Could someone please check this.
Thanks in advance
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// Defining ButtonBar buttons which uses Bitmaps files from disk#include ""static oWnd//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function Main() local oBar local oBrush local oPopup DEFINE BRUSH oBrush COLOR nRGB( 12, 129, 87 ) DEFINE WINDOW oWnd FROM 1, 10 TO 20, 60 ; TITLE "Testing Buttons from disk" ; BRUSH oBrush DEFINE BUTTONBAR oBar OF oWnd _3D MENU oPopup oPopup MENUITEM "Test" ACTION msginfo( "Test" ) ENDMENU DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar FILE "..\bitmaps\16x16\exit.bmp" ; ACTION MsgInfo( FWVERSION ) ; MESSAGE "You can place..." GROUP; MENU oPopup DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar FILE "..\bitmaps\16x16\Open.bmp" ; ACTION MsgInfo( FWVERSION ) ; MESSAGE "Any BMP File here..." DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar FILE "..\bitmaps\16x16\Cut.bmp" ; ACTION MsgInfo( FWVERSION ) ; MESSAGE "Reading it from disk !!!" SET MESSAGE OF oWnd TO FWVERSION + " " + FWCOPYRIGHT ACTIVATE WINDOW oWndreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//