learn mod_harbour

mod_harbour is an Apache module that allows to run PRGs directly on the web !!!
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learn mod_harbour

Post by mauri.menabue »

Happy New Year Otto,

I would like to start using mod_harbour. I think you are the right person to ask for information. I would need a learning path based on very, very simple examples starting initially from how to prepare the development and test environment, I have seen that you recently talked about an economic manager to create a cloud environment. I believe that the key to spreading mod_harbour is to treat the topic in a practically kindergarten-like way, at least for me. I noticed bitterness in your last comment because after a lot of work mod_harbour doesn't take off, it needs to be proposed in a very simple and gradual way. Hope you can help me.

note well

Your code generator is also interesting, it allows you to keep your attention on the analysis of the programming problem and not on the syntax aspects, sometimes you lose concentration due to stupid things that a program can handle much better than a human being . This is an aspect to be explored further.

thanks in advance.
Maurizio Menabue
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Re: learn mod_harbour

Post by Otto »

Hello Maurizio,

I was just about to write another appeal, saying that a new year is a great time to start something new. Then I wanted to check how long it has been since Antonio gave us mod_harbour. Many have not even unwrapped the gift yet. That was over 5 years ago.

I also read in other forums that developers who do not offer web apps have no future. The problem is clear – the wall is visible, yet people are still driving full speed towards it.

I was so positively surprised and happy to read your message. I’m happy to help.

Your approach of starting with simple things is the right one. It was certainly a big mistake in the early days of mod_harbour to think that you could immediately dive in and start programming apps – MVCs for large companies with thousands of users – straightaway, and that too in FIVEWIN syntax. Honestly, that was disrespectful and overconfident.

But now the new era is working in our favor. ChatGPT takes so much of the syntax work off your shoulders. It no longer makes any sense to replicate FIVEWIN syntax. The future is HTML/JS.

On the backend, mod_harbour is a good option. Here, however, we must hope – as Antonio always said – that we reach a critical mass of users. But if you're just starting with web apps, this isn't a concern for you at the moment, because you can use mod_harbour and have virtually no learning curve on the backend. After some time, you’ll gain the expertise to judge for yourself.

Just let me know what kind of program you roughly want to create. I’d be happy to help.

Best regards,

PS: Are you from Italy?
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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Re: learn mod_harbour

Post by mauri.menabue »

Thank you for giving your availability.
1) I am Italian, I live and work in Modena Emilia Romagna.
2) I develop a business management program, I don't earn money with a verticalized product but instead develop the personalization of my basic management program for my clients, so I'm a bit like a tailor who sews made-to-measure clothes.
My management system went from DBASE III to CLIPPER87 to CLIPPER5 then was saved by a hair's breadth with FIVEWIN by Antonio Linares and Harbor and now my customers expect an efficient transition to the WEB, they don't ask for it openly but I know they look around as blame them the world goes from there. I would like to take this step.
3) I need to know how to design the development environment locally
with initial database DBFCDX
so you can see on a browser like Chrome 'HELLO WORLD'
4) Much later which network infrastructure to rent in order to be able to carry out real experiments on the network.

I saw some posts by a gentleman called Carles who also did notable work for the WEB but I can't really understand the various differences.

Greetings Maurizio
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Re: learn mod_harbour

Post by Otto »

Hello Maurizio,
Great to hear you are Italian. I am from Austria and live 4 km from the Italian border (San Candido).
When I was 16, I spent one month in Carpi to learn Italian. I look back on it fondly.
Maybe we should have a phonecall. I can then explain the differences to you.
Best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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