xbrowse value of cell is nil

xbrowse value of cell is nil

Postby Rick Lipkin » Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:48 pm

To All

I have a recordset where the field "lastlog" ( Last Login ) could be nil .. instead of xBrowse showing the cell value as nil I would prefer "00/00/0000" ... here is the code :

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DEFINE WINDOW oUser                        ;
      FROM 2,2 to 25,65                    ;
      of oWndMDI                           ;
      TITLE "USERINFO Administrative Browse" ;
      MENU BuildMenu(oRsUser)              ;
      ICON oICO ;
      NOMINIMIZE                           ;
      NOZOOM                               ;

@ 0, 0 xBROWSE oBrow of oUser              ;
       RECORDSET oRsUser                   ;
       COLUMNS "USERID",                   ;
               "READ",                     ;
               "WRITE",                    ;
               "MGR",                      ;
               "SUPER",                    ;
               "lastlog"                   ;
       COLSIZES 90,60,60,60,60,100         ;
       HEADERS "Userid",                   ;
               "Read",                     ;
               "Write",                    ;
               "ProjMgr",                  ;
               "Super",                    ;
               "Last Login"                ;

       oUSER:oClient := oBrow
       oBrow:bLDblClick := { |nRow,nCol | _Userview( "V", oRsUser ) }


ACTIVATE WINDOW oUser           ;
    ON INIT( oBrow:SetFocus(), .F. );
    VALID ( IIF( !lOK, UserClose(.T., oRsUser), .F. ))


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Rick Lipkin
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Re: xbrowse value of cell is nil

Postby James Bott » Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:14 pm


I don't know if this will work with xBrowse and/or a recordset, but I have just used an if() function instead of a fieldname with TWBrowse. Something like:

if(lastlog=nil, "00/00/0000", dtoc( lastlog ) )

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James Bott
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Re: xbrowse value of cell is nil

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:49 am

By default, XBrowse constructs these codeblocks
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oCol:bEditValue := { || oBrw:oRs:Fields( "lastlog" ):Value }
oCol:bStrData    := { || cValToStr( oCol:Value, oCol:cEditPicture ) }

Note: The real codeblock constructed by XBrowse is more complex than shown above, because it includes check for empty recordsets also. But that is not relevant now, if we know that this present recordset is never empty

We can override these codeblocks in our program:
Before oBrw:CreateFromCode(), insert:
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oCol:bEditValue  := { || IfNil( oRsUser:Fields( "lastlog" ):Value, CToD( '' ) ) }

In this case Null Dates are shown as blank dates " / / ".

IfNil( a, b ) is FWH function similar to IFNULL, ISNULL, NVL in various SQL syntax. This is a replacement for If( a == nil, b, a ) but more useful. IfNil(...) can have more than 2 arguments. IfNil( a,b,c,d,e....) returns the first non-nil argument like COALESCE(). I am not sure if IfNil(..) function is available in your version. If not, you may use If( a == nil, b, a ).

If we want to show "00/00/000" instead of " / / " instead of overriding bEditValue, we can override bStrData:
Insert this line instead of the above:
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oCol:bStrData  := { || If( oCol:Value == nil, "00/00/0000", cValToStr( oCol:Value, oCol:cEditPicture ) ) }

It goes without saying that before this line you should assign the value to oCol as oCol := oBrw:aCols[ 6 ]

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: xbrowse value of cell is nil

Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:26 pm


I am using an older version of FWH 910 and the ifnil() function does not exist .. I got the remarked out code to work but your other suggestion comes back with undefined oCol ..

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 oCol := oBrow:aCols[ 6 ]
      * oCol:bEditValue  := {|| If( oRsUser:Fields("lastlog"):Value == nil, ctod(""), oRsUser:Fields("lastlog"):Value) }  // this works
       oCol:bStrData  := { || If( oCol:Value == nil, "00/00/0000", cValToStr( oCol:Value, oCol:cEditPicture ) ) }



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   Path and name: C:\FOX\DHEC\PMOSQL\pmow32.Exe (32 bits)
   Size: 2,492,928 bytes
   Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 6 secs
   Error occurred at: 09/22/2010, 11:21:30
   Error description: Error BASE/1003  Variable does not exist: OCOL

Stack Calls
   Called from: USERBROW.PRG => (b)_USERBROW(80)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBRWCOLUMN:PAINTDATA(8407)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:PAINT(1333)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:DISPLAY(990)
   Called from: .\source\classes\CONTROL.PRG => TCONTROL:HANDLEEVENT(1439)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:HANDLEEVENT(10158)
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH(3347)
   Called from:  => DIALOGBOXINDIRECT(0)
   Called from: .\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG => TDIALOG:ACTIVATE(273)
   Called from: .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG => ERRORDIALOG(343)
   Called from: .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG => (b)ERRORSYS(27)
   Called from: USERBROW.PRG => (b)_USERBROW(80)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBRWCOLUMN:PAINTDATA(8407)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:PAINT(1333)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:DISPLAY(990)
   Called from: .\source\classes\CONTROL.PRG => TCONTROL:HANDLEEVENT(1439)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:HANDLEEVENT(10158)
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH(3347)
   Called from:  => DIALOGBOXINDIRECT(0)
   Called from: .\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG => TDIALOG:ACTIVATE(273)
   Called from: .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG => ERRORDIALOG(343)
   Called from: .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG => (b)ERRORSYS(27)
   Called from: USERBROW.PRG => (b)_USERBROW(80)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBRWCOLUMN:PAINTDATA(8407)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:PAINT(1333)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:DISPLAY(990)
   Called from: .\source\classes\CONTROL.PRG => TCONTROL:HANDLEEVENT(1439)
   Called from: xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:HANDLEEVENT(10158)
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH(3347)
   Called from:  => WINRUN(0)
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE(966)
   Called from: MAIN.PRG => MAIN(410)
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: xbrowse value of cell is nil

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:55 am

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oCol:bStrData := { |x| x := oRsUser:Fields("lastlog"):Value, If( Empty(x), '00/00/0000',DToC(x) ) }

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: xbrowse value of cell is nil

Postby Rick Lipkin » Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:41 pm


Thank you .. got it to work with your last suggestion!!

Rick Lipkin
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Rick Lipkin
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