Location of groups in the ribbonbar
Location of groups in the ribbonbar
I add groups to RibbonBar by using the method :AddGroup(). As a result, all groups will be lined up from left to right. Can I make the arrangement of groups from right to left ?
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
Dear Yuri,
Do you want the first group to become to rightmost group or just to move all of them to the right but respecting the current order ?
1, 2, 3, 4, ... --> ..., 4, 3, 2, 1
1, 2, 3, 4, ... --> (right) 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
Do you want the first group to become to rightmost group or just to move all of them to the right but respecting the current order ?
1, 2, 3, 4, ... --> ..., 4, 3, 2, 1
1, 2, 3, 4, ... --> (right) 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
Also, if the window that contains the ribbonbar is resized, what should be the expected behavior ?
1. The groups automatically move to the left so they remain visible ?
2. The groups remain where they are, becoming not visible if the window width is not enough to show them
May I ask you whats the reason for wanting this behavior ?
1. The groups automatically move to the left so they remain visible ?
2. The groups remain where they are, becoming not visible if the window width is not enough to show them
May I ask you whats the reason for wanting this behavior ?
Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
The program is always expanded to full screen. I.e. the ribbonbar groups are always visible. On one of the windows, I use buttons with large icons in the ribbon bar and it is visually more convenient for me to see the groups pressed to the right. It would be very convenient to specify the horizontal position of the group - this way you can adjust to any screen
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
1, 2, 3, 4, ... --> ..., 4, 3, 2, 1
1, 2, 3, 4, ... --> (right) 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
Yes, I want to move all the groups to the right, but keeping the current order
1, 2, 3, 4, ... --> (right) 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
1, 2, 3, 4, ... --> (right) 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
Dear Yuri,
Once you create your ribbonbar as usual, please call this function passing the ribbonbar as the parameter:
Here it is working fine
Once you create your ribbonbar as usual, please call this function passing the ribbonbar as the parameter:
Here it is working fine

Code: Select all | Expand
function RibbonGroupsToRight( oRBar ) local oDlg, oRBGroup, nTotalWidth, nWidth for each oDlg in oRBar:aDialogs nTotalWidth = 0 for each oRBGroup in oDlg:aControls nTotalWidth += oRBGroup:nWidth next for each oRBGroup in oDlg:aControls nWidth = oRBGroup:nWidth oRbGroup:nLeft = oRBar:nWidth - nTotalWidth - 5 oRbGroup:nRight = oRBGroup:nLeft + nWidth __objModMethod( oRBGroup, "CalPos", @Empty() ) nTotalWidth -= nWidth next next return nil
- Marc Venken
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Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
I have this result :
Top = original

Top = original

Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
Dear Mark,
Many thanks for your feedback
I have tested it using FWH\samples\rbdesign.prg and it seems to work fine.
Wondering what could be the difference. Here you have rbdesign.prg modified to use the function. Please build it and test it, many thanks
Many thanks for your feedback
I have tested it using FWH\samples\rbdesign.prg and it seems to work fine.
Wondering what could be the difference. Here you have rbdesign.prg modified to use the function. Please build it and test it, many thanks
Code: Select all | Expand
// RibbonBar designer (c) FiveTech Software 2011#include "FiveWin.ch"#include "ribbon.ch"#include "slider.ch"#define TYPE_NORMAL 0#define TYPE_POPUP 1#define TYPE_SPLITPOPUP 2#define TYPE_SAYBUTTON 3//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function Main() local oWnd, oRBar DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "RibbonBar designer (c) FiveTech Software 2011" DEFINE RIBBONBAR oRBar WINDOW oWnd PROMPT "One", "Two", "Three" HEIGHT 133 TOPMARGIN 25 2016 // 2010, 2013 SetRibbonEditable( oRBar ) DEFINE MSGBAR OF oWnd PROMPT "Right click on the RibbonBar top area or on each RibbonBar item" 2007 ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd MAXIMIZED return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function SetRibbonEditable( oRBar ) local n, m, p, oGroup, oButton oRBar:bLDblClick = { || If( oRBar:nHeight > 27, oRBar:nHeight := 27, oRBar:nHeight := 129 ) } oRBar:bRClicked = { | nRow, nCol | RibbonBarOptions( nRow, nCol, oRBar, oRBar:oWnd ) } for n = 1 to Len( oRBar:aDialogs ) oRBar:aDialogs[ n ]:bRClicked = { | nRow, nCol | RibbonDialogOptions( nRow, nCol, oRBar, oRBar:oWnd ) } if oRBar:aDialogs[ n ]:aControls != nil for m = 1 to Len( oRBar:aDialogs[ n ]:aControls ) oGroup = oRBar:aDialogs[ n ]:aControls[ m ] oGroup:bRClicked = GenGroupBlock( oGroup ) if oGroup:aControls != nil for p = 1 to Len( oGroup:aControls ) oButton = oGroup:aControls[ p ] oButton:bRClicked = GenButtonBlock( oButton ) next endif next endif next return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//static function GenGroupBlock( oRBGroup )return { | nRow, nCol | RibbonGroupOptions( nRow, nCol, oRBGroup ) }//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//static function GenButtonBlock( oButton )return { | nRow, nCol | RibbonButtonOptions( nRow, nCol, oButton ) }//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function RibbonBarOptions( nRow, nCol, oRBar, oWnd ) local oMenu MENU oMenu POPUP MENUITEM "Add a tab..." ; ACTION ( oRBar:AddTab( "new" ), ATail( oRBar:aDialogs ):bRClicked := { | nRow, nCol | RibbonDialogOptions( nRow, nCol, oRBar ) } ) MENUITEM "Edit tab label..." ACTION EditTabLabel( oRBar ) MENUITEM "Delete tab..." ACTION DeleteTab( oRBar ) SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Non Style" ACTION ChangeStyle( oRBar, 1 ) MENUITEM "Style 2010" ACTION ChangeStyle( oRBar, 2 ) MENUITEM "Style 2013" ACTION ChangeStyle( oRBar, 3 ) MENUITEM "Style 2015" ACTION ChangeStyle( oRBar, 4 ) MENUITEM "Style 2016" ACTION ChangeStyle( oRBar, 5 ) SEPARATOR if oRBar:lQuickRound MENUITEM "QuickButton" ACTION BuildNewRibbon( oRBar, 60 ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "QuickButton" ACTION oRBar := BuildNewRibbon( oRBar, 60 ), oRBar:QuickRoundBtn(), oRBar:Refresh() endif if oRBar:oQuickAcc == nil MENUITEM "QuickAccess" ACTION oRBar:QuickAccess(), oRBar:Refresh() else MENUITEM "QuickAccess" ACTION oRBar:oQuickAcc:End(), oRBar:oQuickAcc := nil, oRBar:Refresh() CHECKED endif SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Source code..." ACTION SourceEdit( "function BuildRibbonBar()" + CRLF + CRLF + ; oRBar:cGenPrg() + "return nil" + CRLF + CRLF + ; oRBar:cGenButtonMenus(), "source code" ) SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Save as..." ACTION MemoWrit( cGetFile( "myribbon.prg", "Please select a PRG filename to save the RibbonBar in" ),; BuildRibbonCode( oRBar ) ) MENUITEM "Load from..." ACTION CompileRibbon( oWnd, oRBar ) SEPARATOR MENUITEM "New design..." ACTION If( MsgYesNo( "Do you want to start a new design ?" ), BuildNewRibbon( oRBar, 25 ),) ENDMENU ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu WINDOW oRBar AT nRow, nCol return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function BuildRibbonCode( oRBar ) local cCode := '#include "FiveWin.ch"' + CRLF + '#include "ribbon.ch"' + CRLF + CRLF cCode += "function BuildRibbonBar( oWnd, _oRBar )" + CRLF + CRLF cCode += oRBar:cGenPrg() cCode += "return _oRBar := oRBar" + CRLF + CRLF cCode += oRBar:cGenButtonMenus() return cCode //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ButtonPosDim( oButton ) local oDlg DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Button position and dimensions" @ 0.2, 1.6 SAY "Top:" OF oDlg @ 1, 1 GET oButton:nTop SPINNER OF oDlg SIZE 30, 15 @ 0.2, 13.6 SAY "Left:" OF oDlg @ 1, 10 GET oButton:nLeft SPINNER OF oDlg SIZE 30, 15 @ 2.1, 1.6 SAY "Width:" OF oDlg @ 3.2, 1 GET oButton:nWidth SPINNER OF oDlg SIZE 30, 15 @ 2.1, 13.6 SAY "Height:" OF oDlg @ 3.2, 10 GET oButton:nHeight SPINNER OF oDlg SIZE 30, 15 ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function BuildNewRibbon( oRBar, nHeight ) local oWnd := oRBar:oWnd oRBar:End() DEFINE RIBBONBAR oRBar WINDOW oWnd PROMPT "One", "Two", "Three" HEIGHT 133 TOPMARGIN nHeight // 2010 oRBar:SetSize( oWnd:nWidth, oRBar:nHeight ) SetRibbonEditable( oRBar ) return oRBar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function RibbonDialogOptions( nRow, nCol, oRBar ) local oMenu, oRBGroup MENU oMenu POPUP MENUITEM "Add a group..." ; ACTION ( oRBGroup := oRBar:AddGroup( 200, "new", oRBar:nOption ),; oRBGroup:bRClicked := { | nRow, nCol | RibbonGroupOptions( nRow, nCol, oRBGroup ) } ) SEPARATOR MENUITEM "From left to right" ; ACTION RibbonGroupsToRight( oRBar ) ENDMENU ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu WINDOW oRBar:aDialogs[ oRBar:nOption ] AT nRow, nCol return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function RibbonGroupsToRight( oRBar ) local oDlg, oRBGroup, nTotalWidth, nWidth for each oDlg in oRBar:aDialogs nTotalWidth = 0 for each oRBGroup in oDlg:aControls nTotalWidth += oRBGroup:nWidth next for each oRBGroup in oDlg:aControls nWidth = oRBGroup:nWidth oRbGroup:nLeft = oRBar:nWidth - nTotalWidth - 5 oRbGroup:nRight = oRBGroup:nLeft + nWidth __objModMethod( oRBGroup, "CalPos", @Empty() ) nTotalWidth -= nWidth next next return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function RibbonGroupOptions( nRow, nCol, oRBGroup ) local oMenu, oButton, bClick := { | o | MsgInfo( "click" ) } MENU oMenu POPUP MENUITEM "Add a button" ; ACTION ( oButton := oRBGroup:AddButton( 3, If( ! Empty( oRBGroup:aControls ) .and. Len( oRBGroup:aControls ) > 0, ATail( oRBGroup:aControls ):nRight + 1, 3 ), oRBGroup:nHeight - 19, 80, "new", bClick ),; oButton:bRClicked := { | nRow, nCol | RibbonButtonOptions( nRow, nCol, oButton ) } ) MENUITEM "Edit width..." ACTION EditGroupWidth( oRBGroup ) MENUITEM "Edit label..." ACTION EditGroupLabel( oRBGroup ) MENUITEM "Select colors..." ACTION SelGroupColors( oRBGroup ) SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Delete group..." ACTION ; If( MsgYesNo( "Are you sure ?", "Delete this group" ), oRBGroup:End(),) ENDMENU ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu WINDOW oRBGroup AT nRow, nCol return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function RibbonButtonOptions( nRow, nCol, oButton ) local oMenu, oPopup := oButton:oPopup MENU oMenu POPUP MENUITEM "Edit prompt..." ACTION EditButtonLabel( oButton ) MENUITEM "Edit tooltip..." ACTION EditButtonToolTip( oButton ) MENUITEM "Select bitmap..." ACTION ( oButton:LoadBitmaps( cGetFile( "*.bmp" ) ), oButton:Refresh() ) MENUITEM "Popup menu..." ACTION ( oPopup := EditButtonMenu( oButton, oPopup ) ) MENUITEM "Set style" MENU if oButton:nTypeButton == TYPE_NORMAL MENUITEM "NORMAL" ACTION ( oButton:nTypeButton := TYPE_NORMAL, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "NORMAL" ACTION ( oButton:nTypeButton := TYPE_NORMAL, oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:nTypeButton == TYPE_POPUP MENUITEM "POPUP" ACTION ( oButton:nTypeButton := TYPE_POPUP, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "POPUP" ACTION ( oButton:nTypeButton := TYPE_POPUP, oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:nTypeButton == TYPE_SPLITPOPUP MENUITEM "SPLITPOPUP" ACTION ( oButton:nTypeButton := TYPE_SPLITPOPUP, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "SPLITPOPUP" ACTION ( oButton:nTypeButton := TYPE_SPLITPOPUP, oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:nTypeButton == TYPE_SAYBUTTON MENUITEM "SAYBUTTON" ACTION ( oButton:nTypeButton := TYPE_SAYBUTTON, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "SAYBUTTON" ACTION ( oButton:nTypeButton := TYPE_SAYBUTTON, oButton:Refresh() ) endif ENDMENU MENUITEM "Set layout" MENU if oButton:nLayout == 3 MENUITEM "TOP" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 3, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "TOP" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 3, oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:nLayout == 4 MENUITEM "LEFT" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 4, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "LEFT" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 4, oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:nLayout == 1 MENUITEM "BOTTOM" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 1, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "BOTTOM" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 1, oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:nLayout == 2 MENUITEM "RIGHT" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 2, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "RIGHT" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 2, oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:nLayout == 5 MENUITEM "MOSTLEFT" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 5, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "MOSTLEFT" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 5, oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:nLayout == 6 MENUITEM "MOSTRIGHT" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 6, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "MOSTRIGHT" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 6, oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:nLayout == 7 MENUITEM "CENTER" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 7, oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "CENTER" ACTION ( oButton:nLayout := 7, oButton:Refresh() ) endif ENDMENU MENUITEM "Set border" MENU if ! oButton:lBorder MENUITEM "NOBORDER" ACTION ( oButton:lBorder := .F., oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "NOBORDER" ACTION ( oButton:lBorder := .F., oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:lBorder .and. ! oButton:lRound MENUITEM "SQUARE BORDER" ACTION ( oButton:lBorder := .T., oButton:lRound := .F., oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "SQUARE BORDER" ACTION ( oButton:lBorder := .T., oButton:lRound := .F., oButton:Refresh() ) endif if oButton:lBorder .and. oButton:lRound MENUITEM "ROUNDED BORDER" ACTION ( oButton:lBorder := .T., oButton:lRound := .T., oButton:Refresh() ) CHECKED else MENUITEM "ROUNDED BORDER" ACTION ( oButton:lBorder := .T., oButton:lRound := .T., oButton:Refresh() ) endif ENDMENU MENUITEM "Position and dimensions..." ACTION ButtonPosDim( oButton ) MENUITEM "Colors" MENU MENUITEM "Not pressed..." ACTION ChooseGradient( Eval( oButton:bClrGradNormal, .F. ),; { | oGrad | oButton:bClrGradNormal := GenGradBlock( oGrad, oButton, .F. ) } ) MENUITEM "Pressed..." ACTION ChooseGradient( Eval( oButton:bClrGradNormal, .T. ),; { | oGrad | oButton:bClrGradNormal := GenGradBlock( oGrad, oButton, .T. ) } ) ENDMENU SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Delete button..." ACTION ; If( MsgYesNo( "Are you sure ?", "Delete this button" ), oButton:End(),) ENDMENU ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu WINDOW oButton AT nRow, nCol SAVE // SAVE it so it will not be destroyed later on if oPopup != nil .and. oPopup:hMenu != oMenu:hMenu oButton:oPopup = oPopup endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function GenGradBlock( oGrad, oButton, lIsPressed ) local aGradPrevious := Eval( oButton:bClrGradNormal, ! lIsPressed ) local aGradNew := oGrad:aGradOutreturn { | lPressed | If( lPressed, If( lIsPressed, aGradNew, aGradPrevious ),; If( ! lIsPressed, aGradNew, aGradPrevious ) ) }//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function CompileRibbon( oWnd, oRBar ) local oHrb, cResult, bOldError, lError := .T. local cCode := MemoRead( cGetFile( "*.prg", "Please select the PRG to build the RibbonBar from" ) ) if Empty( cCode ) return nil endif oRBar:End() FReOpen_Stderr( "comp.log", "w" ) oHrb = HB_CompileFromBuf( cCode, "-n", "-Ic:\fwh\include", "-Ic:\harbour\include" ) If ! Empty( cResult := MemoRead( "comp.log" ) ) MsgInfo( cResult ) endif if ! Empty( oHrb ) BEGIN SEQUENCE bOldError = ErrorBlock( { | o | DoBreak( o ) } ) oRBar = hb_HrbRun( oHrb, oWnd, oRBar ) lError = .F. END SEQUENCE ErrorBlock( bOldError ) if lError DEFINE RIBBONBAR oRBar WINDOW oWnd PROMPT "One", "Two", "Three" HEIGHT 133 TOPMARGIN 25 // 2010 endif oRBar:SetSize( oWnd:nWidth, oRBar:nHeight ) SetRibbonEditable( oRBar ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//static function DoBreak( oError ) local cInfo := oError:operation, n if ValType( oError:Args ) == "A" cInfo += " Args:" + CRLF for n = 1 to Len( oError:Args ) MsgInfo( oError:Args[ n ] ) cInfo += "[" + Str( n, 4 ) + "] = " + ValType( oError:Args[ n ] ) + ; " " + cValToChar( oError:Args[ n ] ) + CRLF next endif MsgStop( oError:Description + CRLF + cInfo,; "Script error at line: " + Str( ProcLine( 4 ) ) ) BREAKreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function EditGroupWidth( oRBGroup ) local oDlg, nWidth := oRBGroup:nWidth, nOldWidth := nWidth DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Edit Group width" @ 1.8, 4 GET nWidth SIZE 80, 8 SPINNER ; ON CHANGE oRBGroup:SetSize( nWidth, oRBGroup:nHeight ) @ 3, 6 BUTTON "&Ok" OF oDlg ACTION ( oRBGroup:SetSize( nWidth, oRBGroup:nHeight ), oDlg:End() ) @ 3, 14 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg ACTION ( oRBGroup:SetSize( nOldWidth, oRBGroup:nHeight ), oDlg:End() ) ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTEREDreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function EditTabLabel( oRBar ) local oDlg, oGet, cLabel := PadR( oRBar:aPrompts[ oRBar:nOption ], 100 ), cOldLabel := oRBar:aPrompts[ oRBar:nOption ] DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Edit tab label" @ 1.8, 4 GET oGet VAR cLabel SIZE 100, 12 ; ON CHANGE ( oRBar:aPrompts[ oRBar:nOption ] := AllTrim( oGet:GetText() ), oRBar:CalcPos(), oRBar:Refresh() ) @ 3, 6 BUTTON "&Ok" OF oDlg ACTION ( oRBar:aPrompts[ oRBar:nOption ] := AllTrim( oGet:GetText() ), oRBar:CalcPos(), oRBar:Refresh(), oDlg:End() ) @ 3, 14 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg ACTION ( oRBar:aPrompts[ oRBar:nOption ] := cOldLabel, oRBar:CalcPos(), oRBar:Refresh(), oDlg:End() ) ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTEREDreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function DeleteTab( oRBar ) if MsgYesNo( "Are you sure ?" ) oRBar:DeleteTab() endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function EditGroupLabel( oRBGroup ) local oDlg, oGet, cLabel := PadR( oRBGroup:cCaption, 100 ), cOldLabel := oRBGroup:cCaption DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Edit Group label" @ 1.8, 4 GET oGet VAR cLabel SIZE 100, 12 ; ON CHANGE ( oRBGroup:SetText( AllTrim( oGet:GetText() ) ), oRBGroup:Refresh() ) @ 3, 6 BUTTON "&Ok" OF oDlg ACTION ( oRBGroup:SetText( AllTrim( oGet:GetText() ) ), oRBGroup:Refresh(), oDlg:End() ) @ 3, 14 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg ACTION ( oRBGroup:SetText( cOldLabel ), oRBGroup:Refresh(), oDlg:End() ) ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTEREDreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function EditButtonLabel( oButton ) local oDlg, oGet, cLabel := PadR( oButton:cCaption, 100 ), cOldLabel := oButton:cCaption DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Edit Button label" @ 1.8, 4 GET oGet VAR cLabel SIZE 100, 12 ; ON CHANGE ( oButton:SetText( AllTrim( oGet:GetText() ) ), oButton:Refresh() ) @ 3, 6 BUTTON "&Ok" OF oDlg ACTION ( oButton:SetText( AllTrim( oGet:GetText() ) ), oButton:Refresh(), oDlg:End() ) @ 3, 14 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg ACTION ( oButton:SetText( cOldLabel ), oButton:Refresh(), oDlg:End() ) ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTEREDreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function EditButtonToolTip( oButton ) local oDlg, oGet, cLabel := PadR( oButton:cToolTip, 100 ), cOldToolTip := oButton:cToolTip if Empty( cLabel ) cLabel = PadR( "tooltip", 100 ) endif DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Edit Button ToolTip" @ 1.8, 4 GET oGet VAR cLabel SIZE 100, 12 ; ON CHANGE oButton:cTooltip := AllTrim( oGet:GetText() ) @ 3, 6 BUTTON "&Ok" OF oDlg ACTION ( oButton:cToolTip := AllTrim( oGet:GetText() ), oDlg:End() ) @ 3, 14 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg ACTION ( oButton:cToolTip := cOldToolTip, oDlg:End() ) ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTEREDreturn nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function EditButtonMenu( oButton, oPopup ) local oDlg, oTv, oGet, cLabel := Space( 30 ) DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Button menu editor" SIZE 329, 300 @ 0.2, 1 SAY "Items" @ 1, 1 TREEVIEW oTv OF oDlg SIZE 100, 100 ; ON CHANGE oGet:SetText( oTv:GetSelected():GetText() ) @ 0.8, 18.5 BUTTON "Add item" OF oDlg SIZE 46, 13 ACTION oTv:Add( "New" ) @ 1.8, 18.5 BUTTON "Add subitem" OF oDlg SIZE 46, 13 ACTION oTv:Select( oTv:GetSelected():Add( "New" ) ) @ 2.8, 18.5 BUTTON "Del item" OF oDlg SIZE 46, 13 ACTION oTv:GetSelected():End() @ 6.2, 18.5 BUTTON "&Ok" OF oDlg SIZE 46, 13 ACTION ( oPopup := oTv:GenMenu(), oDlg:End() ) @ 7.2, 18.5 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg SIZE 46, 13 ACTION oDlg:End() @ 8, 1 SAY "Label" OF oDlg @ 10, 0.8 GET oGet VAR cLabel OF oDlg SIZE 100, 13 ; ON CHANGE oTv:GetSelected():SetText( AllTrim( oGet:GetText() ) ) ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED ; ON INIT If( oPopup != nil, oTv:LoadFromMenu( oPopup ), oTv:SetItems( { "one", "two", "three" } ) ) if oPopup != nil if oButton:nTypeButton == TYPE_NORMAL .or. oButton:nTypeButton == TYPE_SAYBUTTON oButton:nTypeButton = TYPE_POPUP oButton:Refresh() endif endif return oPopup //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function SelGroupColors( oRBGroup ) local bChoose := { | oG | ChangeGrad1( oG, oRBGroup ) } ChooseGradient( oRBGroup:aGradSel, bChoose, , { | oChoose | CancelGroupGrad( oChoose, oRBGroup ) } )return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//FUNCTION CancelGroupGrad( oChoose, oRBGroup ) local aGrad1 local hBmp, hBright aGrad1 = oChoose:aInit oRBGroup:aGradSel = aGrad1 DeleteObject( oRBGroup:hBrushUnSel ) DeleteObject( oRBGroup:hBrushSel ) oRBGroup:hBrushUnSel = nil oRBGroup:hBrushSel = nil hBmp = GradientBmp( oRBGroup, oRBGroup:nWidth, oRBGroup:nHeight, aGrad1 ) oRBGroup:hBrushUnSel = CreatePatternBrush( hBmp ) hBright = BrightImg( oRBGroup:GetDC(), hBmp, 20 ) oRBGroup:hBrushSel := CreatePatternBrush( hBright ) DeleteObject( hBmp ) DeleteObject( hBright) oRBGroup:ReleaseDC() oRBGroup:Refresh() RETURN nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//FUNCTION ChangeGrad1( oGrad, oRBGroup ) local aGrad1 local hBmp, hBright aGrad1 = oGrad:aGradOut oRBGroup:aGradSel = aGrad1 DeleteObject( oRBGroup:hBrushUnSel ) DeleteObject( oRBGroup:hBrushSel ) oRBGroup:hBrushUnSel = nil oRBGroup:hBrushSel = nil hBmp = GradientBmp( oRBGroup, oRBGroup:nWidth, oRBGroup:nHeight, aGrad1 ) oRBGroup:hBrushUnSel = CreatePatternBrush( hBmp ) hBright = BrightImg( oRBGroup:GetDC(), hBmp, 20 ) oRBGroup:hBrushSel := CreatePatternBrush( hBright ) DeleteObject( hBmp ) DeleteObject( hBright) oRBGroup:ReleaseDC() oRBGroup:Refresh() RETURN nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//Function ChangeStyle( oRBar, nStyle ) DEFAULT nStyle := 1 oRBar:l2010 := .F. oRBar:l2013 := .F. oRBar:l2015 := .F. Do Case Case nStyle == 1 oRBar:SetStyles( .F., .F., .F., , , , , , , , , , , ) Case nStyle == 2 oRBar:SetStyles( .T., .F., .F., , , , , , , , , , , ) Case nStyle == 3 oRBar:SetStyles( .F., .T., .F., , , , , , , , , , , ) Case nStyle == 4 oRBar:SetStyles( .F., .F., .T., , , , , , , , , , , ) Case nStyle == 5 oRBar:SetStyles( .F., .F., .F., , , , , , , , , , , .T. ) EndCase oRBar:Refresh()Return nil//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 1485
- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:51 am
- Location: Belgium
Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
Your sample is working.
For my purpose, i don't need them to flip to the right, so if the original poster has it working, no time is needed to find why it is not working here...
The code I use is like this :
Maybe the fact that I have a hardcoded MOSTLEFT for the buttons, they can't go right.
For my purpose, i don't need them to flip to the right, so if the original poster has it working, no time is needed to find why it is not working here...
The code I use is like this :
Maybe the fact that I have a hardcoded MOSTLEFT for the buttons, they can't go right.
Code: Select all | Expand
DEFINE RIBBONBAR oRBar WINDOW oWnd PROMPT "Klanten", "Leveranciers", "Ingeven Documenten"; HEIGHT 130 TOPMARGIN 25// Databases ============================= ADD GROUP oGr1 RIBBON oRBar TO OPTION 1 PROMPT "Databases" width 130 ; BITMAP "bitmaps\maveco.ico" @ 02, 05 ADD BUTTON oBtn1_1 GROUP oGr1 BITMAP "bitmaps\cut16.BMP" ; SIZE 120, 20 PROMPT "Klanten" MOSTLEFT round ; action ( Folder_klanten(oWnd) ) @ 24, 05 ADD BUTTON oBtn1_2 GROUP oGr1 BITMAP "bitmaps\copy16.BMP" ; SIZE 120, 20 PROMPT "Leveranciers" MOSTLEFT round; action ( Folder_Leveranciers(oWnd) ) @ 46, 05 ADD BUTTON oBtn1_3 GROUP oGr1 BITMAP "bitmaps\paste16.BMP" ; SIZE 120, 20 PROMPT "Artikels" MOSTLEFT round; action ( Folder_artikels(oWnd) )// Documents ============================= ADD GROUP oGr2 RIBBON oRBar TO OPTION 1 PROMPT "Documents" width 130 ; BITMAP "bitmaps\fivetech.BMP" @ 02, 05 ADD BUTTON oBtn2_1 GROUP oGr2 BITMAP "bitmaps\cut16.BMP" ; SIZE 120, 20 PROMPT "Orders" MOSTLEFT round ; action ( Folder_Orders(oWnd) )// X-Browsers =============================
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
Thank you, Antonio! However, it does not work.
If I use the __objModMethod() function, the program closes (without an error).
If I don't use it, then the groups move as they should, but when you hover the mouse cursor, they immediately return to the left side of the ribbonbar

If I use the __objModMethod() function, the program closes (without an error).
If I don't use it, then the groups move as they should, but when you hover the mouse cursor, they immediately return to the left side of the ribbonbar
- Antonio Linares
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- Antonio Linares
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Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
Dear Yuri,
Time to migrate to Harbour. Forget about xHarbour, follow my advise
Time to migrate to Harbour. Forget about xHarbour, follow my advise

- Antonio Linares
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Re: Location of groups in the ribbonbar
If you need to continue with xHarbour, for any reason, then you need to modify Class TRbGroup Method CalPos()
A perfect time and reason to go for Harbour
A perfect time and reason to go for Harbour