Error Nuevo Fwh 25.01

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Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:43 am

Error Nuevo Fwh 25.01

Post by jgabri »


Estoy haciendo pruebas con la IA y la nueva versión de fwh25.01

Al compilar el ejemplo:

function Main()

local oWnd, oWebView
local oGemini := TGemini():New()

fw_SetUnicode( .F. )


oWebView = TWebView2():New( oWnd )

oWebView:SetHtml( hb_memoRead( "chat.html" ) )
oWebView:bOnBind = { | aInfo, cAnswer | oGemini:Send( aInfo[ 1 ] ),;
cAnswer := "sendResponse('" + hb_Utf8ToStr( oGemini:getValue() ) + "')",;
cAnswer := StrTran( cAnswer, Chr( 10 ), "" ),;
oWebView:Eval( cAnswer ) }

ON RESIZE oWebView:SetSize( nWidth, nHeight )


return nil

Me arroja los siguientes errores, que estoy haciendo mal ?

Un saludo y mil gracias

Error: Unresolved external '__chkstk_noalloc' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBVM.LIB|extrap
Error: Unresolved external '__LDclass' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCOMMON.LIB|hbprintf
Error: Unresolved external '__Dsign' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCOMMON.LIB|hbprintf
Error: Unresolved external '___get_std_stream' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCPLR.LIB|hbcomp
Error: Unresolved external 'GetAdaptersInfo' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBRTL.LIB|hbsocket
Error: Unresolved external '__Log' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCT.LIB|ctmath2
Error: Unresolved external '__Sinx' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCT.LIB|trig
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_global_init_mem' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_global_cleanup' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_mime_free' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_cleanup' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_reset' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_pause' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_perform' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_send' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_recv' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_mime_init' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_mime_addpart' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_mime_name' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_mime_filedata' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_slist_append' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_setopt' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_slist_free_all' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_escape' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_unescape' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_version' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_version_info' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_strerror' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_getdate' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_ws_send' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_ws_recv' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_multi_cleanup' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_multi_add_handle' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_multi_remove_handle' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_multi_perform' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_multi_poll' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_multi_info_read' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_getinfo' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_escape' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_unescape' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_free' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_duphandle' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_init' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_multi_init' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unable to perform link
2 Files, 0 Warnings, 45 Errors
Tiempo de compilación: 1.38s Tiempo de enlazado: 4.25s Tiempo total: 5.65s
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Error Nuevo Fwh 25.01

Post by Antonio Linares »

Tienes que enlazar libcurl.lib

Que versión de bcc estas usando ?
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:43 am

Re: Error Nuevo Fwh 25.01

Post by jgabri »

Buenas tardes

He añadido la libcurl.lib y estoy utilizando el Borland bcc70 de 32 bits y fwh25.01

Me da los siguientes errores:

Error: Unresolved external '__chkstk_noalloc' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBVM.LIB|extrap
Error: Unresolved external '__LDclass' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCOMMON.LIB|hbprintf
Error: Unresolved external '__Dsign' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCOMMON.LIB|hbprintf
Error: Unresolved external '___get_std_stream' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCPLR.LIB|hbcomp
Error: Unresolved external 'GetAdaptersInfo' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBRTL.LIB|hbsocket
Error: Unresolved external '__Log' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCT.LIB|ctmath2
Error: Unresolved external '__Sinx' referenced from C:\HARBOURIA\LIB\HBCT.LIB|trig
Error: Unable to perform link
0 Files, 0 Warnings, 8 Errors

Un saludo y mil gracias
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Enrico Maria Giordano
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Re: Error Nuevo Fwh 25.01

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

Code: Select all | Expand

It is in cw32.lib.
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Error Nuevo Fwh 25.01

Post by Antonio Linares »

Ojo que tienes que usar Borland bcc77 y no el bcc70
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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