Mr. Ukservice
I can not say the code is "not correct". It "normally" works okay.
#1. If your intention is the change your code only for Win7 bars, my personal advice is to wait for next releases of FWH for their own implementation. You may not have to change any code.
#2. If you are interested in general advice about any better practices of coding for xbrowse, here are a few advices:
a) It is desirable if you change all "TXBrowse():" as "TXBrows(". You can do it with many program editors in all programs at once and then rebuild your application. This change is perfectly safe and does not disturb any of your browses. The advanatage, however, is that you can use any derived classes at fly in future with only one statement. I recommend this change.
b) Important: I did not see that you set the datasource by SetRDD(). I see you are using DBFs. It is always a good practice to set the source alias, by
IMMEDIATELY after creating the browse object.
it is true that even if you do not do this, the very tolerant xbrowse tries to use the default alias just before displaying the browse.
But this is a dangerous practice with many possible sideeffects and some functionality of xbrowse may even give runtime errors.
You may have seen many example postings like this, but *please*, for the sake of stability of your own software, take my advice seriously.
c) Important: FWH deprecates the use of bStrData. This was the only way available years back. Instead assign the codeblock to bEditValue and provide picture clause, if any, to cEditPicture.
I still keep advising to use of command style. I know for sure it has lots of advantages and will ultimately make your life easier. Fewer bugs, easier maintenance and more power.
Many other improvements are possible, but we keep discussing them in due course.