Both Harbour and xHarbour support all these functions but with slightly different names. provides cross translations.
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#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
/* Hash item functions */
#xtranslate hb_Hash( [<x,...>] ) => Hash( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HHasKey( [<x,...>] ) => HHasKey( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HPos( [<x,...>] ) => HGetPos( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HGet( [<x,...>] ) => HGet( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HSet( [<x,...>] ) => HSet( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HDel( [<x,...>] ) => HDel( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HKeyAt( [<x,...>] ) => HGetKeyAt( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HValueAt( [<x,...>] ) => HGetValueAt( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HValueAt( [<x,...>] ) => HSetValueAt( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HPairAt( [<x,...>] ) => HGetPairAt( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HDelAt( [<x,...>] ) => HDelAt( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HKeys( [<x,...>] ) => HGetKeys( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HValues( [<x,...>] ) => HGetValues( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HFill( [<x,...>] ) => HFill( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HClone( [<x,...>] ) => HClone( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HCopy( [<x,...>] ) => HCopy( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HMerge( [<x,...>] ) => HMerge( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HEval( [<x,...>] ) => HEval( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HScan( [<x,...>] ) => HScan( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HSetCaseMatch( [<x,...>] ) => HSetCaseMatch( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HCaseMatch( [<x,...>] ) => HGetCaseMatch( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HSetAutoAdd( [<x,...>] ) => HSetAutoAdd( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HAutoAdd( [<x,...>] ) => HGetAutoAdd( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HAllocate( [<x,...>] ) => HAllocate( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_HDefault( [<x,...>] ) => HDefault( <x> )
/* Hash item functions */
#xtranslate Hash( [<x,...>] ) => hb_Hash( <x> )
#xtranslate HHasKey( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HHasKey( <x> )
#xtranslate HGetPos( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HPos( <x> )
#xtranslate HGet( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HGet( <x> )
#xtranslate HSet( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HSet( <x> )
#xtranslate HDel( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HDel( <x> )
#xtranslate HGetKeyAt( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HKeyAt( <x> )
#xtranslate HGetValueAt( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HValueAt( <x> )
#xtranslate HSetValueAt( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HValueAt( <x> )
#xtranslate HGetPairAt( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HPairAt( <x> )
#xtranslate HDelAt( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HDelAt( <x> )
#xtranslate HGetKeys( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HKeys( <x> )
#xtranslate HGetValues( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HValues( <x> )
#xtranslate HFill( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HFill( <x> )
#xtranslate HClone( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HClone( <x> )
#xtranslate HCopy( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HCopy( <x> )
#xtranslate HMerge( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HMerge( <x> )
#xtranslate HEval( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HEval( <x> )
#xtranslate HScan( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HScan( <x> )
#xtranslate HSetCaseMatch( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HSetCaseMatch( <x> )
#xtranslate HGetCaseMatch( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HCaseMatch( <x> )
#xtranslate HSetAutoAdd( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HSetAutoAdd( <x> )
#xtranslate HGetAutoAdd( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HAutoAdd( <x> )
#xtranslate HAllocate( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HAllocate( <x> )
#xtranslate HDefault( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HDefault( <x> )
#xtranslate HSetPartition( [<x,...>] ) =>
/* Associative hash array functions */
#xtranslate haAGetKeyAt( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HKeyAt( <x> )
#xtranslate haAGetValueAt( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HValueAt( <x> )
#xtranslate haADelAt( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HDelAt( <x> )
#xtranslate haAGetPos( [<x,...>] ) => hb_HPos( <x> )
#xtranslate haAGetRealPos( <x>, <y> ) => iif( HB_ISNUMERIC( <y> ) .AND. <y> >= 1 .AND. ;
Int( <y> ) <= Len( <x> ), Int( <y> ), 0 )
#xtranslate HGetVaaPos( <x> ) => {| h | ;;
LOCAL a := Array( Len( h ), v ;;
FOR EACH v IN a ;;
v := v:__enumIndex() ;;
RETURN a ; }:eval( <x> )
#xtranslate HGetAACompatibility( <x> ) => hb_HKeepOrder( <x> )
#xtranslate HSetAACompatibility( [<x,...>] ) => {| h | ;;
hb_HKeepOrder( h ) ;;
RETURN .T. ; }:eval( <x> )