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List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:39 am
by Antonio Linares
I will update this list as the donations arrive for EasyReport (we need 6.000 euros to buy it). Come on my friends, this is going to be really great! :-D
Actualizaremos esta lista conforme se reciban las donaciones para EasyReport. Venga amigos, esto va a ser grandioso! :-D

The ones that donate will have priority to get it when it is bought!
Los que donen tendrán prioridad en recibirlo cuando se compre!

1. Kok Joek Hoa (100 euros)
2. Rüdiger Alich (100 euros)
3. Felix Pablo Grande (50 euros)
4. Tim Stone (100 euros)
5. Otto (Atzwanger Ges.m.b.H.) (250 euros)
6. Miguel Angel Plasencia (100 euros)
7. Diego Mario Decandia (100 euros)
8. ByeongSan Moon (100 euros)
9. Hakan Onemli (100 euros)
10. Edgar Arevalo Mogollon (100 euros)
11. Marco Rodriguez Manzo (50 euros)
12. David Williams (100 euros)
13. Pairat Nirantasukwong (50 euros)
14. Mario A Gonzalez (100 euros)
15. CDM Software Solutions (150 euros)
16. Roberto Parisi (100 euros)
17. Jim Hayden (100 euros)
18. Eduardo Borondon (106,11 euros)
19. Gustavo Moreno Ponce (501 euros)
20. Roger Seiler (100 euros)
21. Robert Hlawek (750 euros)
22. Wilson Gamboa Acosta (70 euros)
23. George Abinader (113,89 euros)
24. Richard Chidiak (100 euros)
25. Taavi Remmelg (500 euros)
26. Ghirardini Maurizio SNC (100 euros)
27. Marnio Miranda (100 euros)
28. Anton Lerchster (800 euros)
29. Massimo Linossi (200 euros)
30. Giuliano Puppis (200 euros)
31. Pablo Vidal Abreu (100 euros)
32. BP Dave (100 euros)
33. Juan Caro (50 euros)
34. Sergio Vacarezza (100 euros)
35. Gilmer Tavares (100 euros)
36. Oscar Maldonado Fernandez (70,00 euros)
37. William Morales (146 euros)

Total: 6.066 euros. Done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:59 am
by Otto
to have all in one place:

PayPal account for EasyReport deal:

Best regards,
PS: I like EasyReport

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:53 am
by Antonio Linares
We need the help of all of you, please cooperate and donate whatever amount you can!

Necesitamos la ayuda de todos vosotros, por favor cooperar con la cantidad que podais!

Gracias :-)

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:42 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear friends, Queridos amigos,

After all the negociations that we have done to reach an agreement with Timm, its sad to see that just so few of you are willing to help. And I am sure that you will want to use EasyReport from your apps, so I kindly ask you to help. We really need your help, thanks. As you now, my father died in february and that caused me so many expenses, thats why I don't have the cash to buy it. My father inheritance will be signed soon, so if I get some cash from it (hopefully, as there are some family troubles as it is quite common on inheritances) I will pay it myself, but in the meantime, if we want it we have to realize that we need the help of all of you. So please, help on this, be generous because the return that you will get will be huge, thank you

Despues de todas las negociaciones que hemos hecho para llegar a un acuerdo con Timm, es triste ver que solo unos pocos estan dispuestos a ayudar. Y estoy seguro de que muchos de vosotros querreis usar EasyReport desde vuestras aplicaciones, por lo que os ruego vuestra ayuda, gracias. Como sabreis, mi padre falleció en febrero y eso me ocasionó muchos gastos, y esa es la razón de que ahora mismo no disponga de efectivo para comprarlo. La herencia de mi padre se firmará en breve y si consigo algo de efectivo (eso espero, porque hay problemas familiares como suele ser habitual en las herencias) lo pagaré yo mismo, pero mientras tanto, si lo queremos tenemos que darnos cuenta de que necesitamos ayuda de todos vosotros. Asi que por favor, ayudad en esto, sed generosos que el beneficio que obtendreis será muy grande, gracias.

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:37 pm
by Antonio Linares
Total: 1.300 euros

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:47 am
by dutch
Dear Antonio,

I need to thank you for your kind help and support. This community is great. I have got a lot of help, idea and suggestions. This is the time to pay back to the community.

I join your goal too.

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:26 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Duth and others that have contributed,

Thank you for your generosity and for realize that in life we have to pay back generously for what have received, thanks

One of the reason I founded the Harbour project was in order to payback for all the good things that Clipper brought to my life :-)

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:17 am
by Antonio Linares
Total donations: 1.400 euros

come on, we can do it! :-)

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:26 am
by cdmmaui
Hi Antonio,

Happy to Donate

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:32 am
by Antonio Linares

thank you so much my friend! :-)

Total: 1.550 euros

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:57 am
by Antonio Linares
many thanks to Roberto Parisi,

Total: 1.650 euros

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:06 pm
by Antonio Linares
Many thanks to Jim Hayden! :-)

Total: 1.750 euros. Come on, please help!

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:36 pm
by Antonio Linares
many thanks to Eduardo Borondon! (106,11 euros)

Total: 1.856,11 euros

We can do it, come on, please help! :-)

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:35 am
by Antonio Linares
Many thanks to Gustavo Moreno Ponce (501 euros) !!!

Gustavo thats very generous. Heartly thanks!

Antonio: you've got my full support and trust. You will take Easy Report to a whole new level.

Total: 2.366,11 euros. Come on, please help! :-)

Re: List of donations already received to buy EasyReport

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:14 am
by HunterEC

Always at your, and the forum, service !