How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Otto » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:50 pm

>If you data is more valuable than your money, why do you keep your data at "home" instead of having it in a "bank" ?

Hello Antonio,

I don’t know if „banks“ are that secure these days. :lol:

This is no joke.
I have all data I need for working on my handy, too.
A copy of harbour, fivewin, C, UeStudio and all my sources.
So in practies I can start on every PC within few minutes with working.

Best regards,
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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:37 pm

Ok, ok :lol:
regards, saludos

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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby richard-service » Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:20 am

Otto wrote:Hello Antonio,

> to use google docs and have all my docs on the "cloud"
I don't use it because I am afraid I will find my docs on GOOGLE :lol:

Now I understand why there is not much help on Office 2010.

So you haven’t worked with it till now. I use the Beta since it is available and this is really a great product and will sure become standard for layout.
It is so much better than all before. Working with Office 2010 you ask yourself why software was not made this way earlier.

I think the BETA link on the Microsoft homepage is still working.

I read that 85% of all “Office” users use Microsoft Office. And if you look the threads here on the forum (EXCEL, Outlook, WORD) I think it is true.

Please be so kind and get a copy. We lose so much time not having the controls ready in time.

Best regards,

Office UI Element Status
Displaying the Backstage Button
Backstage Menu Controls
Displaying Tabs
Minimizing the Ribbon
Tab Scrolling
Displaying Groups
Group Size Reducing / Increesing
Dialog Box Launchers
Ribbon Resizing
Defining Groups for Ribbon Resizing
Collapsed Group Behavior
Defining Group Combinations for Ribbon Resizing
Group Horizontal Scrolling
Tabs Compression
Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
Displaying QAT
Ribbon right-click QAT support
Position QAT below the Ribbon
Displaying Many Controls in the QAT
Keyboard Access
Displaying KeyTips
Dismissing KeyTips
Keyboard Navigation
KeyTip Size and Positioning
KeyTips for Collapsed Groups
KeyTips for All Kind of Menu and Submenu
KeyTips for Backstage
KeyTips custom placement
KeyTips for Quick Access Toolbar
Displaying Galleries
Gallery inline/popup support
In-Ribbon Galleries
Resizing Expanded In-Ribbon Galleries
Filtering Gallery Groups
Displaying the Mini Toolbar
Dismissing the Mini Toolbar
Controls Displayed on the Mini Toolbar
Displaying the Mini Toolbar with Context Menus
Displaying ScreenTips
F1 help access
Disable Reason Text
Image in ScreenTip

Hi Otto,

I think FWH's Ribbonbar not finish in the future when you want functions.
Long time ago, Fivewin v3.0 IDE/TGet Class support 2 bytes within Winxp themes/Support Unicode ...etc
New GUI( Office 2010 sytle ) enhance we develop software value and money.
Of course, we don't need to buy other 3rd party( codejock Activex )
Best Regards,


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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Otto » Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:18 am

Hello Antonio,

today OFFICE 2010 was release in AUSTRIA.
This I read in our newspapers - all the newspapers report about:
Gadgets Di, 15.06.2010 | 15:37 UhrMS Office 2010: Microsofts „eierlegende Wollmilchsau“

Best regards,

Beta Version was tested by 9 million users.
Home Studend for only 139€
The best is the RibbonBar
In the next month more than 100 million PCs are furnished with preinstalled Office
Till the end of the year 80% of the new PCs have Office 2010
And not to forget you can connect to social networks like Facebook…

Beta-Version von neun Millionen Usern getestet
In den nächsten Monaten sollen weltweit über 100 Millionen PCs mit vorinstalliertem Office in den Handel kommen, bis zum Jahresende 80 Prozent der neuen PCs mit Office 2010 ausgeliefert werden. Es läuft auf Windows-Betriebssystemen ab XP SP3.
Die Beta-Version von Office 2010 hätten rund 9 Millionen Menschen getestet, sechsmal mehr als bei Office 2007, berichtete die Geschäftsführerin von Microsoft Österreich, Petra Jenner. „Das ist ein klarer Hinweis auf die positive Aufnahme am Markt.“

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„Neue Benutzer-Oberfläche bringt den größten Nutzen
Auch wenn es oberflächlich klingt - die Neuerungen an der Benutzer-Oberfläche dürften für viele Anwender den größten Nutzen bringen. Die Menüleiste kann man im Office 2010 personalisieren und an den persönlichen Arbeitsstil anpassen. So sind wichtige Funktionen wie Drucken oder Speichern, die in Office 2007 hinter einem kryptischen Windows-Logo versteckt waren, wieder unter dem Titel „Datei“ zu finden.

Outlook mit Facebook und Co verbinden
Auch Outlook, die Schaltzentrale des Office-Pakets, hat mehr als nur ein Facelifting abbekommen: Es kann mit „sozialen Netzwerken“ wie MySpace oder Facebook verbunden werden.
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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:24 pm


We have started the implementation of the BackStage. We have a new DATA oBackStage which it becomes a TPanel:
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  DATA oBackStage // panel to be used as the backstage

And a new Method BackStage() that creates it or shows it when called:
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METHOD BackStage() CLASS TRibbonBar

   if ::oBackStage == nil
      ::oBackStage = TPanel():New( ::nTopMargin, 0,;
                                   GetClientRect( ::oWnd:hWnd )[ 3 ] - ::nTopMargin,;
                                   ::nWidth, ::oWnd )
      ::oBackStage:SetColor( "N/W*" )

   AEval( ::aDialogs, { | o | o:Hide() } )            
return nil      

when another tab is selected, then the oBackStage is hidden:
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METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TRibbonBar

   local n := ::nOffset, nPos := TXTLPAD  // 5

   if ::lDrag
      return Super:LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
      if ( n := ::nOverPrompt( nRow, ncol ) ) > 0
         if n == ::nOption
            if ::oBackStage != nil .and. IsWindowVisible( ::oBackStage:hWnd )
               ::aDialogs[ ::nOption ]:Show()
            return nil
         if ::aEnable[ n ] .and. ::aVisible[ n ]
            ::nLastOver := n
            ::SetOption( n )
//         ::lOver := .t.

return nil

Method SetOption() also checks now if the oBackStage is visible and hides it:
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METHOD SetOption( nOption ) CLASS TRibbonBar

   local nOldOption := ::nOption
   if ::oBackStage != nil .and. IsWindowVisible( ::oBackStage:hWnd )


Our plan is to provide another additional method that will create a sort of folder, with left tabs, if called too. So the user has the freedom to use the Microsoft style or implement a different one, if desired.

I send you the modified Class TRibbonBar and samples\ribbon.prg so you can test how we are implementing it :-)

regards, saludos

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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Otto » Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:34 pm

Hello Antonio,
Thank you for your work.
I did some tests.
I noticed that if you resize the main window the backstage menu does not resize automatically.
If the backstage menu is opened and you make another click on the button it is not closing.

Best regards,
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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:06 pm


This modified Method BackStage() toggles the backstage visible status:
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METHOD BackStage() CLASS TRibbonBar

   if ::oBackStage == nil
      ::oBackStage = TPanel():New( ::nTopMargin, 0,;
                                   GetClientRect( ::oWnd:hWnd )[ 3 ] - ::nTopMargin,;
                                   ::nWidth, ::oWnd )
      ::oBackStage:SetColor( "N/W*" )
      AEval( ::aDialogs, { | o | o:Hide() } )            
      if ! IsWindowVisible( ::oBackStage:hWnd )
         AEval( ::aDialogs, { | o | o:Hide() } )
         ::aDialogs[ ::nOption ]:Show()
return nil      

We are looking for a way to resize the backstage panel if the main window is resized.

Many thanks for your feedback :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:17 pm


These changes in Class TRibbonBar Method Resize() make the BackStage panel to be resized too:
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METHOD ReSize( nType, nWidth, nHeight ) CLASS TRibbonBar


   if ::oBackStage != nil
      ::oBackStage:SetSize( ::oWnd:nWidth,;
                            GetClientRect( ::oWnd:hWnd )[ 3 ] - ::nTopMargin - ;
                            If( ::oWnd:oMsgBar != nil, ::oWnd:oMsgBar:nHeight, 0 ) )
      if ::oWnd:oMsgBar != nil

return ::Super:ReSize( nType, nWidth, nHeight )
regards, saludos

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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:14 am

testing some BackStage painting concepts. We will probably have to implement a new Class TBackStage:
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METHOD BackStage() CLASS TRibbonBar

   if ::oBackStage == nil
      ::oBackStage = TPanel():New( ::nTopMargin, 0,;
                                   GetClientRect( ::oWnd:hWnd )[ 3 ] - ::nTopMargin,;
                                   ::nWidth, ::oWnd )
      ::oBackStage:SetColor( "N/W*" )
      AEval( ::aDialogs, { | o | o:Hide() } )
      ::oBackStage:bPainted = { | hDC | Gradient( hDC, { 0, 0, ::oBackStage:nHeight(), 150 },;
                                nRGB( 251, 252, 253 ), nRGB( 224, 227, 231 ), .T. ),;
                                Gradient( hDC, { 0, 145, ::oBackStage:nHeight(), 150 },;
                                nRGB( 234, 236, 239 ), nRGB( 202, 203, 204 ), .F. ) }          
      if ! IsWindowVisible( ::oBackStage:hWnd )
         AEval( ::aDialogs, { | o | o:Hide() } )
         ::aDialogs[ ::nOption ]:Show()
return nil      

regards, saludos

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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:14 pm

So nice... :-)

regards, saludos

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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby lailton.webmaster » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:25 pm

its cool :)
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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby MdaSolution » Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:49 am

How we can call backstage method from test ribbon ?
How we can make to modify the Size of first Folder ( Blue) ?
How we can to make 2010 colors ?
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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Antonio Linares » Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:24 am


> How we can call backstage method from test ribbon ?

It is not published yet. We will publish it this month in FWH 10.6

The syntax is quite simple:

> How we can make to modify the Size of first Folder ( Blue) ?

Please review samples\Ribbon.prg. The "blue" button is defined there.

> How we can to make 2010 colors ?

Simply modify the RGB colors used in the Class TRibbonBar. Some of them are configurable in runtime and some others you can change them in the class source code.
regards, saludos

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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby MdaSolution » Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:35 am

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Re: How does Fivetech plan Backstage menu

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:56 pm

Customize colors





sample code
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   DEFINE BSSELECT OF oBackStage PROMPT "Information";
          COLORTEXT NIL, CLR_HRED ACTION Msginfo( oOpt:cPrompt )

   DEFINE BSSELECT OF oBackStage PROMPT "New" ACTION Msginfo( oOpt:cPrompt )

   DEFINE BSSELECT OF oBackStage PROMPT "Print" ACTION Msginfo( oOpt:cPrompt )

   DEFINE BSSELECT OF oBackStage PROMPT "Save / Send" ACTION Msginfo( oOpt:cPrompt );
      GRADIENT { { 1, nRGB(  255, 255, 0 ), nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ) } }

   DEFINE BSSELECT OF oBackStage PROMPT "Help" ACTION Msginfo( oOpt:cPrompt );
          COLORS nRGB( 242, 96, 96 ), nRGB( 195, 37, 37 )
   SET BACKSTAGE oBackStage TO oRBar
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