Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby James Bott » Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:01 pm


I suggest comparing your browse definition with that in testxbrw.prg to see if you can find what might be triggering the error. It would be very helpful if you could create a simple test program that shows the error.

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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby MdaSolution » Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:52 am

I think you made an error because the string of state is not ok

I suggest to try to save a normal state before to try your test

the paintheader() method must read exactly fields :



the number of record 21

the first column 1
the size 150
show or Hide S

the second column 2
the size 150
show or Hide S


until to 4
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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby frose » Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:22 am

Hi MdaSolution,

thanks for your comment.
The format of <cState> was changed to something in Hex starting with "XSS:..." in FWH 1009 or 1010.
The problem starts after updating from 1008 to 1010 without changing the source!


yes, a little sample helps in any case, here it comes: :)
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

function Main()

   local oWnd, oBrw
   LOCAL cState := ""
   LOCAL aState

   cState :=    cState := "XSS:41E70006004123000200430D005265417272616E6765436F6C73410E0003004E0100314E0100324E0100334115000200430B005F6E526F774865696768744E02003138412E0002004308005F6E576964746873411E0003004E06003932332E30384E06003130372E36394E0700313932332E303841230002004307005F6C486964657341140003004C03002E462E4C03002E462E4C03002E462E411C0002004309005F6347727048647273410B000300550000550000550000412E0002004309005F6348656164657273411D000300430A00506172612E2D4E616D654304005765727443040054657874"
   INDEX ON Field->Prmtr_txt TO RSTRSTT

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Test RestoreState() FWH 1010"

   @ 0, 0 XBROWSE oBrw OF oWnd LINES CELL

   oBrw:nMarqueeStyle = MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW


   aState := ARead( HexToStr( SubStr( cState, 5 ) ) )

   oBrw:RestoreState( cState )

   oWnd:oClient := oBrw

   ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd VALID ( cState := oBrw:SaveState(), .T. )

return NIL


The source and the reqired dbf are here:
Last edited by frose on Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby frose » Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:48 pm

Unfortunately the sample is working with the right value for <cState>:

cState :=

But it's only working in this sample, my application still crashes:

Error description: Error BASE/1004 Class: 'NIL' has no exported method: EVAL
[ 1] = U

Stack Calls
Called from: => EVAL(0)
Called from: xbrowse.prg => (b)TXBROWSE:TXBROWSE(385)
Called from: => TXBROWSE:KEYCOUNT(0)
Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:REFRESH(1131)
Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:RESTORESTATE(5447)
Called from: my_txbrowse.prg => MY_RESTORESTATE(2458)
Called from: my_txbrowse.prg => MY_TXBROWSE(637)
Called from: my_browse.prg => MY_BROWSE(116)
Called from: C:\xHarbour\SewIS-PPS\my_application.prg => (b)BUILDMENU(1405)
Called from: .\source\classes\MENU.PRG => TMENU:COMMAND(437)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TWINDOW:COMMAND(1029)
Called from: .\source\classes\MDIFRAME.PRG => TMDIFRAME:COMMAND(243)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH(3394)
Called from: => WINRUN(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE(978)
Called from: C:\xHarbour\SewIS-PPS\my_application.prg => MAIN(571)
Last edited by frose on Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby gkuhnert » Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:58 pm

So, I narrowed down the error I get. The problem is with getpvprofstr()
Because if I write down the xBrowse-Information with savestate the result in my ini-file is:

whereas getpvprofstr() only gets:

So it looks like savestate uses a huge lot of place and getpvprofstr() is only able to recover 1kb of this information resulting in errors that are not directly related to the problem.

Any suggestions? Is there a possibility to use savestate in a way it needs less bytes?
Best Regards,

Gilbert Kuhnert
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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby James Bott » Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:32 pm


see fwh\source\winapi\profile.c

This line:

#ifdef __HARBOUR__
BYTE bBuffer[ 1024 ]; <<--

It seems it is only allocating a 1k buffer for the data. Perhaps try increasing that to see if it solves the problem. If it does we can ask Antonio about making that change.

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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby gkuhnert » Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:05 pm


thanks a lot !

Now I'm trying what you suggested and get following error: (I copied the source code to my c-file "ctofunc.c")
Error E2342 CTOFUNC.C 256: Type mismatch in parameter 'lpKeyName' (wanted 'const signed char *', got 'int') in function HB_FUN_GETPVPROFSTRING

this is the source:
Code: Select all  Expand view
   BYTE bBuffer[ 2048 ];
   WORD wLen;

   wLen = GetPrivateProfileString( hb_parc( 1 ),     // Section
                                   IF( HB_ISCHAR( 2 ), hb_parc( 2 ), 0 ),   // Entry
                                   hb_parc( 3 ),     // Default
                                   ( char * ) bBuffer,        // Destination Buffer
                                   sizeof( bBuffer ) - 1,   // M x Len
                                   hb_parc( 4 ) );   // INI File (<= line 256 in my sourcecode )
   if( wLen )
      hb_retclen( ( char * ) bBuffer, wLen );
      hb_retc( "" );
Best Regards,

Gilbert Kuhnert
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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby James Bott » Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:21 pm


Sorry, I don't know much about C. I suggest trying to compile the unchanged profile.c program with your current compiler and parameters to see if that works. If it does, then it is something specific about your ctofunc.c program that is causing the problem.

You could also try using BEGINDUMP/ENDDUMP and put the function right into your PRG.

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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby gkuhnert » Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:33 pm

James (& others who might know a little more about c)

the error stays the same if I include the function in one of my PRG's

(I also get a warning: "Warning W8064 EHO.prg 2328: Call to function 'HB_ISCHAR' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETPVPROFSTRING", but I think the error mentioned before is causing the trouble, as this is only a warning)
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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby James Bott » Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:42 pm


Please try compiling the profile.c program to see if that works OK. If so, then you can just include the OBJ in your program.

Also, did you inlcude the INCLUDEs that are in profile.c in your ctofunc.c program?

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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby gkuhnert » Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:48 pm


James Bott wrote:Please try compiling the profile.c program to see if that works OK. If so, then you can just include the OBJ in your program.

If I do that I get numerous errors about other functions in there. So I want to reduce the possible error range. As the only function I want to try is "GetPvProfString" I included that one in my c-function-file as well in one of my PRG's. And I get the same error in both cases. And the error points at a problem with the type of the variable, so it cannot be a problem with one of the other functions in my .c (in this case, the error message should differ when compiled in my .c

James Bott wrote:Also, did you inlcude the INCLUDEs that are in profile.c in your ctofunc.c program?

Yes of course. I forgot it the first time and got lots of errors because the compiler didn't recognize some constants.
Best Regards,

Gilbert Kuhnert
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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby James Bott » Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:10 pm


If I do that I get numerous errors about other functions in there

OK, this is important info. Presumably, Antonio is compiling this program as is and it is working for him. So, the only things that I can think of are the compiler version, the CFG files, and the passed parameters. Are you using an old C compiler? Are you using the Borland compiler? Are you sure the config files are setup correctly? Some things to think about.

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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby frose » Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:14 pm


though the sample is working with the right value for <cState> my application crashes as described above!

I have no more idea what is going on :(
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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby James Bott » Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:17 pm


As Gilbert discovered, some cState values are too large to be retrieved from an INI file, thus they are truncated. Gilbert has not yet been able to compile a revised C program to correct the problem. But, it will happen as soon as we can get some guidance from a C programmer.

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Re: Strange Error with xbrowse-restorestate

Postby frose » Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:30 pm


thank you for your advice.

Just debugging xbrowse.prg till method KeyNo(), wondering that the value of <nGoTo> and also the code block <bKeyNo> is NIL!

So it's clear: a refresh is not suitable, because the browse isn't activated yet.

It's working now, only by commenting '::Refresh()' in the method 'RestoreState()'! :D
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