Posible Bug method SaveState() Mr.Rao.

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Posible Bug method SaveState() Mr.Rao.

Post by jvtecheto »

Reabro este hilo que se ha quedado sin respuesta, me interesa mucho el tema

Hi Mr. Rao.

this code works perfectly

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oIni:Set( "states", "browse", oBrw:SaveState() 

but this not save anything

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oIni:Set( "states", "window", oWnd:SaveState() 

I use this function.

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FUNCTION SaveWinData( oWnd, oBrw,cAlias )   LOCAL oIni   INI oIni File cDirectApp + "\OBRAS.INI"   oIni:Set( cAlias, "window", oWnd:SaveState() )      oIni:Set( cAlias, "browse", oBrw:SaveState() )      RETURN NIL 

and use it in VALID (SaveWinData(oWndObr,oBrw,cAlias),.T.)


what am i doing wrong?

thanks in advance.

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Re: Posible Bug method SaveState() Mr.Rao.

Post by jvtecheto »


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Re: Posible Bug method SaveState() Mr.Rao.

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Though you did not mention, it appears you are using oWnd:SaveState() with MDICHILD windows.

Our present implementation of Window's SaveState() and RestoreState() does not work with MDICHILD windows.

We will fix this in the next version.

For now, can you please make the following changes to TWindow class in window.prg and test?

Present code:

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METHOD SaveState() CLASS TWindow   if !Empty( ::hWnd ) .and. !::IsKindOf( "TCONTROL" ) .and. !::WinStyle( WS_CHILD )      return STRTOHEX( GetWindowPlacement( ::hWnd ) )   endifreturn "" 

Please change this as:

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METHOD SaveState() CLASS TWindow   if !Empty( ::hWnd ) .and. !::IsKindOf( "TCONTROL" ) //.and. !::WinStyle( WS_CHILD )      return STRTOHEX( GetWindowPlacement( ::hWnd ) )   endifreturn "" 

Present code:

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METHOD RestoreState( cState ) CLASS TWindow   if !Empty( ::hWnd ) .and. !Empty( cState ) .and. !::IsKindOf( "TCONTROL" ) .and. !::WinStyle( WS_CHILD )      SetWindowPlacement( ::hWnd, HEXTOSTR( cState ) )   endifreturn nil 

Please change this as:

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METHOD RestoreState( cState ) CLASS TWindow   if !Empty( ::hWnd ) .and. !Empty( cState ) .and. !::IsKindOf( "TCONTROL" ) //.and. !::WinStyle( WS_CHILD )      SetWindowPlacement( ::hWnd, HEXTOSTR( cState ) )   endifreturn nil 

Can you please test after making these changes and let us know how is it working?

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: Posible Bug method SaveState() Mr.Rao.

Post by jvtecheto »

Hello Mr. Rao.

I Sobrecharged these methods and it works fine. Many Thanks

It Saves this line in ini file.


now how do I retrieve the coordinates to define the window ?

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DEFINE WINDOW OWndObr MDICHILD OF oWndMain ;   FROM ??, ?? TO ??, ??  

Thanks in advance.

Fwh 24.07 64 bits + Harbour 64 bits 3.2dev(r2407221137) + MSVC64
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