Any idea on how to go about troubleshooting this is also appreciated.
Using FWH11.6+Harbour+BCC5.82
hua wrote:Strange, compiling using xHarbour makes this specific problem goes away. Unfortunately it also means the comeback of some bugs that have been resolved so can't stick to it.
Randal wrote:What bugs are you referring to?
Code: Select all | Expand
hb_libLoad( PHB_ITEM pLibName, PHB_ITEM pArgs )
Code: Select all | Expand
2008-10-13 20:21 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
* harbour/source/rdd/wacore.c
; updated comments about Xbase++ behavior in dbRelease()
* harbour/include/hbvm.h
* harbour/source/vm/hvm.c
* harbour/source/vm/dynlibhb.c
* harbour/source/vm/runner.c
! added MT protection for HB_LIBLOAD()/HB_LIBFREE() and
HB_HRBLOAD()/HB_HRBUNLOAD(). Please remember that you should
not use any external LoadLibrary() functions because they are
not protected for clean PCODE modules loading/unloading even
in ST mode. Using them can cause HVM internal structure corruption.
If we have such functions in contrib then they should be redirected
to our HVM ones.
There is still one problem in MT mode which has to be resolved yet.
When dynamic library containing PCODE using static variables
is loaded 1-st time then it will force resizing of internal array
with static variables. If in exactly the same moment some other
thread operates on static variable then it may cause corruption.
To resolve this problem we will have to divide continuous memory
block common for all modules where we store all static variables
into separated blocks bound with each PCODE module (symbol table).