We have this problem...
We try to print from printer to printer, having the same resolution (300x300 dpi), and same paper size (Letter 8.5x11 inches)
Things would be fine, if we could have the same results from printer to printer (e.g. from one laser to another deskjet), but we don't!
I am using 4 different printers here:
1. HP 1320 LaserJet (with HP LaserJet Series II, to obtain 300x300 dpi)
2. HP 6500 Inkjet
3. Broadgun pdfMachine (PDF printer driver)
4. PDF995 (PDF printer driver)
All in all, here are the results when I checked the various printers data...
(See table below)
I wonder if there is any way to:
1. Know the top and leftmost printable margin of the printer, and adjust it (most likely to push the top margin down)
2. If I can restrict the pinting within a certain area (HP 1320, is referenced as HP 1130 in the table, to avoid mixing up the real drivers with HP 1320). What I mean is if I can restrict the printers to make them print only within 268x203 mm, as with HP 1330, which, after all is the printer where we make all of our printouts to adjust.
3. Any relevant ideas will be mostly welcome...
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Many regards
Code: Select all | Expand
Printer HP 1130 HP 6500 BroadgunPDF PDF995
V.Res. 3160 3243 3300 3300
H.Res. 2400 2475 2550 2550
nVertSize() 268 274 279 279
nHorzSize() 203 209 216 216
All of them have a Physical size of 215.900 x 279.400.
All of them have resolution 300x300 dpi.