is it possible, does this is not working?
can´t create dialogBox
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#include ""#define oFD oFld:aDialogsstatic oWnd,oBrwstatic cSuchstatic nIdxstatic aHeader:={"Rufnummer","Name"}function mainlocal oGet,oFldcSuch:=space(20)use (CurDir()+"\name") excl new alias isdn via "dbfcdx"select isdndbsetindex(CurDir()+"\name")nIdx:=1define window oWnd title "ISDN"@ 0.5, 1 FOLDER oFld PROMPTS "Namen", "Anrufliste" ; DIALOGS "isdn1", "isdn2" ; SIZE 225, 245redefine GET oGet var cSuch id 101 of oFD[1]redefine button id 102 of oFD[1] action (cSuch:=space(20),oGet:Refresh(),oGet:SetFocus())redefine button id 103 of oFD[1] action Such(.t.)redefine button id 104 of oFD[1] action Such(.f.)redefine LISTBOX oBrw fields "","" ; fieldsizes 100,100 ; headers "Rufnummer","Name *" ; id 105 of oFD[1] oBrw:bLine:={|| {isdn->rufnr,isdn->Name } }oBrw:aActions:={; {|| SetIdx(0) },; {|| SetIdx(1) }; } oFld:InitDialogs() activate window oWnd close isdnreturn nilisdn1 DIALOG 18, 18, 129, 128STYLE WS_CHILD | 4{ EDITTEXT 101, 0, 0, 66, 12 PUSHBUTTON "C", 102, 69, 0, 15, 12 PUSHBUTTON "Suchen", 103, 87, 0, 27, 12 PUSHBUTTON ">", 104, 117, 0, 12, 12 CONTROL "", 105, "TWBrowse", 0 | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP, 0, 15, 126, 111}