "
ADD COLUMN", ", " + CRLF ), 3 )
    cSql += cAdd
    cSql := SubStr( cSql, 1, rAt( "
,", cSql ) -1 ) 
    cSql += "

    ExecuteSQL( cSql )
Return Nil


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Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL


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