Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Pritpal Bedi » Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:09 pm

norberto wrote:Hi , hbide works fine on windows 7 32bits? i try to modify parameters, but the buttons dont work, dont save my changes... thanks

It should work theoretically.

May be it has to be compiled under Windows 7, otherwise.

But if the application shows-up, it means it is working.
What you mean by - buttons do not work ? Please explain.

Someone even compiled it on 64 bits, here is the image: ... ddb984c61b
enjoy hbIDEing...
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Pritpal Bedi » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:39 pm

Baxajaun wrote:i refer to languages such us Spanish, French, German, etc ...

Did you get some results ?
enjoy hbIDEing...
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Baxajaun » Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:53 am

Hi Pritpal,

sorry, yesterday I had a lot of work and I could not test.
I have been tested with Setup / Encoding, but the result is not the expected. I'd like to translate the hbIDE menu's options and messages to Spanish for the hispanic community feel more comfortable using it.
I think so with the other communities (French, German, etc ...) will be the same.

Thanks a lot!


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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Pritpal Bedi » Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:23 am

Baxajaun wrote:I have been tested with Setup / Encoding, but the result is not the expected. I'd like to translate the hbIDE menu's options and messages to Spanish for the hispanic community feel more comfortable using it.
I think so with the other communities (French, German, etc ...) will be the same.

Actually, Qt implements linguistics in a different way which is only
possible if Qt's own make system is employed. Through Harbour wrappers,
I could not mimic that behavior.

What I was expaling belonged to strings included in source code , which
I think is not common at all.

For menu options, external storage can be introduced which then can
take over this issue. I will think.
enjoy hbIDEing...
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Baxajaun » Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:33 am


thanks so much.


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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Pritpal Bedi » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:31 am

Hello Everybody

A new version of hbIDE is posted on
which is based on following ( latest ) ChangeLog entry:

2010-06-21 01:15 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (
+ contrib/hbide/resources/font.png
* contrib/hbide/resources/setup.ui
* contrib/hbide/resources/setup.uic

* contrib/hbqt/hbqt_hbqplaintextedit.cpp

* contrib/hbide/hbide.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideedit.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideeditor.prg
* contrib/hbide/idemisc.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideobject.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideprojmanager.prg
* contrib/hbide/idesaveload.prg
* contrib/hbide/idesources.prg
* contrib/hbide/idethemes.prg
+ Implemented: following options contained in "Setup" dialog:
<General> Trim trailing blanks while source is saved ( default: true )
Save source before "compile" starts ( default: true )
Suppress conversion to upper case - Harbour keywords ( default: false )
Keyword RETURN to be treated as BEGINING-At type ( default: false )
Convert tabs to spaces when a source is loaded ( default: false )

Line ending mode: CRLF, CR, LF, Auto ( default: Auto )
Spaces for a tab ( default: 3 )
Auto indent ( default: true )
Smart indent ( default: true )

Show horizontal ruler ( default: true ) ( in-time )
show line numbers ( default: true ) ( in-time )
Highlight current line ( default: true ) ( in-time )
Application theme ( default: none ) ( in-time )
Animated display ( default false ) ( in-time )

<Font> Font name and size.

Transitory temp backup period ( default: 60 seconds )

Text file extensions: add, delete.

<Variables> Key/Value pairs : add, delete, up, down
Add and type key and associated value.
( just definition now - implementation follows )
This feature is scheduled to be used extensively.

Please check if some of new implementations are if any use to you.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Pritpal Bedi » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:37 am

Hello Everybody

A new version is posted at for download.
This is based on the last following ChangeLog entry:

2010-06-27 19:34 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (
* contrib/hbide/toolsutilities.ui
+ Added "Plugin" "Init at startup" slots.

* contrib/hbqt/hbqt_hbslots.cpp
+ Deactivated: one tracelog entry.

* contrib/hbide/hbide.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideactions.prg
* contrib/hbide/idedocks.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideedit.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideeditor.prg
* contrib/hbide/idemisc.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideplugins.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideprojmanager.prg
* contrib/hbide/idethemes.prg
* contrib/hbide/idetools.prg

% Fixed: docking widgets had stopped to be resizable.

+ Enhanced: plugins are now supported in .prg format also.

+ REQUESTed all hbQT and hbXBP classes for scripts to be
completely functional.

+ Added: "Plugins" combo-box and "Init at startup" checkbox in
"Tools & Utilities" dialog below to "Command Line Parameters".
If "Init at startup" checkbox is checked then this plugin
is initialized at startup. Such defined plugins can be placed
on user-defined toolbars and can be executed directly from

"Parameters" editbox can hold the parameters passed to the plugin.
The format of such parameters is like command line but with one
difference that string parameter are enclosed in double quotes and
separated by spaces. For example: "open" 100 100 700 500.

+ Initialized: plugins at the startup which are flagged as such
through "Tools & Utilities" interface. It facilitate to hook
user defined parameters, object tweakings, etc at the startup.
For example, user can setup compiler and or build environment
with hb_setEnv() functions.

+ Top-Toolbar icon "Run as Script". This option allow you to run
source of current editing instance as a script. It is especially
handy to debug isolated dialogs etc on the fly. Below is an
example to test a dialog:

LOCAL nT := 10, nL := 10, nW := 300, nH := 200

oDlg := QDialog():new()
oDlg:move( nT, nL )
oDlg:resize( nW, nH )



NOTE: no preprocessor is available, so all variable must be self contained.

Preceived, thoughtof, tested, by Antonio Linares, thanks.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Sepp Hinterhuber » Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:11 am

Hello i only can download Build 930

Tx Sepp
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Pritpal Bedi » Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:54 pm


> Hello i only can download Build 930

It is the same as r14931.
The reason is : Harbour is compiled after changes at local level,
Build is prepared and tested,
Commit is made in the SVN which increments the number,
You see in hbIDE's titlebar one revision no less than actual,
It is just to avoid whole effort to build Harbour again.

Hope I am clear.
enjoy hbIDEing...
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Jaque Morique » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:08 pm

I got a Run Time Error

Is there a log so i can publish this error

Thanks u4u answers
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby reinaldocrespo » Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:47 pm

Hello everyone. hbIDE is a good thing!

Here are some questions/suggestions:

1. It'd be nice if shortcuts were displayed next to the menu option or have some manner of finding what the shortcut for a given menu option is. For example: find, goto line, etc... might have a shortcut but how would I know? BTW- if there is no shortcut, then I think it should be added to each of these menu options.

2. I'd like to sort .prg File tabs. That would make it easier to find a given prg. I'm currently testing with more than 50 .prgs on a single project. I find I have a hard time reaching the desired prg. On this same note; perhaps it is possible to have multi-line tabs when necessary?

3. I noticed the random function name menu option. I beg everyone to excuse my ignorance and curiosity; would someone please explain the use of a random function name? I might be missing something here.

4. Normally I'd have to create a .lib to be linked with my app in order to use functions stored on a .dll. I noticed that you may include a .dll to the project. Does that mean that I would no longer have to create the .lib from the .dll to be used from my app?

I will probably get back with more further down the road. Thank you everyone.

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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby reinaldocrespo » Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:01 pm

Here is another one:

It seems like "save all" saves all prgs on the list project list. Whether open or not on the editor. I think it shouldn't save any editor file that hasn't been changed nor any source that hasn't even been opened. What's your opinion?

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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby Pritpal Bedi » Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:17 pm

Jaque Morique wrote:I got a Run Time Error

Is there a log so i can publish this error

Thanks u4u answers

When RTE message box appears, press CTRL+C,
the whole text will be pasted onto clipboard,
then paste here with your message.
enjoy hbIDEing...
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby mmercado » Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:20 pm

Hello Friends:

My first test with hbide, trying to build the hello world project (tutorial sample) I got an error, here the log in output console:
Code: Select all  Expand view
Project [ Hello World ]    Launch [ Yes ]    Rebuild [ No ]    Started [ 12:07:10 ]
Batch File Exists => D:\TEMP\tuo0hg.bat
Batch File Contents =>
set PATH=d:\harbour;d:\harbour\bin;d:\bcc55\bin;

D:/harbour/bin\hbmk2 D:\hbIDE\projects\helloworld.hbp -q -trace -info -lang=en -width=512 -plugin=D:\hbIDE\resources/hbmk2_plugin_ui.prg

Command => C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
Arguments => /C D:\TEMP\tuo0hg.bat
CurDir() => Documents and Settings\MANUEL MERCADO GOMEZ Starting in => D:\hbIDE\projects\

D:\hbIDE\projects>set HB_COMPILER=bcc
D:\hbIDE\projects>set PATH=d:\harbour;d:\harbour\bin;d:\bcc55\bin;
D:\hbIDE\projects>D:/harbour/bin\hbmk2 D:\hbIDE\projects\helloworld.hbp -q -trace -info -lang=en -width=512 -plugin=D:\hbIDE\resources/hbmk2_plugin_ui.prg
hbmk: Autodetected architecture: win
hbmk: Using Harbour: D:\harbour\bin D:\harbour\include D:\harbour\lib
hbmk: Using C compiler: d:\bcc55\bin\bcc32.exe
hbmk: Compiling Harbour sources...
hbmk: Harbour compiler command (internal):
D:\harbour\bin\harbour.exe -n2 D:\harbour\tests\hello.prg -3rd=hbide_version=1.0 -3rd=hbide_type=Executable -3rd=hbide_title=Hello&World -3rd=hbide_workingfolder= -3rd=hbide_destinationfolder= -3rd=hbide_output=helloworld -3rd=hbide_launchparams= -3rd=hbide_launchprogram= -3rd=hbide_backupfolder= -3rd=hbide_xhb=NO -3rd=hbide_xpp=NO -3rd=hbide_clp=NO -w3 -es2 -q -width=512 -plugin=D:\hbIDE\resources\hbmk2_plugin_ui.prg -o.hbmk\win\bcc\ -iD:\harbour\include
Error F0034 Bad command line option '3'

hbmk: Error: Running Harbour compiler. 1
D:\harbour\bin\harbour.exe -n2 D:\harbour\tests\hello.prg -3rd=hbide_version=1.0 -3rd=hbide_type=Executable -3rd=hbide_title=Hello&World -3rd=hbide_workingfolder= -3rd=hbide_destinationfolder= -3rd=hbide_output=helloworld -3rd=hbide_launchparams= -3rd=hbide_launchprogram= -3rd=hbide_backupfolder= -3rd=hbide_xhb=NO -3rd=hbide_xpp=NO -3rd=hbide_clp=NO -w3 -es2 -q -width=512 -plugin=D:\hbIDE\resources\hbmk2_plugin_ui.prg -o.hbmk\win\bcc\ -iD:\harbour\include

Exit Code [ 6 ]    Exit Status [ 0 ]    Finished at [ 12:07:10 ]    Done in [ 0.11 Secs ]
Detected executable => D:\hbIDE\projects\
Sorry, cannot launch project because of errors...

What am I doing wrong?

Best regards
Manuel Mercado Gómez.
manuelmercado at prodigy dot net dot mx
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Postby reinaldocrespo » Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:28 pm

... Again on the subject of "save-all" menu option: I've found that saving all, not only saves .prg files that are part of the project but are not loaded to the editor or loaded but not changed, it also re-saves some of these prgs overwriting its contents with zero bytes. In essence it erases the source .prg file contents that wasn't changed or not even loaded into the editor. I was able to recover these .prgs from the .bak files it created.

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