Dear All,
Im using HBSix RDD to manage my dbf/nsx files.
In a multiuser enviroment, where operators input data from seperate stations over the LAN. Apparantly some data does not update the index files. DBF Append is okay, the data can be seen there, but the index file does not show or partly shows the data. Upon reindex the file are updated..
I tried the following create index structure..
(A)... Index ON DToS(VR_DT)+VR_TYP+VR_NO+TRN_NO+Str(RecNo()) TAG "P6_TRAN1" EVAL( SysRefresh() ) (Same Problem)
(B)... OrdCreate( aFiles[ss], aFiles[ss]+'1' , "DTOS(VR_DT)+VR_TYP+VR_NO+TRN_NO" , {|| DTOS(VR_DT)+VR_TYP+VR_NO+TRN_NO }) ; SysRefresh() (Same Problem)
(C).. OrdCreate( , aFiles[ss]+'1' , "DTOS(VR_DT)+VR_TYP+VR_NO+TRN_NO") ; SysRefresh() (Same Problem)
The above produces the same problem. The index structure (A) is used in 16Bit application, Where I had no problem of such kind..
After migrating to FWH 32 Bits, many complaints of the same nature are seen.
Any suggestions..Will appreciate it very much..
Thanks in advance..