Code: Select all | Expand
cRutaLgo := CurDrive()+":\"+CurDir()+"\loguito.bmp"
Toast( "CONFIRMACION DE PROCESO", "Documento nomina radicado correctamente DIAN","HymLyma | Digital Products ",cRutaLgo )
Code: Select all | Expand
cRutaLgo := CurDrive()+":\"+CurDir()+"\loguito.bmp"
Toast( "CONFIRMACION DE PROCESO", "Documento nomina radicado correctamente DIAN","HymLyma | Digital Products ",cRutaLgo )
Code: Select all | Expand
#include "FiveWin.ch"
#define Show 7
#define CreateToastNotification 7
#define CreateToastNotifierWithId 8
#define Item 8
#define GetNamedItem 9
#define GetTemplateContent 9
#define add_Activated 12
#define CreateTextNode 12
#define Get_Attributes 17
#define GetElementsByTagName 17
#define AppendChild 23
function WinRTString( cText )
local pString
WindowsCreateString( AnsiToWide( cText ), Len( cText ), @pString )
return pString
static function SetNodeText( pNodeList, nItem, cText, pXml )
local pXmlNode, pXmlText, pXmlNodeChild
local pString
WinRTMethod( pNodeList, Item, nItem, @pXmlNode )
pString = WinRTString( cText )
WinRTMethod( pXml, CreateTextNode, pString, @pXmlText )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pXmlNode, AppendChild, pXmlText, @pXmlNodeChild )
return nil
static function SetImageFileName( pXml, cImageFileName )
local pString := WinRTString( "image" )
local pNodeList, pXmlNode, pAttributeMap
local pXmlNodeAttribute, pXmlText, pXmlNodeChild
WinRTMethod( pXml, GetElementsByTagName, pString, @pNodeList )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pNodeList, Item, 0, @pXmlNode )
WinRTMethod( pXmlNode, Get_Attributes, @pAttributeMap )
pString = WinRTString( "src" )
WinRTMethod( pAttributeMap, GetNamedItem, pString, @pXmlNodeAttribute )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
pString = WinRTString( cImageFileName )
WinRTMethod( pXml, CreateTextNode, pString, @pXmlText )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pXmlNodeAttribute, AppendChild, pXmlText, @pXmlNodeChild )
return nil
function Toast( cFirstLine, cSecondLine, cThirdLine, cImageFileName )
local pString, cIID, pToastFactory
local pXml, pNodeList
local pNotification, pNotificationFactory, pNotifier
DEFAULT cFirstLine := "FiveWin notification",;
cSecondLine := " ", cThirdLine := " ",;
cImageFileName := "c:\fwh\bitmaps\pngs\fivetech.png"
RoInitialize( 1 )
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager" )
// "50AC103F-D235-4598-BBEF-98FE4D1A3AD4"
cIID = Chr( 0x3F ) + Chr( 0x10 ) + Chr( 0xAC ) + Chr( 0x50 ) + ;
Chr( 0x35 ) + Chr( 0xD2 ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0x45 ) + ;
Chr( 0xBB ) + Chr( 0xEF ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0xFE ) + ;
Chr( 0x4D ) + Chr( 0x1A ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xD4 )
RoGetActivationFactory( pString, cIID, @pToastFactory )
WindowsDeleteString( pString );
WinRTMethod( pToastFactory, GetTemplateContent, 3, @pXml )
SetImageFileName( pXml, cImageFileName )
pString = WinRTString( "text" )
WinRTMethod( pXml, GetElementsByTagName, pString, @pNodeList )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
SetNodeText( pNodeList, 0, cFirstLine, pXml )
SetNodeText( pNodeList, 1, cSecondLine, pXml )
SetNodeText( pNodeList, 2, cThirdLine, pXml )
// 04124B20-82C6-4229-B109-FD9ED4662B53
cIID = Chr( 0x20 ) + Chr( 0x4B ) + Chr( 0x12 ) + Chr( 0x04 ) + ;
Chr( 0xC6 ) + Chr( 0x82 ) + Chr( 0x29 ) + Chr( 0x42 ) + ;
Chr( 0xB1 ) + Chr( 0x09 ) + Chr( 0xFD ) + Chr( 0x9E ) + ;
Chr( 0xD4 ) + Chr( 0x66 ) + Chr( 0x2B ) + Chr( 0x53 )
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification" )
RoGetActivationFactory( pString, cIID, @pNotificationFactory )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pNotificationFactory, CreateToastNotification, pXML, @pNotification )
pString = WinRTString( " " )
WinRTMethod( pToastFactory, CreateToastNotifierWithId, pString, @pNotifier )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
// pEventHandler = WinRTEventHandler()
// WinRTMethod( pNotification, add_Activated, pEventHandler, nEventToken )
// MsgInfo( WinRTEventToken() )
// WinRTMethod( pNotification, add_Activated + 1, pEventHandler, nEventToken )
// MsgInfo( WinRTEventToken() )
// WinRTMethod( pNotification, add_Activated + 2, pEventHandler, nEventToken )
// MsgInfo( WinRTEventToken() )
WinRTMethod( pNotifier, Show, pNotification )
return nil
DLL FUNCTION RoInitialize( nType AS LONG ) AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION RoUninitialize() AS VOID PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION WindowsCreateString( cWideText AS LPSTR, nLength AS LONG, @pString AS PTR ) ;
AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION WindowsDeleteString( pString AS PTR ) AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION RoGetActivationFactory( pString AS PTR, REFIID AS LPSTR, @pFactory AS PTR ) ;
AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION WindowsGetStringRawBuffer( pString AS PTR, @nLenght AS LONG ) ;
AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
Code: Select all | Expand
function Toast( cFirstLine, cSecondLine, cThirdLine, cImageFileName )
local pString, cIID, pToastFactory
local pXml, pNodeList
local pNotification, pNotificationFactory, pNotifier
local cXml
DEFAULT cFirstLine := "FiveWin notification",;
cSecondLine := " ", cThirdLine := " ",;
cImageFileName := "c:\fwh\bitmaps\pngs\fivetech.png"
RoInitialize( 1 )
// Create XML document instance
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument" )
RoActivateInstance( pString, @pXml )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
// Define compact XML (no image or inline image)
cXml := ;
'<binding template="ToastGeneric">'+;
iif( Empty( cImageFileName ), '', '<image src="' + cImageFileName + '"/>' ) + ;
'<text>' + cFirstLine + '</text>'+;
'<text>' + cSecondLine + '</text>'+;
'<text>' + cThirdLine + '</text>'+;
// Load the XML into the document
pString = WinRTString( cXml )
WinRTMethod( pXml, "LoadXml", pString )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
// Proceed with creating the notification (same as before)
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager" )
cIID = Chr( 0x3F ) + Chr( 0x10 ) + Chr( 0xAC ) + Chr( 0x50 ) + ;
Chr( 0x35 ) + Chr( 0xD2 ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0x45 ) + ;
Chr( 0xBB ) + Chr( 0xEF ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0xFE ) + ;
Chr( 0x4D ) + Chr( 0x1A ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xD4 )
RoGetActivationFactory( pString, cIID, @pToastFactory )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
// ... (rest of the code remains the same)
WinRTMethod( pNotifier, "Show", pNotification )
return nil
Code: Select all | Expand
?FiveWin for xHarbour 24.09 64bits - Sep. 2024 Harbour development power │▄
?(c) FiveTech 1993-2024 for Microsoft Windows 9X/NT/200X/ME/XP/Vista/7/8/10 │█
C:\xHar2407_64\bin\harbour leandro16 /n /d__64__ /iC:\fwh64_2409\include;C:\xHar2407_64\include /w /p
xHarbour 1.3.1 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20240624)
Copyright 1999-2024, http://www.xharbour.org http://www.harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'leandro16.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'leandro16.ppo'...
Generating C source output to 'leandro16.c'...
Lines 58, Functions/Procedures 1, pCodes 159
Embarcadero C++ 7.70 for Win64 Copyright (c) 2012-2023 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Turbo Incremental Link64 6.98 Copyright (c) 1997-2023 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Error: Unresolved external 'HB_FUN_ROACTIVATEINSTANCE' referenced from C:\FWH64_2409\SAMPLES\LEANDRO16.OBJ
* Linking errors *
Code: Select all | Expand
#include "Fivewin.ch"
function Toast( cFirstLine, cSecondLine, cThirdLine, cImageFileName )
local pString, cIID, pToastFactory
local pXml, pNodeList
local pNotification, pNotificationFactory, pNotifier
local cXml
DEFAULT cFirstLine := "FiveWin notification"
DEFAULT cSecondLine := " "
DEFAULT cThirdLine := " "
DEFAULT cImageFileName := "c:\fwh\bitmaps\pngs\fivetech.png"
RoInitialize( 1 )
// Create XML document instance
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument" )
RoActivateInstance( pString, @pXml )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
// Define compact XML (no image or inline image)
cXml := ;
'<binding template="ToastGeneric">'+;
iif( Empty( cImageFileName ), '', '<image src="' + cImageFileName + '"/>' ) + ;
'<text>' + cFirstLine + '</text>'+;
'<text>' + cSecondLine + '</text>'+;
'<text>' + cThirdLine + '</text>'+;
// Load the XML into the document
pString = WinRTString( cXml )
WinRTMethod( pXml, "LoadXml", pString )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
// Proceed with creating the notification (same as before)
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager" )
cIID = Chr( 0x3F ) + Chr( 0x10 ) + Chr( 0xAC ) + Chr( 0x50 ) + ;
Chr( 0x35 ) + Chr( 0xD2 ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0x45 ) + ;
Chr( 0xBB ) + Chr( 0xEF ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0xFE ) + ;
Chr( 0x4D ) + Chr( 0x1A ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xD4 )
RoGetActivationFactory( pString, cIID, @pToastFactory )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
// ... (rest of the code remains the same)
WinRTMethod( pNotifier, "Show", pNotification )
return nil
Code: Select all | Expand
DLL FUNCTION RoActivateInstance( pRuntimeClassName AS LPSTR, @pInstance AS PTR ) AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
FUNCTION RoActivateInstanceWrapper( cRuntimeClassName )
LOCAL nResult, pHString, pInstance
LOCAL nLength := Len( cRuntimeClassName )
LOCAL IID_IInspectable := "{AF86E2E0-B12D-4C6A-9C5A-D7AA65101E90}" // IID de IInspectable
// Inicializar el entorno de Windows Runtime
nResult := RoInitialize( 0 ) // RO_INIT_SINGLETHREADED
IF nResult != 0
RETURN nResult
// Crear un HSTRING a partir de la cadena Unicode
nResult := WindowsCreateString( cRuntimeClassName, nLength, @pHString )
IF nResult != 0
RETURN nResult
// Llamar a RoActivateInstance directamente
nResult := RoActivateInstance( pHString, @pInstance )
IF nResult != 0
WindowsDeleteString( pHString )
RETURN nResult
// Liberar HSTRING
WindowsDeleteString( pHString )
// Desinicializar Windows Runtime
// RoUninitialize()
// Retornar la instancia obtenida
RETURN pInstance
Code: Select all | Expand
?FiveWin for xHarbour 24.09 64bits - Sep. 2024 Harbour development power │▄
?(c) FiveTech 1993-2024 for Microsoft Windows 9X/NT/200X/ME/XP/Vista/7/8/10 │█
C:\xHar2407_64\bin\harbour leandro16 /n /d__64__ /iC:\fwh64_2409\include;C:\xHar2407_64\include /w /p
xHarbour 1.3.1 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20240624)
Copyright 1999-2024, http://www.xharbour.org http://www.harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'leandro16.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'leandro16.ppo'...
Generating C source output to 'leandro16.c'...
Lines 41, Functions/Procedures 2, pCodes 192
Embarcadero C++ 7.70 for Win64 Copyright (c) 2012-2023 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Turbo Incremental Link64 6.98 Copyright (c) 1997-2023 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
* Application successfully built *
Code: Select all | Expand
#include "Fivewin.ch"
DLL FUNCTION RoActivateInstance( pRuntimeClassName AS LPSTR, @pInstance AS PTR ) AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
FUNCTION RoActivateInstanceWrapper( cRuntimeClassName )
LOCAL nResult, pHString, pInstance
LOCAL nLength := Len( cRuntimeClassName )
LOCAL IID_IInspectable := "{AF86E2E0-B12D-4C6A-9C5A-D7AA65101E90}" // IID de IInspectable
// Inicializar el entorno de Windows Runtime
nResult := RoInitialize( 0 ) // RO_INIT_SINGLETHREADED
IF nResult != 0
RETURN nResult
// Crear un HSTRING a partir de la cadena Unicode
nResult := WindowsCreateString( cRuntimeClassName, nLength, @pHString )
IF nResult != 0
RETURN nResult
// Llamar a RoActivateInstance directamente
nResult := RoActivateInstance( pHString, @pInstance )
IF nResult != 0
WindowsDeleteString( pHString )
RETURN nResult
// Liberar HSTRING
WindowsDeleteString( pHString )
// Desinicializar Windows Runtime
// RoUninitialize()
// Retornar la instancia obtenida
RETURN pInstance
Si el mismo tamaño.
Si correcto.Antonio Linares wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:17 pm Estas usando la versión modificada que publicaste ?