How can I know if the user has signed or not?
Referring to this example, I need to force the user to sign. How can I test this?
#include ""
function CaptureSignature()
local oDlg, oSig, lPaint := .F., cFile := Lower( "signature.bmp" ), hDC
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Signature" FROM 0, 0 TO 150, 350 PIXEL
@ 15, 5 SAY oSig PROMPT "" SIZE 150, 40 PIXEL BORDER OF oDlg
@ 01, 5 BUTTON "Clear" SIZE 25, 10 PIXEL ACTION oSig:refresh(.t.) OF oDlg
@ 01, 60 BUTTON "Save" SIZE 25, 10 PIXEL OF odlg ;
ACTION ( oSig:SaveToBmp( cFile ), oDlg:End() )
oSig:lWantClick := .T.
oSig:bLButtonUp := { | x, y, z | DoDraw( hDC, y+1, x+1, lPaint := .F. ) }
oSig:bMMoved := { | x, y, z | DoDraw( hDC, y, x , lPaint ) }
oSig:bLClicked := { | x, y, z | DoDraw( hDC, y, x, lPaint := .T. ) }
ON INIT ( hDC := GetDC( oSig:hWnd ) ) ;
VALID ( ReleaseDC( oSig:hWnd, hDC ), .T. )
return nil
static function DoDraw( hDc, x, y, lPaint )
if ! lPaint
MoveTo( hDC, x, y )
LineTo( hDc, x, y )
return nil
signatur.prg How can I know if the user has signed or not?
Re: signatur.prg How can I know if the user has signed or not?
have a look at \fwh\samples\msink.prg
when use MENUITEM "Text" you got a MsgInfo() but a GET would be better to present Result
Sample \fwh\samples\signatur.prg "just" save a BMP but did not "recognize" itMGA wrote:How can I know if the user has signed or not?
have a look at \fwh\samples\msink.prg
when use MENUITEM "Text" you got a MsgInfo() but a GET would be better to present Result
Re: signatur.prg How can I know if the user has signed or not?
I need to validate if the user signed the document.
referring to this example:
@ 15, 5 SAY oSig PROMPT "" SIZE 150, 40 PIXEL BORDER OF oDlg
i need something like this, example:
function Button_ValidSegnatur(oSig)
if Empty(oSig:cCaption)
MsgStop("It is mandatory to sign the document.")
return .f.
return .t.
I need to validate if the user signed the document.
referring to this example:
@ 15, 5 SAY oSig PROMPT "" SIZE 150, 40 PIXEL BORDER OF oDlg
i need something like this, example:
function Button_ValidSegnatur(oSig)
if Empty(oSig:cCaption)
MsgStop("It is mandatory to sign the document.")
return .f.
return .t.
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Re: signatur.prg How can I know if the user has signed or not?
Estimado MGA,
Solo tienes que consultar la variable lSigned para saber si ha firmado o no:
Solo tienes que consultar la variable lSigned para saber si ha firmado o no:
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
function CaptureSignature()
local oDlg, oSig, lPaint := .F., cFile := Lower( "signature.bmp" ), hDC
local lSigned := .F.
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Signature" FROM 0, 0 TO 150, 350 PIXEL
@ 15, 5 SAY oSig PROMPT "" SIZE 150, 40 PIXEL BORDER OF oDlg
@ 01, 5 BUTTON "Clear" SIZE 25, 10 PIXEL ACTION oSig:refresh(.t.) OF oDlg
@ 01, 60 BUTTON "Save" SIZE 25, 10 PIXEL OF odlg ;
ACTION ( oSig:SaveToBmp( cFile ), oDlg:End() )
oSig:lWantClick := .T.
oSig:bLButtonUp := { | x, y, z | DoDraw( hDC, y+1, x+1, lPaint := .F. ) }
oSig:bMMoved := { | x, y, z | DoDraw( hDC, y, x , lPaint ) }
oSig:bLClicked := { | x, y, z | lSigned := .T., DoDraw( hDC, y, x, lPaint := .T. ) }
ON INIT ( hDC := GetDC( oSig:hWnd ) ) ;
VALID ( ReleaseDC( oSig:hWnd, hDC ), .T. )
return nil
static function DoDraw( hDc, x, y, lPaint )
if ! lPaint
MoveTo( hDC, x, y )
LineTo( hDc, x, y )
return nil
Re: signatur.prg How can I know if the user has signed or not?
msink.prg use Microsoft INK when made a Signature
it can "recognize" if and what User have "write"
when got Result of "recognition" you can "test" if Signature was made or not
when have Name of Receiver you can compare if Signature is right Name
p.s. if you need to "Save" Signature as Image i do have some "more" CODE (but HMG or Xbase++ Syntax)
using your Sample i can "just" Paint 1 x Pixel as Signature and press "Save" ...MGA wrote:I need to validate if the user signed the document.

msink.prg use Microsoft INK when made a Signature
it can "recognize" if and what User have "write"
when got Result of "recognition" you can "test" if Signature was made or not
when have Name of Receiver you can compare if Signature is right Name
p.s. if you need to "Save" Signature as Image i do have some "more" CODE (but HMG or Xbase++ Syntax)