Otto wrote:Hello Silvio,
This is what I tried. But I do not see the marker.
I see that the array containing the marker is filled. But in my case, the marker is not painted.
Best regards,
you not see any markers because your lat and long are wrong
Code: Select all | Expand
local dist :=0
local lat1:=46.7528 //Sillian
local lon1:=12.4211
local lat2:=48.2077 //Lienz
local lon2:=16.3705
local unit:="K"
Also I tried your coordinates and they were wrong
then I search Sillian,Lienz and Brunic to one website and I had the right coordinates
use this website pls
Sillian 46.747540 |12.417510 LATI|LONG
LIenz 46.829460 |12.768950 LATI|LONG
then insert these coordinates into add marker method
bdraw is a codeblock to draw the image
I use different bdraw