New FTDN June/Jnio (FWH 21.06)

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Antonio Linares
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New FTDN June/Jnio (FWH 21.06)

Post by Antonio Linares »

May 2021, June 2021

= Enhancement to oSortCbx:
In release 2104, the combobox was displaying index names, which
may be different from the header names.
In this release combobox displays header names by default. The
programmer can display index names instead of header names by
setting oBrw:lCbxHdr := .f.
Sample: xbsortcb.prg
- method ReArrangeCols( aCols, .. ): aCols can now be a list of headers/exprns also

* fixed: MENUITEM ... BLOCK ... was executed twice when placed on a RibbonBar button.

* New xcommand for swapping values of two variables:
#xcommand SwapValues( <a>, <b> ) => StackPush( <a> ); <a> := <b>; <b> := StackPop()
var1 := 100
var2 := 900
SwapValues( var1, var2 ) // not SwapValues( @var1, @var2 )
? var1,var2 // --> 900,100
aData := { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }
SwapValues( aData[ 2 ], aData[ 4 ] )
? aData // { 3, 6, 5, 4, 7 }

* TDataBase method LookUp( cSeek, cTag/Expr, bcRetVal, lTrigger )
--> Value of bcRetVal if found and otherwise nil

If 3rd param is nil, the method now returns .t., with the new
record loaded if the seek is successful.

* function FW_ExcelToDBF(): Trims right zeros after decimal when converting
numbers to text.

* New function FW_IndexInfo() --> { { ordbagname, ordname, ordkey, ordfor, ordkeyval } }
TDatabase can also use it as a method: oDbf:IndexInfo()

* Fix: TScrollPanel: Vertical scrollbar malfunction since 21.02. Fixed. ... dd2572eb40

* New function FW_CopyToClipBoard( uValue, [nFormat] ) --> lSuccess
Simple function to copy to clipboard, without having to create
TClipboard object.
Second parameter is not necessary of the value is text (ansi/utf8)
or hBitmap of GDI+ image.

* New function (function\filename.prg)
SetLogFile( [cNewFileName/Path] ) --> cPrevious
By default FWH saves log messages to exename.log.
This default can now be changed by setting a new filename
using this function. Calling this function without any params
returns the current default. Calling the function with NIL as
param resets to the original default, i.e., exename.log
SetLogFile() --> Current log file
SetLogFile( cNewFile ) --> Prev logfile. Sets cNew File as logfile
SetLogFile( cNewFolder ) --> PrevLogFile. Sets cNewFolder + exename.log as logfile
SetLogFile( NIL ) --> PrevLog file. Sets exepathname.log as log file (default)

* Modified function LogFile( cFileName, aInfo, [lDate] )
Now, cFileName defaults fo SetLogFile()

* New function MapDrive( cDrive, cPath, cUser, cPassWord ) --> nResult
Return value 0 indicates success
cPath can be uncpath or can use aleady mapped drive.
cPath can be a unicode path.
If cDrive is already mapped, the existing map is deleted and new
mapping is attempted.

* TDatePick class:
Method Change() is executed when the dialog is started and also
when the user selects the same date without any change in the
date. Fixed.

* function HtmlView( cUrl, cTitle, oDlg, nT, nL, nW, nH, lControl )
in memoedit.prg:
Runtime error when 3rd param oDlg is specified fixed.

* xbrgetdt.prg: function SetDate() converted to static to avoid conflict
with Harbour SetDate() function.

* New function MsgInfoScroll( cText, [cTitle], [nWidth], [nHeight], [oFont] )
MsgInfo for large messages (upto 32000 bytes) with scrollbar. ... 7784e5170e

* The EasyReport engine and its Visual Designer are built now inside FWH!:
AS simple as calling the function EReport() !!!
New example in FWH\samples\ERDsample.prg
To properly execute the provided examples, please run go.bat or goh32.bat from samples\EasyReport

* function MsgList( aData, cTitle, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, cBtnTitle,
nItem, lCancel, cCapCan, oFont )
--> SelectedItemNumber
- Fix: Exiting the dialog by pressing Esc key was not returning 0. Fixed
- Last parameter oFont added. By default, if the application has a main window,
the font of the main window is used.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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